Why did the CDC withdraw troops from Afghanistan? The agency that replaced three branches will swear they only ripped off landlords while the nominal executive let the Taliban lord over land. It’s easier to let bureaucrats decree than obey some dumb Constitution.
Joe Biden wishes he could accuse someone else of doing his job. The part-time president dodging job tasks is the best hope for preserving the republic. He has nobody to demonize for letting humanity’s biggest foe fill the void.
Delinquents committed to tearing down civilization are free to prey after the teachers bailed. The Taliban recaptured a very sad nation in less time than Fat Tony took to bring booze back to Springfield. White House officials recited that it’d take 72 hours to evacuate a totally stable embassy like it was scientific, but they didn’t even get that long to stop the spread.
The quasi-president hopes to get away with playing hooky by making us endure the results of him showing up to work. The Taliban exploits the eviction moratorium. Whoever’s commander-in-chief must be mortified.
Stop interrupting the slot car tournament. You Twitter generation people want everything instantly, like how you demand the guy who ran for and won this job take less than a week to address the Legion of Doom setting up a Kabul branch. Every chair is empty in a vapid White House. Biden has something in common with Afghanistan’s president: they both fled.
American soldiers were the only adults with authority. If you’re concerned about endless war, I’ve got news about how many American military personnel stand in South Korea with barrels pointed northward. What next: we keep bases in Germany and Japan after that one world war?
Walking away while an opponent is punching doesn’t end the fight. The real War on Women is about to recommence in Kabul. Someone tell Biden Islamist lunatics aren’t wearing masks to get him to care. Barbarians didn’t present vaccine cards before taking seats.
Liberals should pretend the Taliban is outraged about vaccine shortages. They tried their hardest to convince everyone that regarding Cuba. Inflation in Kabul may not be temporary.
An Islamic terror sponsor offers distractions from other White House failures. Finding America’s missing southern border doesn’t seem like such an urgent priority anymore. At least Kabul didn’t fall as quickly as the line demarcating southern Texas. The government finally does something fast, and everyone complains.
I wish Biden defended Kabul like his fans defend him. Shrieking that it’s a previous president’s fault is certainly a sign the war turned out well. Yes, Donald Trump sucks for thinking he could strike a deal with the Taliban as part of his endless shtick, especially considering his deft dealing turned out about as well as taking on the NFL. That failure despite boasting goes along with a million other overcompensation for personal insecurity with empty boasting. But the retired game show host also didn’t order the military to dash away like Bill Clinton from a paternity test.
Presidents from each party can suck it. Next time, make sure there’s at least one adult finalist for president, and not just by technical virtue of being born in the 1940s. One of the truly joyous parts about rabidly blind partisanship is how very calm cultists feel compelled to assign 100 percent fault to the other side.
Both the incumbent and previous presidents can be despicable, and you can even assign scolding unevenly. The victorious geezer gets a higher percentage of fault than he did of the vote. After all, he just lost an area renowned for hosting peril to a deranged death cult.
John Wayne Gacy wonders who stuffed corpses in the crawlspace. The Hot Dog Car sketch gets a workout as the Biden White House focuses on its top priority of finding someone to blame. The most embarrassing part for those who treat responsibility as communal for personal reasons is seeing direct consequences of actions.
Noticing what happens is despised by liberals who excuse criminals while showing how much they care about the poor by creating more of them. And forget what happens when victory is beaten by a desire for faux peace.
Biden was too busy waging war on free breathing. The tradition of Democrats loathing successful Americans more than American enemies is not a proud one. The White House’s primary nemesis is Ron DeSantis. For someone the president loathes, he’s sure making it easy for him to take his job.
September 11’s 20th anniversary will be spent fearing terror attacks. The White House is deeply invested in helping people remember what being constantly scared of assaults by the wicked felt like. Did you want to forget, you anti-patriot? Letting Earth’s most bloodthirsty fiends set up a clubhouse would be ominous enough if there weren’t precedent for how much evil they can inflict with time and space to ponder.
Speaking of knowing better, the White House would like you to stop noticing how Kabul and Saigon are de facto sister cities. Fleeing embassies doesn’t quite project power. Abandoning Vietnam would bring back memories for the president if he could recall what he had for breakfast.
Elderly imbecility is his best excuse. Decrepitude can’t be used to explain unforgivable decisions almost half a century ago when then-Senator Biden did everything he could to ensure diabolical communists overtook Vietnamese desperate to avoid tyranny. Say what you want about the nasty putzing president, but at least he sticks to his principles.
The administration is baffled by how its awesome comity led to Earth’s most diabolical theocracy getting a sequel. Even a country without reliable wifi like Afghanistan should’ve heard there’s a cool ice-cream eating president by now. Kamala Harris is shocked the Taliban didn’t have to sleep with anyone to gain power.
As for the president in name only, it’s almost like he’s a prickly dolt who’s wrong about every last thing and has obviously never been in charge of anything. The probationary leader spent an indolent lifetime enabling mooching in the legislature instead of figuring out how useful people operate. An untrained 78-year-old never even learned how to do one of government’s few jobs, namely not throwing away war gains.
Biden’s doing great except for the part where he has no clue how the world works, from thinking government is swell at providing insurance to acting like walking away from a war is the same as winning it.
Seeing the world perfectly incorrectly makes it even more so. A ghastly regime that lets their BFF terrorists hang out getting a reboot thanks to the president’s production is too perfect of an example. He’s naturally and sadly harassing the wrong people. Biden wants to take your money and autonomy as he lets the Taliban take Afghanistan.