Everything and Not a Thing

Anthony Bialy
4 min readFeb 10, 2022


I want to see video of any Joe Biden White House staffer tying their own shoes. I’ll be on the lookout for edits or hands that don’t look like they belong to the wearer. Those cursed to be in charge think they should do everything. Meanwhile, they can’t do anything.

You should feel reassured by the plan to be involved in every last aspect. Blessed beneficiaries didn’t even need to ask for their help. Pompous flunkies sure must be the smartest folks around if they want to run all of life. Don’t be fooled by a confidence trick where the briefcase full of shredded newspaper pops open. This is government, so the confetti will be flaming.

Mucking up actual federal functions is never taken as a sign to try new management. There are limits written on a document historians refer to as the Constitution. Although ignored in practice, this ancient parchment technically remains legally binding. Idiots holding offices are stuck with specific tasks for good reasons that are continually violated for very bad reasons.

Those in power hate limits on it, which is like a cornerback moaning that he can’t tackle a receiver before the pass arrives. You don’t have to heed their demands to not throw flags. As for politics, there are restrictions on them, not us. They might just be in place precisely because of scoundrels who dream of violating them.

Limits are actually for the benefit of ghastly politicians out to ignore them, namely so they don’t try to control existence itself and thus prove why they’re horrid at it. Ingrates never realize what’s for their benefit, from bratty middle-class children to public servant pinkos who are kept by checks and balances from embarrassing themselves about how little they understand existence.

White House dolts who’ve never earned an honest dollar tell producers how to make it happen while confiscating compensation. Standing in the way of commerce doesn’t help the economy as much as hoped. Jen Psaki is blocking the registers.

It seems fairly easy for seafaring vessels to drop off contents. Instead, ships may very well be stacked on top of each other. Someone wake up those at cabinet nap time. Waving in boats is one of the administration’s actual tasks. If those so incredible at life that they don’t bother completing its pedestrian tasks are unable to keep ships containing stuff people want to buy sailing, I’m certain they’ll spend your money efficiently on your behalf.

Most people realize at a fairly early age that a certain quantity of practice attempts are necessary for even basic competence. That’s why they don’t run for office.

Those blessed with being born incredible at every task know the only way they can assist those underprivileged in expertise is by obtaining offices. Being forced to comply is the only way the masses will ever experience anything even resembling utopia. Most of the rabble don’t even bother to thank life’s superiors.

Some commoners may possess the temerity to notice politicians who claim they can do everything can’t even do some things. Screwing up what they’re supposed to be doing as they infiltrate what’s not their business would be funny how inept they are if it wasn’t so costly. Money is only the start.

Trying to get themselves involved in every part of life is a courtesy extended to ordinary citizens by an efficiently caring government. You didn’t even realize you wanted it. A continental breakfast is nothing compared to the complimentary organization of society.

Messing with your purchasing rights means you can get ripped off for affordability. Being overcharged for bargains applies to the usuals like health care, tuition, and employment benefits. Those who spend their lives trying to get in power can’t grasp the difference between something being good and begging to coerce it.

Government fans never learn government’s restrictions. It’d mean they wouldn’t get to maximize its usage, and they really want to put it to work. Subsidies don’t end up assisting as much as intended. If housing is good, then don’t enact the equivalent of dropping napalm on the roof.

The only thing easy right now is rattling off circumstances presently described as pleasant. A short list of blessings is a time-saver. Downtrodden Americans get more time to focus on the few items they have, which really makes them treasures. Making everyone poor is Biden’s gift to our spiritual being.

Hopeful consumers are unable to afford items that are out of stock, so everything worked out. Bare shelves really negate the need to work, so everyone can keep working on their shutdown screenplays.

You wouldn’t want to work as if you were inept as politicians. Sucking at the limited tasks that are actually in Washington’s domain should serve as a strong indicator. Instead, basic failures aim big. Your leaders want to do everything else, too. The whole reason they have to work in our hellish capital is because they can’t do anything else. Remaining motivated despite obstacles may not be the inspirational film you’d hope.

The only thing worse than not being good at anything is trying to run everything. Federal stooges could at least accept their limitations. Instead, they lamentably overcompensate by pressing themselves into every last area. Their psychological struggle becomes America’s hardship. It’s too bad the infected won’t get treatment instead of making everyone else sick. We really need a vaccine.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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