Controversy Settled
No: you’re wrong. Humans argued about every last thing before social media’s invention, although the ease of typing a bitchy reply to a stranger not in the same room because the fiend dared claim Lucky Charms are better than Cinnamon Toast Crunch exacerbated the unfortunate tendency. The existence of personal tastes remains outrageous.
Fighting regarding all imaginable stupid topics has extended to political stances that were once rightly dismissed as fringes. Living on the edge isn’t as exciting as rock stars claimed.
People now routinely spar over what shouldn’t be controversial in order to ensure the goal of keeping unity evasive. Dissenters are stupid jerks, anyway. I don’t agree to disagree. Not everything needs to spur an argument. Sure it does, you say. A fervent commitment to normalizing lunacy shouldn’t be accepted as a normal term. Everyone thinks everyone else has lost it, but actuality only conforms with some claims.
China sucks. They crush freedoms every chance they get, including the one of everyone else to breathe freely. A country populated with a few tyrants is an American enemy for good reason. Contempt is based in outlook and behavior, not petty jealousy. We didn’t arbitrarily select a nation of ineptly cranky genocidal totalitarian supervillains as a foe like gym class dodgeball. They won’t simmer down and sit with us at lunch.
The most grateful Americans show how much they love the free world by mocking the notion it has enemies. Treating fighting terrorism like the evil was the precedent. Freedom’s exploiters never got around to condemning the Soviet Union’s clunky attempts to conquer the areas it hadn’t yet ruined, perhaps because they sympathized with the ultimately daft notion of government making life go.
We all remember spending high school biology classes telling teachers they didn’t know anything. Noticing genders are predetermined is scientific and so transphobic. Similarly, grades are bigoted. Context changes everything, like whether or not you’ll be banished from this loving society. Claiming someone was born this way is either an indisputable fact or the most diabolical insult.
There may not be bugs on you. Telling someone who incorrectly claims there are they are totally right is the opposite of helping. Coddling is the new form of enlightened compassion.
Helping those who are confused avoids getting a second thing wrong. Vainly attempting to verify a strong personal feeling that’s in defiance of observation shows the limits of fact-checking. Alleged verifiers may believe the same silliness. The correct classification is not to hurt feelings, which is what this is all about. Calling it a mental condition is an acknowledgment of struggling to perceive reality that can be treated.
Seeing government at work doesn’t work should inform every opinion. But, as with indulging delusions about deciding to flip genders, results are deemed irrelevant. Self-righteousness on behalf of silly notions explains why there’s so much arguing about incontrovertible notions.
The side that claims they’re for facts and science spends most of their full days warping narratives in order to make them fit their twisted takes. They also got shutdown bullying wrong. That’s unless the health goal was to boss around others, which may be the case. People might be free to choose who deserves their business for the best price. But options are only allowed when it comes to terminating inconvenient babies.
A radical is now someone who advocates a system where someone other than our stupid and rotten politicians decide what should be built. Czechoslovakia may have gone extinct for good reason. We could call the concept a free market. Disappointed liberals despise the notion because the right to negotiate is the free part, not the stuff.
Suspicion of anything that seems American is one way to express patriotism. Ungrateful citizens like everything about this country but its essence. Those who think life should feature guarantees prove why they never work. This country is about not promising stuff, which is a promising outlook. Demanding this icky nation take guns and the choice of insurers is how liberals create certainty. They succeed in the sense of achieving the precise opposite.
A reflexive debate is surely well-considered. Screaming about restructuring the universe inspires flinching. The sanctimonious never ponder why they believe in what they do. That’s why they believed it in the first place.
A continuous unwillingness to examine results leads to blaming lack of gun control for shootings in jurisdictions with plenty of it. Every single last topic simply must be made into bickering. Taking a stance against anything conservatives might like is a sign of maturity in multiple senses.
The quarrelsome flaunt how truly independent they are by rejecting anything their foes believe. Check details later. Wondering why it’s so tough to find common ground is common amongst juvenile adults who squabble about accepted truths as part of their ideology.
Point out how many times sanctimonious liberals would agree with Donald Trump if you replaced his name with Joe Biden’s for a rueful laugh. You’ll never guess who was for shutdowns, tariffs, and endless entitlements. The names of tiresome types who turn incontrovertible notions into rumbles never change.