Admitting Nothing
Society’s arsonists demand you ignore the smoke. Molotov cocktail connoisseurs aren’t going to admit they were wrong just because they were. Stubborn refusal to concede the obvious is part of their ceaseless charm. Arrogance compensates for incompetence. If you’re going to fail, you must be pompous enough to still act heroically. It’s all so very scientific. Haven’t you heard they obey the law?
We could have told you way back in the ancient era of March 2020 about why government was not going to keep you safe by commandeering your decisions and in fact did. Unlike those who claim they evolve to compensate for continually being wrong, the opposition’s conclusions have remained constant.
Politicians who don’t understand why high taxes discourage motivation surely grasped the complexities of epidemiology. The next experiment in confiscation will surely turn out differently just like their research into cloth masks catching a virus.
Being right isn’t as thrilling as you’d hope when society dissented and went wrong. Those being herded inside who futilely noted shutting down interactions was no way to halt a pandemic waited during idling to be vindicated. It also turns out America is not a racist outpost on the verge of becoming the Fourth Reich, either.
Gloating about explaining just why everything was going to suck isn’t as fun as being unburdened. But those who ignored good advice and used decrees to make their opposition reality leave us with no other option but to sigh while shaking heads.
We’re finally doing as we should have from the start, namely taking sensible precautions while going about our lives. Isolating if sick while keeping the vulnerable protected could’ve pre-empted the side effect that has been thorough depression. Shutting down society while masking children only shielded from normal development. Waiting until everything is safe and ideal before emerging from our cocoons will surely help us stave off mental illness.
The rather unscientific unwillingness to admit mistakes stands in defiance to rigid insistence on compliance. Smug twits who make a show of following science sure don’t like conducting experiments any more than they do accepting conclusions.
Pushy humans resist truth if it makes them look bad, which is way closer to scientific fact than six feet ever was. Such a backtrack would require admitting they took two years of our lives, which would be really bad for their efforts to keep us subjugated. Deciding you couldn’t get a haircut or make a living giving them surely served as the firewall.
We could have done nothing. For one, not bothering everyone would’ve been easier, which is the slacker’s dream. But society would have gotten better results from refusing to restrain. Two years of poverty, depression, and fear didn’t create as much health as pictured. Think of everything about Joe Biden and ask if you want him helping. It’s not just about the virus.
The economy is nothing more than people trading what they have for what they want. Advanced thinkers who presume government can just keep handing out goods and currency haven’t bothered to trace the source. It’s Treasury printers, duh. They don’t run constantly to make us all rich only out of Republican cruelty. Fans of the so-called free market are beholden to the Waltons and their slave trade.
Gentle science-minded tyrants are still forcing people to wear masks that only protect from feeling insufficiently smug. Wear one in the Freedom Queue for a vaccine with four doses that might keep you from getting even sicker following inevitable infection that we were told would be prevented. It’s our fault for not trusting enough.
Pride is crucial to those who have no reason to feel it. Saviors who imposed their will to protect ignorant commoners from the invisible plague are certainly not going to admit they defeated everything but their target. Humanity lost the harder autocrats tried to lock it down. It’s not just because of the precedent, although that certainly piles on the case. Democrats would have to start rethinking every single intervention, and who wants to change their whole personality?
A booster should make shutdowns work. We’re subjected to constantly evolving science, which is how a bureaucrat concedes being wrong. You have to scrutinize their answers the same way they don’t for experiment conclusions.
Bothering without helping spurs the wrong quandary. Instead of backing down in shame, either pretend they were opposed or pretend their preposterous schemes worked. All those grandiose schemes to reform human life that made everyone broke and miserable were practice.
As always, the excuse for failure is that life would have been worse. You have to see who didn’t die because you were forced to breathe through cotton while shopping for socks. The notion that invasively useless measures actually protected us ingrates isn’t limited to contagious health emergencies. The president pretending inflation is lower than it would be without his benevolent guidance shows he knows shamelessness infinitely better than economics.
Maintaining that daft schemes work despite evidence doesn’t feel as scientific as promised. The invasive species that is humans in government still believe at the core of their ideology that the same government responsible makes businesses hum while protecting us all. Reducing costs while preserving the collective health is such a feat that it never really happens. The apology will accompany worthwhile results. Democrats unwittingly teach patience.