Economic Accomplices
Bitching about problems they cause will surely lead subjects to maturity. Negativity that reflects their own decisions is the specialty of adult children whose tantrums affect everyone else in the supermarket. You’d think moaning as policy wouldn’t be profitable, and you’d be correct in every life aspect except in politics. Enjoy the millionth reason to reduce the power of politicians until figuring out how parking meter apps work becomes voluntary.
Everything falls apart when Democrats are in charge, which really makes it hard for them to repair everything. Take how crime somehow skyrockets when those who obey laws are the only ones treated as criminals. It’s really unfair that old-timey shoplifters grabbed the few items in stock just when their hobby was legalized.
The economy seems to relapse into addiction every time Democrats indulge their regrettable tendencies. Utterly cruel corporate raiders made life unaffordable just to spite selfless liberals who they oppose for trying to remove profits. Accusing demonic sellers of making money off suffering is rich from those who totally don’t have said notion baked in their platform.
Vacant carts and bare cupboards create roominess. Groceries are for the rich. An elite item category is brought to you by perspicacious Democrats who thought we were losing perspective. Wise leaders reduced ingratitude by making everyday items unobtainable.
Diners partake daily despite no food mandate. Some ravenous types even engage in the tasty hobby multiple times per day. Thanks to efforts to make life affordable, the multiple meal hobby has become exotic. People are thankfully more likely to dine today than require medical treatment. Don’t suggest a right to eat to Democrats who might not get that they’re being mocked.
The human energy acquisition process only became prohibitively costly when everything else did, namely when Democrats decided the cure for poverty was handing out free money. The item used itself for purchases somehow became less valuable, which you’d think might offer a lesson about things bought with money as well. Can’t people run on solar?
Smaller portions aren’t merely a path to better health: they’re the only way to also afford a gallon of fuel that month. Downsizing is a popular trend as seen both in erstwhile ice cream pints and restaurant plates with lots of china visible. Do you feel thinner?
Fighting obesity the North Korean way has made the Biden era even crankier. Americans and humans have every right to eat a bag of Doritos that could block out the Sun for dinner. The health conscious could choose a lesser container, but those with more robust metabolisms don’t presently get the option to indulge.
Consumers never thought about the supply chain before. Nobody had to on account of how it worked. The system of responding to needs broke as soon as Democrats decided it needed mending. A band of meddlers has been punished for their hubris. The problem with their pushy ideology is that the verdict is inflicted on everyone else, too. These truly are communal times.
The place with the sleeping quarters and ideally a roof where you presently reside will have to suffice. The thought of ever buying a home is as incomprehensible as simultaneously owning two bread loaves. The dream just happened to cease after your kindest politicians did everything they could to make homes affordable. I blame some cruel conspiracy by diabolical conglomerates to keep customers from having money.
The inability to afford a dwelling or things to put in it is certainly not the fault of a government that has racked up 14 figures of debt. Involvement in every life aspect only made each of them complicated by coincidence.
Start an education by learning why it’s so costly. Tuition became suspiciously unaffordable as soon as government decided it must be subsidized to become cheap. That’s one way to learn about markets. Universities should offer a class in competition, but they don’t want to cut off their scholarships. Discovering how the rotten private sector expects results as they seek to protect their cash flow would ruin the whole racket.
It’s important to not notice the pattern of education becoming a struggle once government got involved. That would count as learning, and what’s the point without earning credits? Keeping the feds away from education would make students smarter. Brats can’t get any dumber.
Teach the young people about liberty by removing states and localities, as well. Private schools only sound snotty. If paying for school sounds expensive, wait until you hear what free costs. At least graduates are no smarter. Public schools are the perfect government institution, which their fans realize is not a compliment if they attended better institutions.
Whippersnapper babysitting services would have to compete without a monopoly provided by the same entity that controls them. Note who has a problem with your decisions. The same involved planners who think you don’t know what kind of car to buy demand subsidies to save Earth. Idling is their plan to make the planet’s existence eternal.
Democrats want start them off wrong young. Being horrified at the idea of parents paying for their own children is good training for a lifetime of treating the state as a guardian. Those who are biologically in the same family could savings in taxes, which would allow for donating to schools by pious coercion fans who can’t seem to figure how to click donate buttons.
We should get government as far away as possible precisely because the task is important. Necessity is the same reason we should allow market interactions between health customers and providers. Advanced leaders inform us we can’t get by without them hunched over us while moving our hands before telling us we’re bad at it.