Crime Party
Hunter Biden isn’t like Al Capone: the latter failed to get away with tax evasion. Only certain legal breaches are disregarded like they’re inflation during the presidency of a person who by sheer coincidence shares the same last name as the nation’s most prominent chronic offender. Mob bosses who view committing crimes as merely a means to grasp true power run for office. Permitting certain offenses by law is the truest way to conduct a successful racket. The difference is the mafia knows how to run businesses.
Criminals naturally have an ulterior motive. The accomplice party holds the executive branch, an unnerving percentage of the legislature, and governorships in our coincidentally more dangerous states. Stealing everything not bolted down and some of what is became trendy immediately after their ascent in what they hope is another example of cause and effect you ignore. Not prosecuting family members or their voters is the privilege extended to altruistic geniuses who plan out society for law-abiding suckers.
You may notice that Democrats don’t quite meet standards they enforce. It’s their favorite hobby. A capricious view of what constitutes a violation based on the committer epitomizes corruption. Wouldn’t you giggle as you screwed over everyone who didn’t offer you utter fealty, too?
Presuming crookedness comes naturally to complicit officeholders who figure everyone else is as scuzzy as they are. This White House’s biggest enemies are business and gun owners. If you sell guns, know that every supermax cell features the same uninspiring view.
Putting government in charge of everything is pitched as the ultimate in fairness by the biggest cheaters. Wrestling referees shake their heads at the lack of integrity. Foes of natural rights require enough authority that they decide who does and doesn’t benefit. It’s a good thing Democrats are preternaturally fair, or we’d endure incessant abuses.
Do as you’re told. It’s not a request. Government’s targets can’t appeal to a higher force. Try praying. Here on a rather unjust planet, insatiably inept rulers get to decide who’s in luck or trouble. They’re about as skilled at determining who’s behaving as they are at spurring economies.
Using power however it benefits them is how Democrats help everyone. You’d vote for them if you cared about others, you cruel fan of individual responsibility. Scheming central planners certainly never use the unchecked power they crave to punish foes while rewarding allies any more than stagnation would follow paying people not to work. Deploying grudges against bars which dared point out Andrew Cuomo was a professional serial killer is balanced with giving passes to presidential children who don’t want to deal with the paperwork required to deduct crack.
Joining the wrong faction serves as a confession. The only present criminals are people defending from actual criminals, anyone who transfers enough through Venmo to shop at Sam’s Club, and Donald Trump.
The sole offense is conducting commerce. Democrats have decided to protect the Earth instead of people on it. For thoroughness, they do neither. Take their most present maddening mandate, namely their disdain for everyone’s favorite food. Hassling pizzeria proprietors who dare cook with deliciousness-enabling coal as diabolical lunatics murder on the sidewalks out front is as New York as it gets.
You have to be Alice in Wonderland-level absurd in injustice to make the previous president sympathetic. Nobody wants to see Trump claim he’s king of the prison yard more than me. But knowing Hillary Clinton won’t be starring in a women’s prison movie is a casting letdown even though it deserves to bomb.
Menace should be discouraged just from a voting perspective. You’d think eternally calculating Democrats might want to make their bloc not feel like their lives are endangered while mailing ballots. As with attempting to tax their way to prosperity, purveyors of bossy lawlessness presume that endangered residents of Blue States don’t realize they can flee to jurisdictions where the law-abiding can arm themselves while knowing the nefarious will be expected to abide prohibitions against taking stuff and lives. The liberal commitment to not grasping markets is thorough if you’re looking for a nice way to classify fanatical adherents.
Noticing what kind of felonies Democrats let slide only helps protect against them so much. People who feel like prey don’t have enough to cope with from everyday aggravations: these days, certain governments permit victimizing subway riders or workers taxed into submission for the result. Treating productive people as predators is surely just in the same way it encourages secure prosperity. Consistency is not necessarily to be valued.
Wanting to keep what you earn is the only illegal crime during the Purge. Liberals think the most important law enforcement agency is the IRS. The glorious collector of decadent kulak fund targets every foe of communal budgeting except the failed president’s corruptly scuzzy bagman of a brat when he didn’t feel like funding glorious selflessness-embodying projects.
It’s the item’s fault. Bitching about guns constitutes the perfect liberal response. Nobody gets treated as culpable for what’s done. Bullet-connected crime just happens to spike wherever liberals get what they demanded just like the poverty they use as a justified excuse for unabashed shoplifting. The lack of responsibility is inherent to their beliefs. Why do they stick with such pernicious foolishness? Don’t blame them.