Cleanup in Every Aisle
Mopping up Joe Biden’s mess will be a professional job. The janitorial industry is just one one more that is suddenly going to thrive. A giant elderly toddler isn’t about to be taught manners or what causes money to be worthless. The president flaunts the temperament of a whippersnapper who isn’t having fun while Mom shops for his food. The difference is a two-year-old flailing in the supermarket gets a little latitude.
We’re all rich as long as nobody tries to buy anything. Inflation is a cruel trick that makes unlimited free cash a bit less fun to possess. The most wise and decent people who somehow never comprehend that taxing success leads to less of it are baffled how to get wealthy. Tearing down those who have found a way to earn more reflects a purity of jealousy that typifies liberals who describe themselves as selfless. If they’re concerned with what happens next, they have the worst way of showing it.
It’s impossible to speak slow enough to Biden. He has too much trouble understanding individual words to focus on several of them in a row. Numerous decades haven’t provided him enough chances to grasp the simplest notions. A kindergartener might think it’s possible to make everyone rich by printing more money. That’s until parent or teacher explains why it wouldn’t work, and the youth enters first grade enlightened. The six-year-old knows more about the world than the president in his ninth decade.
An adult will vacuum and disinfect after teens trashed the White House. The grownup who notes Zima doesn’t belong in ice cube trays will be treated like the villain instead of the brat who violated trust. The next good president will compensate for the hoary toddler.
Facing financial reckoning will not be the first time someone responsible pays after the Democrat dines and dashes. Hoping a beloved homebuilder is comfortable with loved ones while receiving care doesn’t change how many sighs his most prominent job spurred. Jimmy Carter’s childish infiltrations left Americans as sad as they were broke. Ronald Reagan was forced into maturity.
The inevitable cure of raising interest rates will cause additional pain. Blaming a Republican for a recession spurred by coping with damage inflicted by a childish Democrat isn’t different from claiming corporate greed came to mind amongst greedy executives right after Biden’s inauguration.
The rest of the world presently seems downright frightening, which makes getting robbed of the few possessions one has left not seem so ghastly. You should appreciate the perspective created by international chaos. Marvel supervillains couldn’t have caused as much. Biden is incapable of such plotting, so we know he’s not at comic book level.
The perpetually needy are convinced peace will be at hand once America is liked. They should be focused on making us respected. We’re presently neither, which creates insecurity in multiple senses. Make our country as lame and mediocre as the rest of this stupid planet in order to reduce jealousy.
Liberals still can’t answer why they stay in the one place that allows people to own guns. Similarly, this cruel right-wing enclave doesn’t pretend they can guarantee Barack Obama will work through his retirement curing your ills. The best way to lower prices while maintaining quality is to make doctors compete for your business just like criminals are scared off by potentially armed potential victims.
Giant government got the spokesperson it deserves. The geriatric failure of a toddler isn’t the inspirationally charismatic guide that the ideologically delusional thought they’d get. Liberalism needs a cult leader to get anyone to comply, which should be a red flag large enough to block the Sun. Biden’s inadvertent contribution consists of serving as the nasty putz who is his beliefs in human form.
You may think he’s never paying attention at work. But Biden learned from his last manager. It’s not someone in an industry that actually created products people want or anything. The aforementioned Obama embodies bossiness without being a boss. The ultimate phony spent two terms whining about what he inherited while casually strolling from the toxic waste dump he left. Biden was the underling with way more experience. Unfortunately for us, it was as a Democratic politician.
Leading us into an enlightened future sure features lots of poverty. Crime is skyrocketing just when you thought there’d be nothing to steal. A globe enduring predictably unpredictable crises sadly doesn’t distract much from dwindling finances.
Biden represents his cause. He’s not being complimented. An angrily inarticulate oaf has the leadership skills to match. Curmudgeonly geezers should at least be charming about incessant griping, but this rather prominent example has shown himself to be incapable of self-reflection on top of any other pleasant qualities.
If Biden is cranky, he should imagine those suffering from his goofy notions put into action. The person tasked with repairing what the idling twit who previously held the job broke knows the seemingly insurmountable challenges. The sole upside to widespread devastation is that an applicant has the chance to prove extreme competency. The incumbent knew there was a nice thing about what we’re enduring. The meanest grandpa is too busy inadvertently summing himself up perfectly to finally experience empathy.