Aging Biden Not Much Worse
A ghastly liar whose appalling ideology inflicts tremendous harm on the nation and this world has had a high quantity of birthdays. Joe Biden is older than you, almost certainly by percentage. Take comfort in knowing he was a jerk when he looked like the photo on his driver’s license.
Biden would’ve sucked as president in 1988. Does that make today feel more bearable? The observable decline began in law school, where the incumbent began flaunting his fondness for filching the work of others. A thorough phony got derailed like his beloved Amtrak by plagiarism, which was a hobby he began in law school.
Present depressed primary followers should’ve remembered why even Michael Dukakis was more plausible. The technical village elder repulses for reasons beyond a scandal too mortifying even for career politicians, namely demonstrably woeful results.
Biden was a dreadful moron during the Nixon presidency. Age is about 17th on the troublesome issue list with a expert inflation creator and putzing leader. The truly frightening moments during his regrettable moments speaking in public aren’t when he’s shrouded in mental fog: it’s what he believes during those rare glimpses when he’s coherent.
Fossils who suffer from memory issues sometimes show who they were before losing sharpness. In Biden’s case, he lashes out over his own shortcomings. A full-time yapper’s disheartening speeches would be incoherent either way.
A hoary ideology is worse than the geezer who adheres to it. Biden’s obtuse take on human nature was discredited since even before he entered politics.
Our president is consistent. Biden has been a prick in every decade. An empty life spent being fully unpleasant is reflected in results, which is why he despises them. The educated dunce’s obsession with letting graduates learn to duck responsibility is partly ideological, but he’s deeply committed personally to unaccountability.
It’s tough to understand others without doing what they do. The president has no idea. Empathy might help if he possesses any, so forget it. Biden put the practice in law. Those few sketchy years before running for the Senate showed his connection with commoners.
An ostensible president’s struggles with words and thoughts has been reflected in his personality long before the traditional quitting age. Nastily nonsensical political takes aren’t something he unveiled at his 80th birthday party. The simpleton-in-chief’s deterioration was only partially in effect when he calmly and rationally claimed Mitt Romney was hellbent on reinstating slavery.
Every single thing Biden has ever believed has been proven wrong. If he claims the Sun will rise tomorrow, count on perpetual darkness. Biden eclipses common sense. The presidential cretin’s decrepitude didn’t just start when he entered his ninth decade. Anyone who’s endured the misfortune of hearing him speak before he somehow ascended to the government’s highest office can testify.
The president’s lickspittles wish they could preserve his awful ideas without having to deal with the awful person. Amateurish professional political scientists are unable to change the status quo despite claiming to be good liberals. Aside from the irony that alleged upheaval aficionados have gotten everything they’ve wanted while holding power, they just don’t have anyone new to sell anciently terrible notions.
The 2020s are the decade where emboldened elderly show they’re still capable of being power-hungry inept fools leading particularly woeful cults. As a result of their dedication to refusing to release the grasp on authority, this is shaping up to be the worst election possible. It’s not just because their combined ages sound made up. The alarming number is 159 counting the miserable challenger’s pending joyless birthday.
Terribleness is bipartisan. There would’ve been dreadful consequences for America if Trump had commandeered the Republican Party 36 years ago despite having no principles aside from wanting to boss around people. The only upside would’ve been getting this horrendous bout out of the way so we wouldn’t still be dreading another root canal of a term. Saddam Hussein would presently be residing in a palace in Kuwait too gaudy for everyone except Trump.
I simply can’t believe an all-time nitwit is diminishing. It’s not a far fall. Biden has always been wrong about everything even before he lost count of how many grandchildren he is. Pop-Pop has always wanted American power invested in the IRS, not the Defense Department. As a throwback, he was wrong about how to win the Cold War and resisting Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts. A supreme failure got the dreadful policies he wanted just like he would’ve in the previous century.
Biden helpfully illustrates why being president is not necessarily an accomplishment. Conservatives who hope to diminish executive power can at least thank him for showing why concentrated power is frightening. Biden’s sole contribution is making that goal more likely. Of course, the doltish head of state is only helpful inadvertently. You’ve seen the consequences of his deliberate attempt at assistance, and Americans remain more broke than when he decided to make everyone rich.
The real president will continue to be marionettists who are as bad at manipulating their ostensible boss as they are leaving Americans alone. The pushy scheme of furtive will editors revolves around keeping their figurehead in place. He cooperates, sort of. For someone loath to work, Biden won’t retire. That’s because he’s never tried hard.