Cheap Expenses

Anthony Bialy
4 min readSep 16, 2022


Would more worthless money help? Learning what happens when you multiply by zero is yet another mathematics lesson ignored by eternal subtractor Joe Biden. The president universally derided as a putz is actually a skilled magician. Lamentably, he turned to the dark arts to make everything you cherish disappear. Ta-da!

Starting out backward can ruin any act. Biden set out to make life inexpensive and naturally did the opposite. Having a goal with no idea how to reach it sums up this presidency a bit too easily. If your pushy thieving executive hasn’t learned the result takes a plan instead of a proclamation by now, it’s unlikely to happen before term’s end.

I blame having to work. White House flunkies distract from what they’ve inflicted by claiming their monstrous foes prompt tremendous agony with their demands about earning and buying. You’d be sleeping in the park using leaves as blankets just like cruel Republicans want. And can you believe they think health care would be cheaper if consumers obtained their own? Soulless business majors must hate your guts by thinking you possess earning power.

Groceries are a luxury item. Decadent potato chips and rotisserie chickens are out of reach to all but internet retail barons. Dinner is a concept embraced only by the bourgeoisie. Aspiration causes frustration. Saving the Earth by making fuel unobtainable is Biden’s selfless gift to Mother Gaia. Just sit there for the environment’s sake.

Doing exactly what they claim to oppose would be hilarious if this White House wasn’t making lawn clippings look like an appetizing soup ingredient. An entire political philosophy based on not leaving anything alone disturbed everything. Staffers who you may notice have never run enterprises try to make goods cheaper in a bad way, namely by issuing orders and expecting the rules of economics to comply. Having no legal authority over reality is just another constitutional flaw.

Knowing there will be goods at good prices only seems like economic voodoo. Uninhibited markets don’t need witchcraft. Deals just need a little faith. The results don’t rely on supernatural management: those downtrodden victims liberals profess to care about so much just need to be left to their own devices. A lack of active intervention is unsettling for those who pray while facing Washington. Trusting in humans beats trusting one human who happens to be Joe freaking Biden.

Promises don’t buy entrées. Blame heartless restaurateurs who don’t care if you starve. The incumbent’s drive to help everyday people has made every day too costly. If this is what caring for regular folks looks like, I’d hate to see how favoring billionaires turns out.

Giving everyone everything without the burden of paying sure is costly. It’s getting tougher to smirk about bringing our mean world universal health care and cheap energy. You don’t have to feel bad for them. Biden also wants cheesecake to build muscle, and his minders strive to word the speech so anatomy complies.

Get rich by having a fortune. Starting with the ending is so perfectly Democratic that you may as well claim countless wretches will die if you don’t try it. As usual, reality disagrees. Markets make goods cheaper precisely by not setting out to do so. Acquirability follows after not making it the goal.

It’s remarkable how easily prices plummet when sellers must think of ways to please customers who can walk right out of a website. While we’re at it, wages also rise when employees can use skills and attract other potential bosses, but we’ll share one lesson at a time.

The way to make every bill reasonable involves not pretending anything is free. Nothing else makes goods more costly. Tuition, housing, and insurance are all out of reach along with anatomical and vehicular fuel precisely because your kind government unkindly tried to make them accessible. Their undoubtedly wise solution is to try harder. Quitting is wise if your work is counterproductive.

Prices are reached by nothing more than a negotiation between those who want to sell what they have for as much as possible and those who want to buy with change. Meeting somewhere in the middle is typical. I didn’t think we’d have to explain something as basic as negotiation and exchange, but putting necessities out of reach offers a status calibration.

Trading requires no requirements. Letting participants figure it out between themselves horrifies this White House, which took away those confusing choices so you could appreciate items that are as unaffordable as they are unavailable.

But all that work sounds like a lot of effort. Attracting consumers or employers with valuable toil means voters could no longer pretend they’re getting things for free. So, let’s keep enjoying the ripoff of complimentary items.

Remedial lessons would only be condescending if the White House ever tried to learn. Costs naturally skyrocket when things are purchased with funds plundered by earners to buy votes by a carelessly sloppy government with no competition or incentive to watch costs. Next, you’ll tell me the same party thinks disarming the law-abiding while letting criminals tell sob stories keeps us safe.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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