Back to Not Abnormal

Anthony Bialy
4 min readMay 16, 2024


Most people would claim to prefer sanity. Thinking clearly seems logical unless you’re insane. There’s a good test if anyone’s worried about being infected. Discarding maniacal idiocy is apparently the wisest course. If you are familiar with many of humanity’s regrettable tendencies, you understand why there’s no certainty. We tried out lunacy just to see if we enjoyed it. Keeping an open mind allows for new experiences even if trying once turns out to be sufficient.

You’re no longer deemed racist for existing, which is nice in the way no longer hitting yourself on the head with a claw hammer feels better by comparison. One scumbag cop kneeling on a suspect’s neck is no longer valid as an excuse for telling one race of people to pipe down and listen as if another is more authentic in its experience. You can fill in any group and it’s wrong, which is a way to check.

Grievances aren’t necessarily accurate. Take how in this case they were totally inaccurate. The sort of subjective beings who say things like “My truth” may not perceive reality with clarity. Admitting to subjectivity is a good start even if it’s inadvertent. Pent-up venters just happen to be the same ones who think Hamas represents the persecuted and this White House has made everyone rich just because the dollar figures seem so high.

Government will cure you, according to countless epitaphs. It turns out coerced care is the precise opposite of compassionate, what with creating shortages while raising prices. Micromanaging your breathing and associating only sound like exaggerations.

Getting up in your grill doesn’t just apply to nasty flus inflicted by inept supervillains. Violating the health of your liberties leads to your physical being declining, too. Deciding something others provide for you is a right leads to it becoming unobtainable. Other than the philosophical and practical failures, everything works out.

Billing the collective is a bad way to get goods. Stuff is supposed to become affordable by billing all of us, meaning others. Forcing the collective to pay results in an unwieldy cost burden where people either pay ridiculous prices that inevitably result from removing competition or force anyone who makes more to pay way more in taxes, which results in a downturn of spending and hiring. You can’t choose which way coercion causes ironic woe.

The notion that government is good at anything at all runs counter to every moment we’ve endured, so at least ceaseless suffering had a purpose. The incumbent claims to have experience yet runs against it. Aren’t you enjoying your newfound wealth? There’s the little catch of how we’ve been handed Monopoly money, with the difference being it’s fun to outfox art history majors who think gentrifying Marvin Gardens with hotels would displace the indigent. A game where entrepreneurs must put others out of business defines liberalism as much as the way they’re terrible at it.

The notion that politicians should seize lucre in order to spend wisely never made sense. But we tried it just to make sure. The rather pushy redistribution wasn’t voluntarily, of course, unless signing over one’s autonomy permanently is the consequence of voting once. That’s Democratic policy.

Coerced cooperation was always preposterous. The ominous notion now features the immediacy of many horrid examples. Thank Joe Biden for disproving everything he believes.

Seeing results is bad news for the theoretically-minded. Self-branded intellectuals can’t even think of appealing schemes. Patent claptrap has been inflicted upon everyone for a couple years as part of a rather dubious trend that’s hopefully never treated as a throwback. We live under a government that’s only semi-skilled at stopping crime, which is the one task it’s neglected. One of its very few actual assigned roles has been swapped out for ensuring diversity. Risk is ubiquitous for equality.

Everyone was benefiting from open markets and locked prisons to the point that ingrates decided the solutions were the problems. The unappreciative naturally kvetch about what allows them to idle.

Removing safeguards went as well as declaring politicians are better at spending than whoever earned the money in question, which is to say not very. Take a look at who decided what we didn’t need luxuries like autonomy to learn why letting someone else make decisions is a very bad idea. Biden’s staffers are so bad at being productive that they had to find work hassling those who are.

This decade is not just an experiment to see how woeful life can get, although that was the result. Change for the sake of it needs specifics. Imposing daily burdens differs entirely from preserving fantastically counterproductive mandatory programs with coerced funding.

Anyone sick of feeling perpetually fed up might even get to the point where they seek a president who suggests you can choose things for yourself. All it took was trying the opposite. Voters consented, once.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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