Definitively Woke

Anthony Bialy
4 min readMar 23, 2023


Words are defined by what they actually mean. Liberals are outraged. Nothing embodies intolerance like linking concepts with results. Why don’t you try being accepting? Genders are a decision just like Joe Biden’s guidance makes the economy purr, according to imaginative types who don’t like limiting aspirations by noticing the boundaries of our pedestrian world.

Asininity doesn’t hold up to cruel scrutiny. Demanding to explain what woke means shifts the focus from outcomes to phrasing, which is the only way adherents can remain competitive in the debate. Reassessing a preposterously extreme ideology is not what they meant by open-minded.

The talking points are out, which is the only time Democrats are efficient. Identify who received then memorized them how the parrots in question smugly smirk that you couldn’t even articulate why they loathe this woke world. All the rotten stuff they impose should make them frown.

Rather defensive offenders can’t justify torched cities, the era-defining moral crusade that is drag queens reading to whippersnappers, and branding everything including tides racist. But they can spew disdain over the parameters of a term that don’t meet their delusional standards. It’s jhe latest way our lesser betters are ironically discriminatory.

Like everything else to Pol Pot’s right, opposing strident redistributive statism is slimed as racism. The quite welcoming deem any proposals with which they disagree to be toxic spells uttered by Adolf Satan.

If you can’t control events, control words. The ruling faction can’t even manage to steer the narrative. Liberals embody gracious mercy, according to liberals, which means any dissenter who dares claim America might not have actually lost the Civil War is subject to a loving struggle session. The approach is obviously logical as long as people who think government creates efficiency thought everything through.

Disregard the silly point to focus on an even sillier one. I wish they could define inflation. Declaring that tabs don’t need to be paid as long as they were incurred during the process of obtaining a sociology degree is like claiming being woke means attaining supreme consciousness.

What do words mean? The existential pondering of being put on the spot creates a distraction from how the only product anyone can afford is self-righteousness. Try to define a word you use every day to feel suddenly flummoxed. Even the dictionary people have to ponder and write down their thoughts, and classifying terms is their trade.

Issuing a coherent denotation of regular terms constitutes an interesting mental exercise. Putting political foes on the spot for failing to do so off the tops of their heads is a lame attempt at cleverness from objectionable cultists whose policies flaunt the precise opposite. Disingenuousness is another term with an elusive interpretation.

Patently maniacal ideas are rejected by those who are rejected by lunatics. Defending insane notions is the norm during these remarkably enlightened times. You had best subscribe to presumptions of ongoing ingrained prejudice lest you think banishment was fun. Lockdowns were merely practice. Feeling ashamed of how some attitudes toward different ethnicities during the 19th century may have been less than progressive is inadequate.

There’s sure a pronounced lack of caring about others amongst those who proclaim they’re awesome at it. Liberals preen about empathy as they wallow in coercion. The only thing worse than forcing others to participate is the shoddiness of what’s forced. If Democrats cared like they claim, they’d stop making money worthless so people could afford the last egg.

Consequences matter in a way denotational arguments don’t, which further outrages the perpetually seething left. The Biden administration claims to help for what it’s worth, which is as much as your portfolio. But intentions are all it takes for sophisticated contemporary language warpers.

Manifest your desires by treating them like a mantra. Incessant chanting works as well as anything else liberals hold. Antifa is short for anti-fascist, so the argument is settled. Any building peaceful rioters trashed was owned by a descendant of Mussolini. Craving power so they can force you to live how they want is how they fight authoritarianism. One may as well claim communism means helping others. The German Democratic Republic was surely the thriving side with valid elections.

Putting fans of natural rights on the defensive is how the woke distract from trifling matters like their thoughts and actions. Make them rue their attempt at craftiness by subjecting them to what they loathe most, namely adhering to their standards.

Turn the semantical tactic around Andrew Breitbart-style on the obnoxiously woke and demand they define conservatism. I have a feeling the answers might be a bit less than wholly fair. You’ll hear about hatefulness from xenophobic aficionados of an earlier Germany than the aforementioned East one. There will by contrast be few mentions of obeying the Constitution.

This monstrous hellhole that its shrillest critics never flee is inherently fascist and bigoted, according to very calm total non-ingrates who want to control others and don’t permit the continued existence of anyone slightly different. Learning which side tries to drag America backward would surprise them.

Sleeping through wokeness is the dream. Define it as leftism on meth to irk its zealots. Accuracy is another of their countless mortal enemies. Somehow managing to be more harshly dogmatic than ordinary liberals is nearly impressive. Pretending the argument is over definitions isn’t the only time to avoid taking the woke at their word.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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