Buffalo United by a Murderous Divider

Anthony Bialy
5 min readMay 16, 2022


People just wanted to shop. It’s hard to think of a worse crime than murdering individuals living their lives because of their skin color. The pain felt by those coping with a human demon’s ambush in a Buffalo supermarket is exponentially more acute for loved ones who had no idea they were seeing victims for the last time. What should have been a nice day in my hometown and city of residence will always ache. We can only care for each other in defiance of diabolicalness.

I’m as sad as I am angry. I never intend to speak for anyone else, but this seems to be a moment for concurrent feelings reflecting unpleasantness. This unbearable assault shows just how evil evil can be. The amount of agony one dastard can inflict is immeasurable.

One of the worst offenses in recent memory brings to mind a small but important language distinction. Hamlet’s indecisiveness is a tragedy. Murdering supermarket patrons is an atrocity.

I’m sick of crimes committed with guns in places with heavy gun control. Those who think guns act sentiently are wrong in so many ways, including how they disregard the way their policies are already in place. Politicizing an unspeakable crime to infringe on the Second Amendment can only be more mortifying if New York as among the nation’s strictest gun laws, which, oh yeah, it does.

People’s republic-style limitations on carrying an implement for self-defense created an area where the murderer knew the victims would be unarmed. It’s virtually impossible for the law-abiding to pre-empt becoming prey. A security guard heroically gave his life keeping others from losing theirs. Forget his murderer’s name while remembering Aaron Salter.

The government should restrict guns again. Liberalism’a proponents claim failure is always a result of not trying even more of it. Crimes perpetrated using knives or bombs aren’t blamed on a lack of rights restrictions. Using a car as a weapon wouldn’t lead to calls for banning sedans, although New York politicians may still call the murderer’s vehicle an accomplice. We can’t grieve because of ghouls who use an attack on life itself to push more of their failed policies that disarm the law-abiding. They want to politicize it, so those whose approach isn’t working get their wish.

Intent is what matters, and sick intentions got ignored again. Sadly as usual, the murderer had previously made threats without real consequence. Authorities who claim they can prevent future attacks didn’t do anything about someone who threatened his school. The worst weapon is an evil person, and the one in question announced his satanic intentions.

The only way shameless grandstanding could be more distasteful is when their preferred policies are not only in place but also demonstrable failures. Smug gun control fans make sure everyone else knows they’re lamenting that nothing will change. They’re unfortunately correct in a way they don’t realize, as their attempts to stop firearms instead of criminals will remain in place. Blaming everyone but the murderer is popular amongst those who subscribe to an ideology that dodges personal responsibility.

Meanwhile, we’re seeing different sort of policy shift for those mugged by reality. I wish we didn’t have an example why the most severe sentence should be an option. We’ve got company. There sure are a lot of now-former capital punishment fans who were suddenly outraged New York State doesn’t have the death penalty. Hunting shoppers because of their race is precisely why the option to schedule the offender’s last meal should be available. The needle out to be reserved for the worst of the worst. Instead, we must hope federal prosecutors recognize the only punishment that approaches adequacy.

The worst example of humanity wants us to think he’s not by himself. Don’t play along. It’s crucial not to get sucked into this bloodthirsty cur’s demented thinking. An individual who treats others as nothing more than members of a group is another criminal who acted alone in every sense. Not letting an evildoer define our country or humanity means he doesn’t win.

The murderous monster is a terrorist, and not just in the sense of the sheer awfulness felt by victims. This was an attack designed to advance a political goal. But it failed like this most vile specimen has at life. A prototypical lone wolf found zero co-conspirators. The most cowardly murderer possible is a loser who didn’t even have a malevolent friend to give him a ride.

A most terrible person rightfully doomed to life in a cell getting suckered by wicked rhetoric isn’t an excuse to add modifiers to the First Amendment. Words don’t force actions even on the most regrettable message boards. The usual shrill reactors will use a criminal’s sick thoughts as an excuse to clamp down on free talking for everyone else. Ordinary opinions will suddenly become hate speech, which is precisely why we don’t let politicians figure out what’s acceptable to say. Using one villain’s heinous assault to take rights is exactly what he’d want in case anyone doesn’t realize they’re doing his bidding.

The best way to counter monstrous views is to allow those who have the truth on their side counteract them. Brutes exposing their toxicity self-identify without even being smart enough to realize they showed everyone how dumb they are. Asking social media providers to stop broadcasts instantly shows Kathy Hochul understands how time works as poorly as she does everything else. Social media applications are going to face regulation if they can’t read minds.

It’s horrific enough to ponder the unimaginable aftermath of stopping at Tops for dinner ingredients on a lovely spring Saturday for those without a personal connection; friends and family must find it unbearable. May 14 in Buffalo was a perfect day to heat food with flames while being personally heated by sunshine. But that option has been taken along with every other one. The thought of years or decades robbed in an instant will be tough to deal with for all that missing time.

The worst examples of races are racists. Please don’t think all white people are doomed to Hell because of the malefactor in question. It feels both obvious and fundamental to announce attacking based on skin color is the worst form of human behavior. Even attempting to conceive of summoning that much hatred for that reason is beyond the comprehension of those grieving for the innocent. It’s good to not even be able to envision what Satan’s future footrest was thinking.

Buffalo’s nickname is the City of Good Neighbors for good reason. A fiend murdering our neighbors has inflicted unimaginable hurting. But everyone reacted with grief similarly. The worst person won’t drag down the rest of us. A devil in a human costume set out to divide and united a community. Universal outrage while righteously demanding justice is the most welcome reaction at the most awful moment. The only thing to hate is hate.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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