Diverging from Diverse

Anthony Bialy
4 min readJul 24, 2023


Surgeons better not be diverse. Airline pilots also should be from a similarly narrow range. The demand is of course that workers manning skilled positions should be qualified, which shouldn’t be shocking. But these enlightened times of ours revolve around obsessing with a person’s ancestors, genital alignment, or style of attraction. Try to find employment candidates who are good at tasks to be demonized on social media.

A bumbling White House constantly boasting of how varied their staff is makes the case against themselves. The Joe Biden administration shows why to not link America to its government. The variety of which they boast is not in thought: the stooge mosaic’s pieces are universally liberal. Such narrowness doesn’t show the true America where so many citizens don’t believe ridiculous balderdash that universally inflicts misery.

Executive minions are wholly terrible at their tasks, which is particularly noticeable for a group that thinks looking like the cast of a Jell-O ad is the primary eligibility. Please don’t think all women, minorities, and homosexuals are terrible at their jobs because the incumbent’s underlings are.

The Road to Serfdom is more literal than even the gloomiest freedom merchants could have pictured. Pete Buttigieg is the emblematic diversity hire, which he considers praise. The static transportation secretary never heard about the fine work he’s done, so there’s no way for him to tell the difference. Bragging about how varied this White House’s hires are distracts from chemical spills. If glowing ooze from different catastrophes merges into one ghastly puddle, Buttigieg thinks they should only count as one.

Promoting someone because of the gender found appealing turns out to not make planes faster than riding a camel to Omaha. You may ponder the lamest attempt to replace talent with woke flaunting while waiting 17 hours for a connecting flight delayed by the toxic smoke from a derailment. Lousy Mayor Pete became Lousy Secretary Pete if anyone thought ineptness would hit the ceiling. Traveling is going well as long as you don’t want to go anywhere. And moving items is out of the question. But other than land, air, and sea, getting around has been a breeze.

You can’t criticize based on elitist characteristics like performance, you hater. Deliberately hiring a person from a traditionally marginalized group in order to shield from criticism is called the Obama standard. Noting that America declined as quickly as its economy under a pompous leftist twit is elitist.

The fact the worst sort of pandering is predictable somehow makes it worse. It’s not prejudiced to point out who’s awful at their jobs. Noticing the personal characteristics instead of evaluation criteria is the true hatefulness. At least it’s fun to point out who the nasty ones were all along.

Standards are dropping out of college. Filling in each SAT bubble is not just to make the whippersnapper bastards lose a Saturday morning to an anxiety-generating future determiner. An indifferent test everyone can take is the closest to an objective standard around, which is why leftists view it as an application to Hell. If colleges can’t discriminate on race to show they oppose racism, they’ll pursue equality by ensuring lack of academic aptitude is no barrier. Everyone will learn nothing.

Those who majored in cynicism may have noticed who very not patronizing liberals think can’t make it. Calling everyone else racist is as obvious as distractions get. Figuring life is too mean as it’s presently constructed is coincidentally popular amongst prominent oafs who don’t seem to be good at anything. Society’s guardians are sick of your hateful standards. Spot them by how they also want a ridiculously high starting wage, which is way easier than earning a raise.

This is not just Hayek’s world. Tom Wolfe’s novels also predicted the future if you thought you were reading 800 pages of fiction. Meanwhile, Ayn Rand noted what would happen with the trains. You’d think her sworn enemies would try to not make her books accurate.

It’s understandable why the Biden cabal would conclude that no person could ever be good at anything. But the presumption that reflects the level of personal competence remains a lousy standard to propose on skilled humans. Figuring others are narrow-minded screw-ups disrespects individuals way more than the prejudicially unpleasant conduct this White House figures automatically happens constantly in this country they totally love otherwise. They’re also certain money will be worth more if they print enough, so there’s no reason to verity that, either.

Join the march for acceptance by separating by palette. Self-appointed complexion monitors claim to not see people who look like them often enough, as they expect everyone else to stop at the surface. Look for the tipoff phrase “Representation matters” as if people of different ethnicities, genders, and sexualities can’t see past differences to find common traits deep down. Universality stands against dedication to Balkanization.

Diversity of the superficial variety would come about naturally in a meritocracy. The refusal to hire someone over a phobia is its own punishment. Fairness demonstrates an indifferent process based on applied abilities, which is in these advanced times a radical idea. Contemporary crusaders who are outraged by the statue of justice wearing a blindfold take a different approach where they first weigh the personal characteristics of those they claim to help. Judging by race, gender, and orientation is one way to fight racism, sexism, and homophobia.

It takes unprecedented self-righteousness to be this condescending. There’s a term for thinking people of differing ethnic groups can’t advance without preferences. Adherents will be surprised. Treatment that’s showy in multiple senses does not display tolerance despite what those who signal virtue professionally claim.

There simply must be repression. An alternate take on freedom fighters love that there are barriers to smash in order to fight oppression to the point they pretend they’re there. Battle hate by giving special privileges to people their self-assigned protecters just know couldn’t make it without aid. You’ll never guess who the actual racists are. They also made a big deal about loving science while breaking every test tube they could find. Excluding those opposed to facts should remain a priority.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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