Conclusion Reached
An emotional connection to the rational process sums up affected humans better than they grasp. The naturally histrionic should try more of the latter, but that would mean restraining emotions. Who wants to be less real? Studying how those affect behavior is too damaging to irrational routing.
Professing allegiance to science completes research into the inadvertent feverish dedication. It’s settled. Science doesn’t care. Those in desperate need of confirmation insist a little too fervently that their beliefs are factual. Lack of confidence manifests itself in predictable ways, at least for those who have studied.
An indifferent process is treated differently depending on outlook. That’s really grasping how it works. Consistent conclusions often show those who claim to love it most are wrong about it. The fact the inadvertent illustration is hilarious has no effect on cause and effect. Buy science roses to make up for wronging it. Slice stems at an angle to keep them alive the longest, as that’s biology.
The pandemic might as well have been an experiment to see if ambitious enemies of the populace making their own choices could preserve life itself by streamlining lawmaking. The zombie era certainly didn’t confirm presumptions by biased observers about how swell life could be without autonomy.
Going lax on crime didn’t just lead to New York City subways being dangerous again. We had two years stolen from us by conmen who won’t even face probation. Some victims remain convinced they benefited by being targeted by predators. Apologists for political criminals are lustily enthusiastic about having their rights seized by loving dictators. Messianic putzing grifter Anthony Fauci makes Lyle Lanley seem honest.
If you have to keep doing something for far longer than promised and the results suck as much as if you acted like nothing was going on, it may not be helpful. I’ll wear a lab coat and carry a clipboard if it’ll make you believe me. Admitting nothing helped is tough because it means all that smug sacrifice to protect each other only made us snap at our alleged brothers and sisters. But potential future disasters could be pre-empted once we admit that imposed misery wasn’t as fun as promoted.
Preening about helping did not stop infection. The very rational fans of shutdowns were all about making a show, which your sixth-grade science teacher could’ve told you is the precise opposite of dispassionate observation.
The show of caring about those at risk coincidentally makes it the same as the rest of giant-state ideology. Just like raising taxes harms the economy to create more poverty victims and throwing taxpayer money at colleges makes tuition prohibitively expensive, acting like masks functioned as a barrier exacerbated a problem.
Preeners thought invading helped, and isn’t that what really matters? Well, no. In fact, an ostentatious display of coercion didn’t assist, which is the biggest shock of the 2020s. The placebo effect sure is strong, aside from it actually preventing infection. There’s a fading vaccine for that. The control group helpfully volunteered. Maybe they do respect studies in their way.
Claiming smart people back them up is one way to justify psychosomatic disorders. We could’ve breathed properly all this time and endured the same risk. Citing prototypical bumbling federal agencies and America’s dimmer governors is an appeal to authority with the added bonus of pretending data confirms superstitions. Dumbo could fly without the feather, and I thought we were supposed to retain inspirational messages from children’s propaganda.
You’re not the gender you are. Those alarmed by the frequency with which humans are assigned the wrong equipment sure seem like they’re opposed to biology. Helping those confused would be the truly compassionate move. But gently explaining that people are, well, born this way means scorning marginal male athletes who exploit obvious cultural absurdities, and do you want to notice chromosomes or not be shunned?
Wanting to move in any way involves a tradeoff just like economics, which is another science commonly disregarded in these modern times. Pretending downsides can be removed creates more than them. Fracking is nothing more than acquiring fuel underfoot. Similarly, it’s easy to move energy through a pipe. Burning such products is the second-worst option behind having noting to ignite. Running civilization is a small price to pay. Or, advance to the future riding puttering golf carts powered by magical outlets that run on love.
The globe’s prototypical goon got his first war win when scientist-in-chief Joe Biden decided transporting fuel wasn’t needed to transport everything else. Corking a pipeline makes life easy for corrupt de facto commie oligarchic invading tyrants who happen to sit upon an energy stockpile. Vladimir Putin might be the world’s most unscientific person yet benefits from those who are actively opposed to working engines. Useful idiots remain around.
Our most dedicated knowledge fans ignore evidence in every sense. Convincing adherents that conclusions support theories just takes forgetting what happened. Foreign policy flaccidity is favored by those who believe in taxing into prosperity. Listing one thing government runs that improves should answer any questions about who knows what they’re doing. Preening defenders of what’s risibly distorted into scientific doctrine can’t let results speak for themselves.