Booting the Softest Reboot
The end of this year’s elections means next year’s races have begun. If you’re sick of ceaseless politics, vote to get them out of your life. That’d ideally only happen once, but maintaining freedoms is a constant process. On that note, feel free to walk away from a letdown of a blowhard unless fealty to defeat is worth keeping as the party’s core belief.
Everything’s going great aside from all the stuff. Rampant theft despite nobody being able to buy anything constitutes the Democratic miracle. The only one who can afford their wish list is Hamas. The White House doing everything they can to help Iran resembles their unflagging commitment to giving illegal immigrants endless quasi-legal benefits. By contrast, law-abiding Americans are the executive’s enemies.
Next year’s majorities should be easy to capture while running in flip-flops. Only Republicans could screw it up, which means it’s entirely possible. Losing winnable contests is a basic way to show contempt for government. But it would be even better to win and dismantle.
Losing over principles is a win for consciences. Take wanting babies to make it out. Smug preening from people who have been born about Ohio allowing the continued pre-emption of life resembles slavery fans celebrating the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Hoping science pairs with basic morality to prevail continues despite prosaically malevolent earthly setbacks.
Other races saw calculating about winning turn to losing. Results were super otherwise. Anyone who truly believes in markets should feel free to offer a better alternative than the worst. As for the present ghastly monopoly, the sole alternative already consistently fails to beat Democrats in the 2020s because of being dragged down by someone who claims it never happens to him. Winning is all that matters, according to a faction that can’t beat the party responsible for worthless money.
Failures hate everyone else noticing patterns. Donald Trump-endorsed candidates just happened to lag behind those free of the all-time conman’s taint in the same states. Genius conspiracy theorists who serve as voluntary informal interns think a consistent unfortunate result means the ballots must have been subjected to tampering by demons who don’t want America to be made great. The only way self-proclaimed successes can fail is if the officials cheat. The former’s allegation offers sufficient evidence to them.
There’s always an excuse from the very responsible CEO. Still, some disloyal losers insist on claiming Trump’s entire persona flaunts the opposite of leadership for humans in general and reality game show hosts who become politicians in particular. Confidence leads to everything except results.
Thinking an election win is a success itself is a Biden-level delusion. You may have noticed for decades that Trump is a drag on success, which somehow surprises marks who still haven’t figured out their muscular hero sells his image of being awesome instead of actually doing anything awesome. Three-card monte is also a scam, while we’re at it. Play with unused bits from his board game.
Trump flunkies are so fanatical that they could endure his term and still want another. Presuming it’ll happen again is as presumptuous as expecting his check. The most committed diehards would rather see Republicans lose if it means someone from their nasty clan doesn’t win. Persistent MAGA flunkies manage to make both happen.
Joe Biden is so atrocious at his job that it makes his predecessor look competent by comparison. Fuel was relatively affordable the term before. But inflicting relatively less awfulness isn’t quite inspirational, especially when the key to a low price per gallon is doing nothing. Trump was at best a Clinton-style buffoon who claims victory in any area that thrived because he didn’t manage to meddle. That’s far from the only thing he shares in common with his sleazy counterparts in the rival group to which he once belonged.
Running Trump against Biden will be like Groundhog Day where nobody used time being stuck to learn to be better. This story features the flattest arc possible. Bold political theorists speak of other choices. There may be a third individual capable of winning the presidency, or perhaps even more. Hannity-style thinking leads to seeing only binary options. Respect his mentality and change the channel.
Even more unfathomable debt would be just the start of the worst Grover Cleveland soft reboot. Trump-aligned candidates flaming out offers a preview of a most unwelcome sequel that could still blessedly get canceled.
If primary voters stick with the most unoriginal idea possible, brace for either losing to an all-time terrible president who’ll serve into his mid-80s or win and have another obnoxious term into his early 80s before setting up another dreadful Democratic followup. Choosing the style of Purgatory is about as fun as deciding what Trump hotel to stay in at Atlantic City. Thankfully, prospective patrons decided the embodying symbol of phoniness did not deserve their business. Primary voters should finally take a hint.
Age is the least worst problem with two geezers who’ve served as resentful black holes for decades. A win will be a loss, which is confusing to a figurehead who bases his entire reputation around triumphing without context and despite already losing to Joe freaking Biden.
It’s time for Republicans to make a decision about who they are, which should mean choosing who they are not with. Either find candidates who agree that seizing your money to spend on your behalf sucks or stick with a hateful clique who insists they’ll only back the equivalent of an older relative on Facebook who shares a scam giveaway for a free Red Lobster gift card. You don’t have to keep living with despair despite what those who want to boss you around claim.
The utter phoniness has been clear for decades. It didn’t take a term to verify, although we may as well use the excruciating evidence. Sticking with Trump in 2024 would be like him hanging out with Marla Maples. Like planting a tree, the best time to abandon the real fake was when he failed at selling football to Americans. The second-best time is now.