Active Regression
Do something. It’s the only thing doers get. The incessantly twitchy don’t seem to care what. We’ll figure out details later like just what action entails. Presuming governmental meddling will save us from the horrors of the unknown is intrinsic to sophisticated political theory that disregards the icky Constitution with its archaic implication that people can rely on themselves. The reassurance that everything will go horribly is comforting in its way.
Never learning makes each day an adventure. The presumption that government is not only equipped to repair but staffed with excellent technicians has been discredited constantly. Believing it’s possible to find someone serving in it with a swell idea leads to the Joe Biden presidency.
Any experience indicating that vigorous mandated responses to every vagary has ever assisted remains hidden. If clues did exist, federal researchers would’ve lost the key for the storage locker.
Humans are kept safe by legislation, as long as reality obeys intentions. Those who condemn thoughts and prayers sure love thinking laws that only affect those who obey them have a prayer of helping.
Compassion hookers demonstrate they care by voting for something or other. Pass some laws then see what they contain, which is a Democratic tradition. Stopping guns from turning sentient works as well as bribing the economy to make everyone rich.
Regrettably active politicians are not about to let ordinary people try anything dangerous like protecting themselves. The innocent then feel guilty about owning powerful murder machines. The only way to keep the law-abiding safe is to infringe, according to those with a pushy interpretation of our Constitution. A belief system based in reading minds makes results worse. The psychics remain phony.
A lack of imagination defines those whose only solution is surrendering autonomy by new laws. Liberals are unable to conceive of guns being used by decent people. I would tell them to picture cops, but that would just prompt social justice enthusiasts to scream about repression. You must be a villain to carry one on a hip, as stopping crime could never work.
The scary noise and projectile should make you want one. Good guys carrying them is far more of a deterrent than trying to keep bad guys from doing so. Those fearful because they don’t grasp incentives are horrified by how powerful they are without realizing that’s exactly why those inclined to freedom adore them.
Forego the possibility of a short downturn into one more consistent. Some virtues can be overrated depending on if megalomaniacal dolts are the ones displaying them. The economy consists of nothing more than trading. Democrats can’t stand for such unsupervised shenanigans. Americans are doing as they please without supervision, and ensuing prosperity makes them think authority is invasive.
Figuring the feds can solve the problem of negotiating for labor or purchases make brokenness thorough. Trying to defeat poverty creates more of it. Those allegedly blessed by assistance can’t appreciate the theory’s practical result.
Make college cheaper than gasoline by subsidizing it even more. Federal intervention made tuition unaffordable. Naturally, the solution is more of it. Learning the wrong lessons from college leads to irresponsibility paired with defying economics. Not paying is the plagiarism of student loans.
The next irritation won’t be the last in case you thought you weren’t annoyed enough. It’s not as if mandate dealers are upset that their policies didn’t quite live up to guarantees and just want a reset: those eager to skip out on bills bitch about having to pay for services used once the counter starts rolling again. Past students who were suckers enough to pay their bills learned a lesson after getting a diploma.
Subtle thinkers demand active government no matter what activity entails. Seeing what Washington should encourage glorious lethargy; instead, some curiously demand even more. A test for lunacy is an inadvertent result, which makes it like everything else liberals believe.
The lamest sort of ideology presumes any bill that becomes law will save us from the ghastly variances of everyday life. Inflicting more agony keeps them busy in the worst sort of self-perpetuating way.
Constant kvetching is the perversely logical accompaniment of expecting politicians to fix every concern. Dashing modern humans can’t work through anything, at least according to those who want us to vote for them to do everything. If you hate the notion, the reality will really please you.
Self-appointed fixers inevitably make life worse by intervening. The alleged solution is the cause. There’s no time to rue irony when you have to hitchhike in front of the few motorists who can swing fuel. And there’s no reason to work for a raise when you can get a raise for pretending to do so. The money’s not worth it.
Please stand still. A country based on the notion that we can work out problems could use an idling government. Americans cope with the ghastly practical effect of deciding the Constitution doesn’t say what they want it to say.
Refusing to trust humans leads to quite untrustworthy conditions. Meddling won’t help, we note for the billionth time. Being sick of the routine is better than being surprised by another attempt to alleviate difficulties that exacerbates them. Professional interferers will of course demand another something after this one craters. Keep sinking to eventually break through.