Crime Blame Time

Anthony Bialy
4 min readSep 22, 2022


Everyone’s responsible except those responsible. Blame for crime curiously never extends to the nefarious ghouls who inflict pain on others with intent. Law and order types remain stubbornly unsophisticated enough to place responsibility on criminals. Shrieking at everyone and everything but fiends committing heinous acts robs us of more than our stuff, although lots of that is gone. Thank an ideology where nobody’s ever at fault and all is communal. You’ll still get blamed for promoting alleged repression that made choirboys into felons.

Fiends are lucid enough in wickedness to attack those who are legally constrained from returning fire. Murderers uncannily always strike in areas with heavy gun control. It’s surely coincidental that human predators find some of the few gun-free zones in Texas.

Make sure to complain about policies that either encourage or promote mental illness after endorsing them to at least offer rueful mirth among victims. Solitary confinement was supposed to break your spirit. The past two years could’ve been an experiment to see how much stress citizens could withstand. Breaking us down is supposed to be followed by rebuilding us. But government’s in charge of construction if you wonder how pieces that don’t fit got crammed there.

Seething perpetrators apparently need to fly red flags higher. The deranged flaunt signs every time. Displaying exactly what those who think Minority Report was a documentary claim will halt mayhem preemptively just adds frustration to carnage. Families should be first responders when it comes to spotting concerning behavior. But that’s just another task passed along to an incompetent government that’ll seize rights in response to its failures.

Those very deeply concerned about the innocent are not going to inconvenience criminals. The real victims are those who harm others because society is oppressive. Jeff Bezos made fortunes at the expense of the downtrodden who he lured into buying affordable goods they wanted, which makes muggings payback. Eliminating the unjust indignity of needing to find cash for bail preserves the presumption of innocence for much longer than we regressively used to find acceptable. How are they supposed to steal that much currency? Everyone’s using cards.

Cities are always dangerous, claim dreadful enablers who turned them back that way. Issuing every excuse for professional hoodlums to prey upon those who committed the crime of enjoying urban life let metropolises revert to hellholes. New York City was once livable, which shocks those whose impressions were permanently shaped by Johnny Carson monologues. To be fair, the time when strolling Gotham’s sidewalks didn’t present significant threat to one’s well-being or wallet was way back during the switch from beepers to flip phones to pocket screens.

Residents who miss riding underground trains without justifiably fearing it could be their last ride don’t even have to be old-timers to bore whippersnappers with tales of keeping phones. A supposedly untamable urban jungle became comfortable no matter the time or block number in part by cracking down on quality of life crimes. Now, turnstile-hopping is treated as a human right, which by sheer chance coincides with subways being ruled by the lawless. Poor criminals engage in fare evasion to buy bread for orphans and not because they steal everything possible, including intangible items like rail journeys.

Liberals hate the effects they cause. The next round of paying people not to be poor should make everyone rich. Similarly, confused types outraged at mass murders while demanding police defunding don’t seem to appreciate we only laugh to cope with the agony they enabled. Classifying looting as righteous leads to more of it. Social justice lunatics grasp incentives in their perverse way.

Lusting after excuses to confiscate rights is a popular hobby for those whose goal is expanding authority. Oh, and they totally care about victims. Like making fuel more costly as policy, the toughest part for those making poor innocent folks cope with liberal policies is pretending a real-life Purge is an unexpected result. It’s normal to feel worse for their victims.

Don’t just do something: stand there. Demanding action of any sort is certainly wise as long as people can never do anything wrong, especially when they’re vainly looking for answers while upset. Lamenting that nothing is ever done presumes alleged solutions are wise or haven’t already failed. Idling beats the something government usually tries, as it inevitably involves hassling the law-abiding.

I agree in a broad sense we need changes. Of course, the fix for legions of villains taking what they wish would entail stopping everything Democrats have done. In this rare case, it’s what they haven’t done. The one time they make government passive is for its actual function of stopping crime. Lax enforcement, prosecution, and sentencing make the party BFFs with criminals. If that sinister alignment wasn’t the intent, they’re even more inept than we thought. Permitting robbing until poverty is rampant is one way to align with the poor. The IRS is nothing more than a racket where muggers wear suits.

Gun restrictions that disarm lawful criminals are about to keep us safe any day now. A party that’s truly skilled at bitching about what they cause blames you for the hideous results of their utterly backward take on safety. It’s little wonder those permitting offenses to flourish oppose accountability as policy.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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