A Priority Incentive
Our loving leaders flaunt completely screwed-up priorities in case you can’t tell the world is in woeful chaos. It doesn’t take a political science degree to see everything sucks. In fact, spending time on commie campuses just makes the obvious tougher to ascertain. All you need to know that Democrats do everything precisely wrong is to spend five minutes dealing with the world. The time doesn’t need inflating.
Punishing those who obey laws is way easier. It’s not exactly effective at things like stopping crime, but harassment was the goal all along. Bothering nice people is the core of gun control. An aggravation for fans of firearm ownership who want to protect from fiends doesn’t solve that little problem of criminals who commit crimes. In fact, they prey upon those disarmed by a government that can’t even maintain the monopoly it was handed.
Idling kulaks are not working hard enough to have your earnings confiscated. More confiscation is necessary to keep the pyramid stable. You don’t want the scheme to collapse, do you? We should be begging to have more taken by our leaders. We can’t figure out how to spend money in proper ways. Politicians are so kind that they’ll officer unsolicited help. Their advice is mandatory just in case we’re too foolish not to take it.
Sending payment directly is just the most annoying fine for the crime of wanting to be left alone. Democrats claim we wouldn’t have civilization without fees for existing. Crime and poverty compete for the top hobby. Maybe handing a little more to politicians will create wealth. Mandates that aren’t taxes but require payment show how fascinating semantics can be.
Overcharging for labor by law has made Big Macs unobtainable. Similarly, inflation is a tax disguised as wealth. The costume is not destined to win a Halloween party door prize. Someone dressed as a sexy nun will get the bag of shrunken fun size Milky Ways.
The only people with a free reign are those not allowed to be here. The border vanished like it was your nest egg. Democrats try to stop illegal immigration by making America unpleasant. The horde would stop invading if they had to cope with normal circumstances. But they know their bribes are waiting. Uninvited guests grasp incentives in a way those offering them don’t. Those putting illegal in immigration demonstrate how markets work as the ruling party completely distorts the phenomenon.
Cloward-Piven has gone international. Democratic concierges bow like every illegal immigrant is a senator’s kid and they need a law passed. Meanwhile, they’re the lawmakers, and they don’t enforce the laws.
Spending unfathomable fortunes on people who aren’t technically allowed to be here is too daft to be a parody. The American dream involves breaking American guidelines.
The party that welcomes in crashers insists that not many migrants commit second crimes. New roommates move in without signing the lease in order to mooch at best and commit crimes against citizens at worst. I just wish there were a way to guard a line between countries. Think practically for ones: liberals should be particularly appalled that they can’t waste seized fortunes on Americans. Let’s get back to basic twisted values.
The universe tends toward chaos, especially when voters select arrogant idiots who mess up all the folded shirts in Target displays. Everything’s been stolen, so departments are much neater.
Barbarians disrespect urbanity. New York City’s tenure as a safe big city was the exception. The compassionate faction decided giving criminals a hard time was oppressive, which is why they switched to oppressing those behaving. It’s not hard enough to exist in general and in a city where a broom closet rents for 4300 dollars per month with the closest sink on the next block. You can violate others as you wish as long as you don’t cook pizza with coal.
Shoppers who want detergent without requesting the shopkeep’s help are out of luck. Bad goods are locked away as punishment. They’re unlike criminals. Commercial incarceration will teach tempting items for the crime of being so desired that otherwise innocent browsers can’t help but lift them from shops. Old West-style shopkeeping is ideal for customers who fantasize about being cowboys. A stubborn unwillingness to fight shoplifting completes the frontier vibe.
Customers can’t afford what was stocked for five minutes before being carried out in an oppressed citizen’s trousers, anyway. Retailers not only suffer but get blamed as if they created the hostile environment. Nobody thought to be greedy until 2021.
It’s easier to hassle people who obey. A sign of decency is treated as an opportunity to prey by the perpetually bossy. Targeting the nice reflects the kind of people they are. Democrats coming up with sob stories for their constituency is the closest they get to productivity.
Bullying is the leadership style of the disrespectful. Targeting nice quiet kids who aren’t inclined to initiate scuffles is easy. Of course, it’s not nice. Punish those with enough nerve to fight back to truly invert righteousness.
Everyone kind is sick of harassment for the privilege. If you loathe Ayn Rand, don’t make Atlas Shrugged a history book. Walking away from propping up everything else leads to collapse. A dysfunctional civilization creates rebels who just want to be left alone. That’s the same way this country started. Liberals loathe the Founding Fathers, too.