A Percentage of Flimsy Excuses for the Hamas Campus Fan Club
O.J. Simpson was nonviolent for 99 percent of June 12, 1994. Jurors should’ve realized the pie chart deceives. What happens in the sliver is often more important even if it’s the same proportion of people who dislike pie. The latest lame pretext for unhinged smashing is based in claiming ostensible protests have been peaceful by percentage. Bystanders who fled for safety must feel alleviation from calculation.
Violent terror sympathizers’ sympathizers can’t even come up with fresh rationalizations for demolition on behalf of lunacy. There’s nothing new, as usual: the allegedly low tally of carnage left in the wake of demanding a twisted take on righteousness was also used to justify city-torching to end racism. At this lawless pace, rebuilding is futile, so just leave ruins untouched.
Colleges will demand taxpayer relief to rebuild. Self-obliterated campuses sum up 2024 a bit too perfectly. Palestinian cosplayers struggle to convince anyone outside the hoodlum encampment that they’re opposed to diabolical violence. Both their honored faction and own rallies spur mayhem inflicted on people minding their own business.
Those siding with terrorists surely perceive everything else correctly. Asking who started it is too complex for sophisticated students. I remember a tidbit from a news alert about a music festival where some sort of bad thing happened, but learning too much about elitist things like facts disrupts an international social justice narrative.
Israel’s enemies occupy property that’s not theirs in order to demolish it. Why, that sounds familiar. You don’t need to be enrolled in an Ivy League university to know parallels only seem coincidental. Quad grass-killers act just like those involved in their ghastly cause. They truly are committed.
As usual, those trying to get away with a technical exception don’t ponder precedent. For an example that’s a bit too perfect, 99 percent of January 6 pouters were suckers seduced by a fallacious tantrum by an all-time loser into standing outside the Capitol while pouting. The legislature’s vandals represented a rounding error of the resentful, which didn’t prevent shrieking concern junkies from proclaiming the republic itself was under threat.
For a more thorough contrast, Tea Parties featured infinity percent less sanctimonious desecration. We’d still be lectured about dangerous insurrectionists if anyone who’d ever gazed upon a Gadsden flag had misbehaved: the ever-balanced media strained desperately to find subversives who wanted the government to obey its own rulebook. But we never heard about the undefeated percentage of peacefulness about protesters who used trash cans.
The disingenuousness of a mendacious percentage is so dumb that only university students could believe it. Professing that only a minuscule portion of truants
busted up their own educational centers doesn’t piece together roughly disassembled classrooms.
The most melodramatic comparison is apt under the circumstances. Fastidious students are too focused on gender studies to study another prominent time Jews were under attack. World War II’s good side participants didn’t ask how many of their enemies were actually misbehaving.
The last thing decent humans needed was another example of suffering while living under a genocidal regime. Since brats didn’t bother cracking open history textbooks while enjoying outdoor time, I’ll assist their pursuit of knowledge by letting them know it’s not the country fighting back after being assaulted that’s the perpetrator.
You should feel shame for camp kids having to lie to fix the wonky system. Columbia geniuses have to put on a show for proles. They can’t explain every little thing about knowing how civilization is supposed to function. As a result, they must occasionally fib to the masses in order to implement their glorious schemes. Those desks needed to be upturned in order to prevent invasion from brutish law enforcement acting as a tool of Zionist oppression, according to tweets from accounts guaranteed to include bio pronouns alongside Palestinian flags.
Pretending schoolyard trespassers weren’t felonious is more than a reflection of the ideological opposition to consequences from student loan deadbeats. Adherents assume the public will find barricading school halls on behalf of Islamic mass murderers distasteful. It’s the same reason contemporary commies feign not despising success while doing everything they can to punish it.
Middle East intruders truly inspire zealotry. The keffiyeh accessory crew only needs a few committed zealots to attack society. It’s not how many participate in assaults but how many back destruction that truly matters.
Only one percent of demonstrations were violent, which surely comforts those sweeping up glass shattered in historic buildings. Wondering how they even determine the percentage is like believing formulas that show groceries are affordable. The figure is as reliable as anything attendees discovered while pitching tents for Hamas.
The side that’s notoriously stubborn about refusing to grasp mathematics assures you there’s little devastation by percentage. By sheer chance, the same adherents think poverty is a choice the selfish impose on the downtrodden by refusing to fork over just a little more to the IRS to fund complimentary sociology degrees.
Smirking scholars didn’t realize why there was so much cheering for obliterating their own schools. Ask them if they’re the smartest in case you somehow have doubts. The most entitled brats created endless custodial tasks for low-income workers who didn’t graduate from the college in question. But kind protesters were just creating work for the underprivileged. It wasn’t finance majors fracturing Bastiat’s window to help the economy.
Juvenile delinquent outbursts on behalf of shoving Israel into the sea have been 99 percent peaceful in the same sense the 99 Percent grifters were. Names of sophomorically malicious uprisings change, but the mentality remains identical. Cleanups of parasites living in parks while chanting for personal bailouts feel like part of one continual effort.
Nothing changes, which students would learn if they paid attention instead of acting like their intifada-focused role models. Containing havoc to their schoolyards is their inadvertent gift to actually peaceful people who are infinitely better at statistics regardless of credit hour status.