Doubling Way Down
Intensity is the truest way to full living. Ask liberals who demand more authority to fix the problems they caused by just not getting enough. Cursing moderation is one approach to failures caused by middling indulgence. Pacing during consumption surely works with meth. Junkies need more of their fix in response to previous failures. Quitters would’ve given up on ever making government work. These addicts inflict consequences on everyone who doesn’t consume.
Trying what the Soviets did is bound to work this time. The very moderate Chicago mayor’s totally original ideas to have comrades stand in line for a chance to obtain a glorious turnip will surely cure hunger. Corporate greed must be why supermarkets won’t sell in areas with liberal policies. Parasitic commercial pirates don’t want to cope with robbers stealing cash as shoplifters steal merchandise that’s too costly due to taxes and inflation. Politicians that created circumstances for rottenness are surely skilled at maintaining fresh produce.
History dorks claim a few governments previously tried state-owned grocers. I don’t believe them any more than I do that state ownership didn’t increase the East German chip selection. Shoppers from all over will rush to Chicago to enjoy what will surely be the fullest shelves. I can’t imagine prices will be as dreadful as the selection. Noticing patterns is a stereotype, and we should avoid such intolerances.
Contemporary commies who don’t know about anything that happened before this morning should still have enough information to know their schemes fail. They would be missing the wrong Berlin if they learned what the Cold War is. Those born in the wrong time missed the chance to hop in the wrong direction. There were way fewer people heading eastward. Only capitalist lackeys want to deal with crowds.
Asking just why no companies will make money selling food in Chicago is for greed-mongers. Scolding businesses for both their conduct while open and their fleeing upon getting fed up surely isn’t in conflict. The precise policies that spur vacancies are used to justify more intense versions of them. The wrong kind of options increase.
That’ll teach stores for selfishly wanting to make a little money in exchange for feeding everyone. Taxing the stuffing out of anyone who dares enter a market is the opposite of openness. Grocers aren’t helping the collective by doing anything like offering food and jobs. Inventory is largely stuffed down pants of miscreants. Legalizing crime somehow isn’t good for business.
You didn’t use enough napalm, which is why the fire rages. What did you want to extinguish it with: water? Unscientific amateurs don’t get to ride the truck. Professional experts know just how to remedy everything, which is why they focus on winning elections in lieu of wasting their superior talents applying knowledge practically in the private sector.
Our poor fragile economy needs more molding by gifted sculptors wearing oven mitts. They sip Mad Dog 20/20 out of straws to keep that creative feeling stirring. Demanding more income confiscation will surely spur more earning. Oh: it’s like gun control. And that makes it the same as every other tiresome proposal by those who claim they didn’t get the chance to fail hard enough.
Looking for slight improvement with each incremental implemented step is for quacks. The truly compassionate want to run everything for you. Won’t a lack of autonomy make your life just the easiest?
Decision-makers who are sick of yours crave a single-payer system. Enemies of your independence truly think one of the steps will make health care more efficient. Self-righteousness is not a cure, which is too bad.
College is the place for not learning what happens off campus. Ducking student loans is undoubtedly good practice for being a grown-up. Massive federal intervention didn’t help but actually harmed, which one might find useful as a lesson applied to every single attempt before or since.
Are you against learning? You can’t ask followup questions, as standing against the way liberals frame the world means you oppose learning. Political science majors must be subsidized by taxpayers lest society become communally ignorant. Throwing money at the dean’s office somehow made tuition more expensive. You’d think there might be a class that shows which attempted evasions lead to even more woe. Take it pass/fail.
The solution is naturally more. The unforgivable sin of forgiving student loans would make inflation even more preposterous. The unfortunate liberal tendency to only see one side applies to failing to realize that lenders would get screwed over as badly as taxpayers. Nothing will help the economy like avoiding paying off debt.
Your helpers will need just one more little bit of autonomy. It’s not a request. Don’t fret about consent, as that’s been rendered illegal through executive order. You’ll appreciate the lack of decisions you have to make even more when there’s finally a breakthrough.
Sure, life get worse with every step of governmental bossiness, which amateur observers might think indicates it’s a bad idea. But you must believe if you want to be rewarded. The worst kind of prosperity faith is one where there’s never a reward. The church of government offers the best example of the worst approach to living. There is separation of church and state except when the state is the church. Adherence to the one faith where there is absolutely zero chance of payoff means you’re truly devout.