Bared to Carry

Anthony Bialy
4 min readJun 27, 2022


Plummeting crime will tick off gun control fans. How will they maintain fretting when nothing bad happens? They’ll somehow be even crankier when Americans are in fact safer after the Supreme Court noted we can protect our things and selves.

Make sure your offenses are trendy. Liberals have made going soft on criminals their great moral crusade. Americans keeping and bearing arms to the dismay of the nefarious will optimistically cancel out the predatory effects of ending cash bail. Woke shriekers who posture over certain offenses are going to be even more disappointed by ensuing tranquility in well-armed jurisdictions than they were when pandemic controls ended. Free people are making their own decisions to the horror of gun control freaks.

The only thing that changed was noticing. The justices who realize it’s their job to not only read the Constitution but respect it found this whole bit about obtaining gunpowder-fueled devices. Liberals who think the Second Amendment pertains to the government giving armed forces guns also think the same document forces Americans to buy crummy insurance. Check the back.

You won’t get a refund for over a century of infringement. Knowing you’re free to hold arms at the end of yours will have to suffice. Moving past past fouls is the only way to not be consumed by bitterness. Avoid resentful displays like those of guns’ mortal enemies who must cope with not getting what they want leading to peace.

The philosophical concept has been in place even longer than the document. Keeping implements on one’s person to defend same person is a right that already existed. The Constitution merely notes it. But it does in fact do so. It’s nice to have something written down.

Enemies of freedom sure are loud about it. Ignorance about the basics should inspire silence, but those who aren’t into autonomy convince themselves they’re guarding us. The error list is extensive. Take admitting they don’t grasp that everyone with rights belongs to a militia, not to mention that “regulated” can mean something other than the FDA capriciously deciding you can’t buy e-cigarettes.

Trying to be clever doesn’t help their already-flimsy case. Smirking about muskets while using First Amendment rights online itself shows them their logical folly, but they’re too focused on what they think is a sick burn to consider why it’s lame. Retroactive reactionaries would’ve hated throwback firing, too: undeservedly smug liberals pretend they wouldn’t have demanded shoulder cannon buybacks. Those who treat the present president like a monarch who’s free to proclaim whims into law would’ve make great Crown subjects. Contemptuous moaners who’ve never respected rights in any era are timeless.

The only thing better than the concept of liberty is when the implementation is awesome. The practical joy of pulling a boomstick’s trigger is only enhanced by knowing how much it frightens the wicked. Being able to shoot back doesn’t just prompt righteous grins: it preserves life thanks to liberty so we can keep pursuing happiness. Lawbreaking decreases everywhere the virtuous are suddenly enabled to pack heat, which you’d think those who allegedly advocate for the downtrodden would find cool.

Gun control disarms criminals who obey one law. I hate to panic already jittery liberals who think they’re protected by legislation in their Blue State paradises, but bad people are already armed. The psychological impact of their notions prompting the opposite are only going to spur more neuroses. Finding a gun range might help them relax.

Two-thirds of Supreme Court justices think all Americans should get to protect themselves from both wallet and nation muggers. Meanwhile, incentives elude liberals in all cases. The very possibility itself discourages many crimes from even being attempted. Gun rights work so well that those benefiting bitch about pleasant outcomes they don’t bother noticing. Freedom to defend oneself means the risks of stealing aren’t worth it. Aspiring felons decide to sell Grit Magazine instead.

Out-of-control gun control fetishists don’t trust humans. Their innate contempt manifests itself in every policy they embrace. When it comes to targeting objects, they set out to stop assaults and fail every time. Interdictors end up reigning over those who’ve committed no harm, which only sounds like it was the cynically conspiratorial goal all along if you’re unfamiliar with their lust to boss around everyone over everything.

Poor circumvented Democratic governors can no longer refuse to allow Americans to dissuade lurking forces of mayhem. Wannabe autocrats have to content themselves with interfering with the economy because we spend money all wrong. Counting on government to protect us works as well as presuming it’ll stimulate the economy. The only ones they shouldn’t trust are themselves.

Worthwhile results elude those who prefer focusing on claims. Amateur editors who dream of crossing out much of the Constitution have only words and only can warp those. Ruing the real benefits is the only way to make it funnier, as they’ll do when life becomes safer.

This is nothing new. Claiming awfulness will follow while ignoring they already inflicted it is the same as their other miserable beliefs. Noting inflation has inflated resembles how Chicago is the last place anyone minding one’s own business want to be unarmed. Meanwhile, federal interference in insurance, tuition, and mortgages cause problems we’re assured more government will solve. There are only half a dozen useful federal workers. The Supreme Court just made Democratic states safer, and beneficiaries will forego thanks in favor of misaimed invective.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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