Cheap Bills
Businesses would love to sell things cheaper. The desire for affordability might run contrary to very sane notions about just why we’re getting overcharged every time we click pay. Making more on volume is a tricky notion for those who think options make existence unsustainable, but so is everything else.
Cruel corporate overlords control your needs unless there’s a second seller or something. Until someone invents an alternative for everything, we’ll sadly cope with a single supplier to a lone store. That’s why peanut butter got so expensive in 2021.
Asking for even more cash is a brilliant plan to increase stockholder wealth with only one possible flaw. It’s no wonder liberals think businesses are thieves when they can’t steal good advice on how to run them. The fact other sellers will swoop is not exactly as predatory as framed. Pricing sensibly makes gouging instantly obsolete. But we better let Elizabeth Warren tell amalgamated pirates how they’re openly pilfering so we can be emancipated from the torture of competition.
Sellers would love to maximize modest rates. The motive is irrelevant. Heartless conglomerates can claim they present goods reasonably because they care about customers just like Schooner Tuna did in Caroline Butler’s ad campaign. And purveyors of useful junk might very well care about customers being able to stockpile their life-giving product.
But vying for cart space with other sellers is the truest method for sweet deals. A CEO has to fret about amalgamations who figure how to sell something tastier for a few fewer dimes, which is good news for anyone who eats or wears clothes.
Customers are in charge. The president didn’t even need to sign a bill in order to make what Democrats dream of come true. That particular party’s habit of doing all they can to increase costs is even more curious when their stated goal is to give everything away for free as long as you don’t have much. They ensure that’s likely. Reviewing basic concepts only seems patronizing until you realize how few liberals grasp them.
Every store got together and decided they could rip you off as long as they each held their ground. everything can only be maintained by some sort of sinisterly vague collusion. Cooperating to make erstwhile everyday procurements unfeasible is no more baseless a conspiracy theory than anything else Democrats pimp to avoid admitting the simple truth that their policies make life uneconomical. Lack of evidence makes it the same as everything else they believe.
Sellers discovered greed as soon as Joe Biden took office. America’s kindly grandpa has been thwarted by diabolical for-profit orphanage proprietors who decided to inflate prices just to make his era of caring painful. The only other possibility is that he’s an inept idiot, and I refuse to believe that about our dear Pawpaw.
Allegedly aberrant peddlers would undercut if they could. All they want is to sell for less than what similar stuff runs. The race to the pricing bottom is difficult in an era with unwieldy expenditures fixed by a very caring government.
The absolute lowest is pretty high. Demanding a maximally preposterous minimum wage that’s above value workers create leads to wondering why everyone involved is not rich. It’s not like even the ostensibly wealthy can obtain cooking components thanks to insane taxes on earning paired with fees for mandated benefits and days off. Amazing things we were promised are supposed to be free. It’s surely employers who fibbed and not the entity into forcing their compliance.
Life may be a game, but it’s not Monopoly. Driving rivals out of business is a parody of commerce that the unremunerative took as real. A game at which liberals suck even though they think it’s what the free market is like sums up their ideology.
We could have everything we desired if politicians summon enough courage to issue necessities through a federal program. The same people who think government money is free are sick of options somehow driving up ransom demands. Taxpayers would like to have a word, but they keep getting drowned out by truly compassionate types demanding more confiscation for generosity.
Liberals think life will finally be bearable once everything is like government. Their first experiments have not gone well on the subjects. Skewered scientists blame avarice on universal hikes once they got everything they wanted. The urge to ruin the Democratic agenda is so strong that sellers will barter themselves out of business. Private enterprises just love putting their offerings out of reach. Potatoes are a luxury for proles.
Item distribution will finally be efficient when they don’t need to please customers. You laugh because it’s the only way to cope with liberals. The unintentionally comical disconnect from reality is a misunderstanding on par with everything else they believe. Consistency is counterproductive for twits. Backing down after getting attacked is sure to make terrorists realize your country was cool all along.
Amalgamations don’t owe us anything. The fact we can get what we want for a minimal investment is a blessing that Democrats despise. Trying to make a couple bucks off offering what we want, need, or could use is a decadent crime. The voluntary interaction is so exploitative, according to the selflessly dedicated who create nothing.