Bill of Wronged
Our rights have been taken to not be safe. People get every benefit otherwise. Attempting to manipulate the universe on our behalf is super kind of authorities who expect the gesture to compensate for not actually doing it. We only get a vote technically.
Wondering how could one be in favor of guns is popular amongst those not into free will. Sanctimony about how implements hurt bodies and feelings replaces not thinking out that naughty types might obtain them, perhaps even in defiance of legal restrictions. The mere existence of that choice dissuades villains from initiating nefarious plans.
Figuring what crimes never occurred is hard to measure. But it’s easy to see what happens when the only people restricted from bearing arms are those who comply with laws.
Trying to get virus season going again is for your benefit. You’re acting a bit too independently. A sequel scare might get you to remember who rules over you. Visionary faux epidemiologists have to plan panic ahead, as one can’t spring fear a month before an election. The timing of picking a new president is surely coincidental. Paranoia is a symptom immune to vaccination.
Thoroughness is not a virtue when the right to shop elsewhere is treated as a sin. The fear of an even worse shutdown sequel serves as an extension of the sickly notion that government should and can be responsible for one’s health. You don’t get a choice. That’s supposed to make you feel reassured.
Treating companies who heal you as Satan’s minions is lamentably consistent. Contempt is similar to what simply must be justified demonization of the gun industry, as they couldn’t merely be offering a product customers want. Shooting bowling pins in the woods is almost as fun as scaring off potential muggers and tyrants. But aspiring buyers are told they’re beholden to diabolical shootie-manufacturing conglomerates that would profit any way they could and truly enjoy doing so off suffering. Compensation for offering something we want is tough to accumulate, anyway, what with inflation remaining a stubborn problem ever since corporations realized they could exploit the populace for excessive profit just after Joe Biden took office.
Pretending money isn’t involved makes life costly. We’re trying complimentary living right now to see how much more expensive existence can get. You may notice your consent wasn’t sought. Being aware of losing liberty is the extent of rights. so be grateful perception remains legal. That’s only because it’s tough to ban. The Biden White House’s efforts to control social media narratives through coercion show they try their hardest. It’s too bad they couldn’t invest efforts to suppress narratives into learning trades.
A caring government lovingly protects serfs from the torture of choice. Politicians who’ve never run businesses dream of reducing options down to one. The ensuing dream world will just like what happens when government kindly consolidates industries and takes your money without asking.
Bad examples to avoid will have to count as progress. Your rulers show their contempt for profit by taking as much of it as possible. They spend it at will to illustrate the peril of greed. A biblical situation leads to losing niceties such as options. Imposing unwieldy burdens upon amalgamations is justified by demonizing them as cruel indulgers of decadence. Similar logic leads to thinking efficiency means reducing options, not multiple options reducing supply.
It’s their fault for both charging too much and not offering enough. Those who think the only crime is paying bills also coincidentally double as enemies of capitalism, which as a reminder is another name for trading. Dragging down others because they have nothing which would enable them to participate flaunts a distinct lack of empathy.
If you want to spend six or seven years which could be spent getting a plumbing business going instead majoring in political science, don’t expect to pay. College shouldn’t cost anything, at least according to attendees. Students who take classes in self-righteousness specialize in claiming they benefit society, which is a common delusion amongst the least useful graduates. Humans who actually help went into business for themselves and contributed to society functioning as a byproduct. I thought liberals believed in collective benefits.
Endless interventions are based in the seemingly reasonable and wholly delusional notion that life should feature protections. Wanting to be free of fear is as natural as it is impossible. Evidence isn’t going to deter a plucky hero like your incumbent executive. We’re learning the notion does indeed alter our world. The problem is it’s for the worse. Making an impact on the world is easy as long as you don’t care what kind.
Deciding which amendments they exploit while scoffing at them is how de facto autocrats respect our Constitution. They’re free to say any moronic thing they want while law-abiding firearms carriers keep them safe. You don’t have to worry about sluggish trials or, if you’re a Biden, testifying against yourself. Meanwhile, the country is presently propped up by states possessing the option to have rights. Liberals would quarter troops, but only if they work for the IRS. They endure the cruel and unusual punishment of having to live with themselves.