Big Bad Behavior
People really are the same. It’s not a heartwarming realization. The best hope for humanity is that not every last miserable example is an aberrant demon. Perspective may spur cynicism. Swell folks need to accept their decency is not universal. Ben Affleck isn’t the bad actor we need to fear, at least when we’re outside the cinema. Only the magnitude changes, as either people or countries can ruin days for those near their spheres.
Communal-minded nations think they’ve been vindicated when they act as a whole just like their ideology demands. In reality, reality isn’t into their beliefs. Moving as one leads to innumerable disasters. Constantly attempting to subvert the system while sticking it to honest countries is just another side effect of subjugating the individual to the hive’s mind.
China and Russia are bank robbers always scoping out security. That’s why they’re never focused in conversation. The chronic criminal’s rudeness is a relatively small problem.
Manipulating suckers makes life even more fun for psychopaths. The unearned host of a dystopian Olympics conducted without fans next to bleak housing blocks and industrial cooling towers is offended we noticed. Usually, their taste for agonizing chaos is inflicted without regard for perception.
Brutes distract from each other as a favor. You’d think Vladimir Putin would try fixing his own country before taking over another. Did he need more space to ruin as practice? Or does he just spread misery out of habit? Either way, ruining a country they’re trying to conquer defines the bully a bit too well. Some entities condition themselves to look for thieving opportunities at every moment. Russia acts like Joe Pesci in a Martin Scorsese movie.
Unhinged feloniousness is a feature, not an exception. Career criminals doing as they please isn’t quite a sign of rugged rebellion. Looking for every chance to rip off the decent is their nature. Debate whether it’s innate or chosen, but know pretending depravity can be cured enables it.
For an atrocious tyrannical global dastard whose plague is merely the most recently noticeable of its countless unspeakable offenses, China sure is bitchy. Their public relations strategy of sinister threats against anyone who notices their personality offers a sign of troubled home life. Every criticism is taken as a personal affront in violation of truth and manners. Treating noticing how cartoonishly villainous they are as a personal affront is not as endearing as they think.
You’ve certainly and lamentably dealt with ghastly individuals who lash out when their despicable behavior becomes apparent. It’s your fault for being perceptive, not theirs for making you see. We’re coping with what happened if a dreadful ex who made you feel bad for mysterious texts and forgetting your birthday inflicted a pandemic on Earth. The only thing that stopped it from happening was the prodigiousness.
Bad nations don’t just have occasional slip-ups or manageable downsides: they’re rotten by nature. Presuming the rotten are redeemable inflicts tremendous harm on those who were decent all along. Outrage at those outraged at China inadvertently encourages more wickedness. The world gets worse unintentionally if you’d like to know why the trend is so prevalent.
Let’s remember the real victim of noticing China unleashed a plague on the world, namely China. Fretting about hurting feelings of the ghastly enemies of humanity who sickened countless millions is the domain of the patronizing. Excuses for a commie monstrosity and diabolical actions are the same. Acting as if nobody can distinguish between a nation and individuals of a particular ancestry is at best psychological projection. It’s the same reason liberals fear guns: they don’t think they can control their anger. Don’t let emotions guide your politics or anything else.
Commie tyrants are furious at the suggestion that they manipulated humanity. They’re never going to apologize if you’re at least hoping they’ll try to make it right. Chances of remorse are equal to those that China’s fascist butchers will encourage free speech. Thorough amoral psychopaths don’t feel sorry for some reason.
Life is just a matter of scale. Dirtbags make conditions miserable for everyone else they can. The same way the brute who removes items on your person won’t feel bad if caught can be seen in Russia trying to take Ukraine because they want it. Mugging is the hot new side hustle.
Excusing ghastly actions with circumstances applies to any proportion: the refusal to accept who’s chosen to indulge in fiendishness on our fallen world also explains the spike in murder stories where chronic perpetrators have committed dozens of offenses before being released to stalk the innocent for a murderous crescendo. If you want special treatment from liberals, commit a crime.
Sob stories aren’t going to cure wounds. Trauma lasts even longer than stitches. Very sophisticated apologists for disgusting violations of law against those minding their own business is the preferred outlook for those into cultural suicide. Feeling bad for perpetrators almost seems somehow backward. The unnerving dedication to avoiding personal responsibility isn’t just limited to punishing success. Legal thieving is no longer limited to taxation.
A perfectly screwed up outlook helps those with perfectly screwed up morals. Reflecting why things are this way is not necessarily pleasant. Woke leaders treat criminals like victims. Meanwhile, victims are made to feel guilty. Let me know if that sounds fair. It’s tough to determine why crime is suddenly thriving when those demanding police be defunded treat prisons full of convicts as injustice warehouses.
There might be a reason so many people are in American prisons that doesn’t have to do with vindictive cruelty, at least by the incarcerators. Arresting, prosecuting, and convicting wrongdoers might deter future crime while ensuring direct consequences. Those who harm others are punished. Note who’s outraged on behalf of those who lost jury votes.
Wondering why the recidivism rate is so high for both criminals and countries is a mystery on par with higher taxes leading to lower revenues. Russia is not about to stop breaking into neighbors’ dwellings just because they’ll be scolded for it. Thinking like how a decent person would feel shame shows a lack of empathy. Being patronizing leads to a victim count even without driving the getaway car.
The virtuous need to hold the fiendish accountable. It’s unfair to burden those who have not committed fouls with addressing them. But reality ignores our pleas for default peace. Something approaching civilization starts with accepting the dastardly humans and nations in question have no interest in decency. The rules to which the upright comply need more than a raised eyebrow for widespread compliance.