Fire Your Government
Government at work doesn’t work. This is not a breaking news column. But some constant stories need reiteration lest we forget rottenness caused by familiarity. Your rulers disapprove of your ability to observe patterns. The red light always means stop just like green-lighting federal spending should make everyone suspicious.
Federal failures are the standard. It’s unlike a business even more than expected. A historical issue that continues plaguing our rather ignorant rulers and their sycophantic voting enablers. It would be more shocking if politicians put down your credit card. They already memorized the code on the back.
Who could be surprised? Begging to be saved from a rather nasty flu by the closest politician made humanity sicker than most of the infected. Many virus carriers needed to be tested to know they had it, which is as close to mildness as one can get during a pandemic. Meanwhile, symptoms are blatantly apparent for those carrying the sickness.
The president didn’t cure us again. But his wife’s a doctor. Let us retain this valuable research that caused a tremendous amount of despondency to obtain. Sadly, expect the experiment to be inflicted again as those who think America is its government once again endure the confusion brought by realizing ultimate authority doesn’t correspond with running reality.
Never learning is one way to make life interesting. Those so focused on living in the moment that they never bother with history are plagued by ceaseless confusion. It must be right-wing saboteurs breathing out the corners of mouths who’ve perpetrated a perpetual emergency. They’re the same uncooperative types who kept trillions of debt from stimulating the economy.
Getting everything you want creates ingratitude. Sure, authority worshipers who’ve placed wholesale trust in dolts holding offices have gotten every infringement they’ve desired. But the exceptions must be making us ill, as constant letdowns simply can’t be caused by the brilliance of coercion.
The real virus inflicted upon the globe was statism. China’s greatest victory involved getting Americans to demand subjugation. The utter ineffectiveness that accompanied tyranny was merely a result the brutal oppressors found amusing. It’s not like you can request your autonomy returns.
The emergency is ongoing, you Ayn Rand-reading death cult member. How else can you know when breathing through a scarf again keeps you from being not dead? That schedule is kept in the county executive’s desk for your own protection.
Ignorance isn’t as blissful as promised. Fans of involving government in every aspect need to not check results, which at least explains why they believe the curious things they do. Mocking liberty while handcuffing themselves for glory did not provide the freedom of movement promised. The sorts who laud their rights being revoked are thankful every day that benevolent overlords deem booster shots are necessary to obtain access to businesses that are now deemed public property. Only members of the public in compliance may enter. 1984 is a history book.
The precise opposite of accuracy has been a specialty of rulers from the dawn of time, which is why this country was set up to allow people to figure out their own lives. The wholly misplaced faith of trusting any elected executive to determine what will happen tomorrow based on what happened yesterday has paralyzed society. At least the pandemic has entered a third year.
Trusting anything government does ever as brilliant is an unforgivable sin. Everyone’s had enough time to learn the perils of temptation. Pretending it’s the arbiter of truth is similarly a mortal violation. Nobody can still legitimately think it makes the economy go while curing your sores. Presuming the CDC is wise is like figuring Joe Biden must be good because he holds Washington’s top job.
Treating science as something that needs belief really gets the point. The process remains thankfully indifferent unlike the patent insecurity of its alleged adherents. Raising taxes twice as high doesn’t create twice the revenue no matter what the hypothetical suggests. If masks worked, the virus would’ve died off early in 2020.
The only politicians who helped didn’t help. A handful of rare gems actually did so by trusting you. Letting you assess your own risk is subversive. Not shrieking like a bitch over a virus where most victims are alleged on account of how they can’t tell means you’re one of them, namely someone who dares remain unaffiliated. How can you cash in spoils of voting correctly?
Confused thinkers can’t break habits. It’s hard to stop thinking dumb things. Authority’s cheerleaders refuse to admit that what’s now a years-long invasion into our everyday activities and thoughts has been worse than a failure. A counterproductive quarantine got the collective sicker. The sunken cost fallacy applies to lost time and freedom, too.
Regrettable measures to save life while making it super are precisely why conditions have been atrocious. Your rulers obviously need more control. They know how to run everything, so letting our unregulated selves make decisions about anything is what’s obviously ruining progress. Government will do your job since they cost you yours.