For Beta or Worse

Anthony Bialy
4 min readJun 1, 2023


Society’s not improving under the stewardship of unpleasant guys pretending to be swell. The future isn’t progressive. Beta brutes embody the most unfortunate of tendencies in these prehistoric modern times while trying feebly to contain their cavemen urges. Pretending to care is not a new trick. Civilization is plagued by the toxic lack of masculinity.

I hate to be cynical in the assessment of faux sensitive fellows who express admiration for ladies by wallowing in the worst stereotypes of femininity. Actually, I revel in it. Jaded distrust should always remain a characteristic of every gender and especially the one who can rank Jackass movies.

Prehistoric modern men engage in the worst sort of ulterior motive, namely an attempt to make ladies wrongly believe they’re worth a special hug. Sucking up may not enable scoring. The only thing that could be even more repulsive about their alleged game is pretending to be wholesome. At least be honest about creepiness.

Showing how deeply concerned they are convinces nobody, including their intended conquests. Enlightened dudes who don’t give in to troglodytical impulses are quite nasty in their rage.

The truly tolerant enjoy targeting anyone who dares not submit to current conventional wisdom, which is unconventional and unwise. Enervated guys make a show of allegedly being allies, which is now defined as pandering paired with virtue-signaling. They wish someone would print t-shirts that announce how sensitive they are so they could stop trying to stick out their chests.

Nurturing fellows illustrate the new style of grit by going after the most successful female author ever. Impugning fictional wizard creator and real-world biology follower J.K. Rowling reflects dedication to adoring women so much that a man can become one just by declaring such. The audacity to question the science of announcing a gender switcheroo is a far greater offense in these enlightened times than antiquated crimes like shoplifting and mugging.

The expect on spells committed the crime of noticing no magic can alter biology. Science’s enemies flaunt how courageous they are on behalf of women by proclaiming joining their ranks is a decision. Assailing those who wonder if the apparent delusion is really happening is one way to be accepting. Sexist barbarians think men can’t infringe on womanhood by switching sides.

The only group of genetic males worse than embracers of genuinely phony empathy are fake alphas. Alleged strength without righteous focus was bad enough at Limp Bizkit concerts.

Focusing on winning at all costs isn’t merely a wholesale misunderstanding of how a backbone functions: the lack of a noble guiding principle leads to humiliations like losing to Joe Biden. It’d be much more amusing if everyone else didn’t have to endure results.

The feebleness of intended imposed changes offers the only consolation. As with fuming crab Biden failing to implement his ghastly agenda, ineffectiveness is a blessing when it affects twerps.

Craving resolve without displaying it leads to regrettable results like flaccid bully Putin as some sort of vigorous adventurer. For alpha males, they sure spend lots of time worshiping guys they think are dreamy.

Presidents leave legacies, often unfortunately. Donald Trump of course typifies role-playing as a virile stud to those who enjoy being suckered. The former steak salesman and federal executive has spent his lifetime portraying himself as the standard of manliness.

Doing what he thinks you think he should be is undoubtedly virile. Focus on image like a true independently rugged human. The perpetual pouter turned the inability to beat Joe freaking Biden into a flaccid riot. Indignant broheims couldn’t even mount an insurrection properly.

The need to be ranked surely doesn’t mask overcompensation. Allegedly charming specimens whine like vegans at steakhouses. Constantly needing to proclaim they’re at the top tier is itself a sign of insecurity. Players with tells never recognize any of them.

Like Three Stooges shorts, the plot isn’t tricky. At least the male idiocy when Moe takes his frustration out on Larry’s ineptness is deliberate. Testosterone lightweights act in a manner they perceive to be feminine, which is the most insulting treatment around.

Women can spot pandering in order to lamely try to seduce them. Sometimes, the effort applies to convincing them to vote, which is even sleazier. Presuming all women are cool with aborting the inconvenient is for cloaked predators in multiple senses.

Insincerity has never been truer. The modern anti-roughhousing guy says whatever he thinks women want to hear. Like how communism and fascism are alleged opposites that end up with identical tyranny, the false tough and truly delicate guys should form an alliance with a limp handshake.

Illiberal liberal fellows trade in ironic sexism. Technical males seethe without possessing the physical strength or mental fortitude to act commendably. They offer the best of both worlds otherwise. Pretending pushups put to good use causes societal ills has led to anger without moral focus. Emasculation somehow didn’t create strength.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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