Blew Away from Blue States
Democratic states want you to get lost. Vigorous pushers couldn’t try harder to scare you out of their domains. Shortsighted bullies somehow keep inventing fresh harassments that sure seem like a deliberate effort to parody themselves. Liberals loathe free markets because you can choose different governments, as well.
Banning vehicles that commit the crime of working makes it harder to escape. You’ll have to find an outlet then wait hours for freedom to power up. California made the mistake of allowing ample time to buy a working car to leave the state in its self-mocking gasoline engine sales ban. Teetering past mere coercion won’t stop a state determined to fritter every natural advantage from losing electoral votes, but at least it won’t clean the environment, either. The power grid failing is a nice factor. What makes the plug work? It’s surely karma and not coal.
Modern liberalism has become a test how far they’ll go to bother you. Take the empty arrogance behind banning plastic bags, as commerce hasn’t been infringed upon enough without making it tricky to carry what they keep you from getting in the first place. Such a little bother isn’t a big deal, which is precisely why it’s a big deal. Elected nannies will bother you down to the smallest detail, including how the party from which you purchased enables you to carry goods.
Spontaneous commerce is discouraged in alleged Earth-loving states that decided we’re wading knee-deep through the aftermath of litterbugs. New York doesn’t let you carry the things that are out of stock and you couldn’t afford, anyway. Decadent capitalist transactions they loathe just happen to be more inconvenient under the guise of rescuing Mother Gaia.
The Sun loves us. Look at it floating up there selflessly lighting up everything, presuming it’s daytime. If free sunshine weren’t enough evidence that a nearby star loves sharing, The rather bright sphere powers our world when it’s not shyly hiding behind clouds, and all ingrates do is note it’s nice to turn on lights while our world isn’t facing it.
It’s not to be ungrateful. But these panels to collect solar don’t seem to enable toasty living. We’d buy them otherwise. Panel bribers never grasp that consumers will buy efficient options without coercion from wind-powered cattle prods. Commerce saves the planet, which especially irks enemies of icky capitalism and monstrous conglomerates that somehow profit off polluting playgrounds.
Apocalyptic predictions they’re sad never come true just inspire them to double down on zealotry. Focusing on marketing terms seems very scientific. If doom remains impending, try a different plague. The Ice Age fears at the first Earth Day gave way to claims Earth was melting. Now, change to climate change. That’ll cover any temperature switch.
Irksome hippies are not saving the Earth: making life more uncomfortable for those on it. Endless violations are especially glaring in states that illustrate federalism by making more relaxed jurisdictions seem less bothersome by comparison. Let’s build a better planet North Korean-style. Earth-hating America lets eco-enemies ditch states to poison our precious environment in Texas and Florida. Escaping to prosperity increases the size of carbon footprints. You have some nerve wanting to keep watching television.
Trying to convince residents not to flee is failing like taxing our way to riches. Advertising doesn’t trick people as well as those who think commerce is a giant scam hoped. California wasting their quite finite resources on billboards trying to convince citizens that the Lone Star State is a vile hellhole where comrades certainly couldn’t find employment and autonomy. How is Gavin Newsom supposed to guarantee your protection against life’s vicissitudes if you’re attending a Texans game?
Voters who steered California toward the iceberg might paddle toward a state heading straight, you say? It’s adorable to think Texas would be offended by not having to endure more of the refugee crisis. Escapees from the People’s Republic of California should be prepared to assimilate. Buy spurs with some money that magically isn’t taken by politicians who know just how to spend it.
Fed-up Blue State inmates display the nerve of noticing that Kathy Hochul has performed the seemingly impossible task of making New York even more unlivable. Empire State is only used ironically as the most productive job field is stealing anything of value left. Workers don’t have to worry about losing some of their gains to posting cash bail.
All the productive people need to get out. You’re ruining New York’s grade curve with all that extra credit. Could you rich jerks just please leave your income to be confiscated?
Punishment for success is somehow not convincing Blue State residents that their ZIP codes are too exclusive to leave. Getting to retain phone numbers thanks to free long distance and magic phones memorizing them hurts the collective. Telling people who dare disagree to leave might ironically be the last bit of persuasion those sick of the hassles need. Most successful restaurants serve awful food then tell customers who notice to eat elsewhere.
Diabolical dolt Hochul says those who don’t represent her values should get out of town. That means Americans who like earning without having it confiscated by muggers on the sidewalk or in Albany can spend on real estate across the invisible state line. Liberal governors are awful poker players on top of being bad at, well, governing. The inability to bluff is particularly troublesome for alleged leaders who gamble with your money like it’s a habit.