Declining to Refuse Sales
Nothing offends liberals like people succeeding in a country defined by the opportunity to do so. The same indignant party defines selfishness as keeping what you’ve earned, which can only get better if they oh so selflessly attempt to seize what others have earned. Sanctimony can be profitable even though it’s not valuable.
Rulers of your accounts despise evil corporations so much that they want to commandeer control of them. Irony amuses in a way they of course don’t understand. Thinking they can change them dooms marriages before they start.
Sellers are only cool when they work with government. Pretending we presently enjoy a Western shootout-style free market is like those who blame implements for crime failing to grasp they got every policy they wanted, which they also do. Liberals specialize in smugly bitching about the opposite of what we have, namely what they wanted. Ignorance at least explains how they got this way.
Manipulating law is the specialty of barterers that should be focused on increasing sales. Offers that can’t be refused is the dream shared in every boardroom. You don’t hear private student loan issuers lamenting the lack of whippersnappers seeking to pay professors. And there’s not too much weeping at health care syndicates about mandates. They appreciate consumers who can’t refuse to purchase. It doesn’t take the form of excellent service.
Those inflicting thorough poverty are mad at the poor. The technically governing party naturally blames amalgamations for the results of decidedly rigged competition. Closing free markets gets expensive.
You can’t make it here. Tearing down businesses isn’t figurative in a symbol of what control gets you. New York City embodies the ultimate victory of corporatism, so Democrats should be pleased with their victory. Demolishing bodegas in order to stick in more faceless glass-faced condominiums improves urban life unless you hoped to ever buy anything.
Wondering where residents shop is as eternal a question as the mystery of where rent comes from. Gothamites can hopefully get everything they need at a Chase Bank, Duane Reade, or Starbucks, as those are the only options. You don’t have to cross the street to find any of them. There’s good news for those who like patronizing the soulless conglomerate that are the only entities who can withstand such an assault on peddling.
Rugged metropolitans who are determined to prove they can thrive in the epitome of big city living. Now, don’t disturb subjects locked in their pods. Get delivery to prevent ever having to venture outside. The character that truly makes urban living worth it is being literally demolished.
Thanks to policies that favor the impossibly wealthy, city denizens enjoy unbearable hassle without tradeoffs where they gain immersion in a vibrant spirit. it’s the best of both worlds otherwise. Contemporary castes seem dystopian to the point where idling could be a policy. You could be charitable and think enabling unwieldy ventures and rich bastards despite a stated intent to achieve the precise opposite is ineptness.
Doing everything they can to ensure big dealers get even bigger at least brings mirth to a rather woeful spell. As with gun crime flourishing the more gun control is imposed, the result is presumably not their goal. Monopolies fall apart through sloppiness. Netflix being replaced after it replaced Blockbuster is worth streaming. The White House will demand a streaming bailout.
Propping up industries is a favorite hobby of those who hate industries. Amateur executives enjoy running companies without knowing how to run a company. Democrats are so smart that they don’t need to learn skills. These are coincidentally the same ones who know what you want better than you do. Isn’t it nice having smart people do all the thinking?
Bribing market participants halts progress. There’s no reason to improve if profits are guaranteed. The reason plug-in cars might not get you to your driveway’s end is the subsidies weighing down each ride. Manufacturers have no reason to make stuff more efficient. In short, liberals loathe our planet.
Cigar smoke fogs up monocles. Presuming commercial tyrants are aligned with conservatism is part of the inference that one must choose sides between the rich and poor, which is itself a common trait amongst class warfare pigs. Indifference to either side embodies true free market beliefs. You don’t need to cheer to enjoy the game. Joe Biden boos everyone.
There sure seems to be a lot of unaccountable outposts during the era of endless regulation. Government represents it most of all, which means worst of all. Noting the state embodies everything its worshipers claim to oppose is blasphemous. Interdicting in the economy is quasi-legal unlike with speech thanks to that pesky First Amendment. Democrats hate rules that constrict them. You might classify that as logical in a certain messed-up way.
Bafflingly thinking competitors want a fair game is just another delightful liberal misconception about our world. Parties do everything they can to tilt customers their way. In an open competition, they have to do so by offering what potential buyers want as affordably as possible. Every officer and stockholder would pass a law compelling transactions if they could. That brings us to the White House’s incumbent, who prefers promises. Cornering an enterprise surely leads to super service, as seen by how every Amtrak train ever has delivered travelers on time.
Negotiating just like people do whenever they shop works the best at every step. Deciding if this truly is a good swap works for every faction. When one side doesn’t have to do so, nothing and nobody works. Thanks to endless infuriating laws designed to limit interaction, entrants don’t have to compete. Advocates of lethargy got what they wanted even if they didn’t know it. That’s no way to bargain.