Bye Bye Biden
Joe Biden was president. I have to remind him because he forget and us because we wish we could. But everyone will remember a most unfortunate four-year sentence because America’s creepy grandpa left a legacy with which wholly lucky commoners will cope indefinitely. The anguish will remain even if the creator spends slightly more time on Delaware’s scenic beaches.
The inauguration of that guy who’s next again at least provides one last chance to vent about his predecessor. Unlike his fortune, he earned hearing it. The only thing prospering is the chance for catharsis.
This is one cruel life. I don’t mean for us. Stop being selfish and think of poor Joe Biden and the beautiful existence he created for us peasants in his mind that we ungratefully rejected. Take how the world fell apart right after he got everything he wanted. The expiring term was supposed to be packed with bliss. But a mean universe conspired to make bad things happen just as the neatest dude was going to defeat pain. It certainly couldn’t have been Biden’s hazardous policies themselves that exacerbated reality’s naturally nasty tendencies.
Our tormenter was the real victim. Sure, he inflicted woe upon everyone. But he’s one of those everyones. It’s not just that he didn’t remember doing any of it, as Biden would have ruined the country decades ago. The devastated nation will be coping with consequences regardless of when he faded. Struggling to stretch dollars through retirement is something for which he provided ample practice, and we won’t even thank him.
A terror army invading Israel didn’t seem to particularly bother a regime that reflexively views whoever’s doling out harm as the traumatized sufferer of oppression. It’s hard to tell if Biden’s minions are actively anti-Semitic or just inclined to view the Middle East’s only legitimately tolerant outpost as oppressive. Either way, Jews were plagued with an even rougher trial than everyone else on the watch of a biblically bad overseer.
Activity may not be desirable if it involves retreating. Fleeing Afghanistan is like spending trillions of seized taxpayer loot in order to worsen the economy, only with blood on the ground. Setting up a haven for the sort of barbarians who commandeer modern inventions to use as weapons doesn’t seem like it’ll spur safety. Smug Democrats love boasting about leaving something for future generations. They do just that, though not quite in the way they claim.
Making money was replaced with making money worthless. The nearly astounding feat made it a bit tricky to obtain extravagances like bread. Getting so little from currency when there’s so much of it was particularly cruel. It’s no wonder liberals loathe the economy when they don’t understand how it functions.
The generally pathogenic vibe spilled from the top down. Gravity is the only thing that worked. Things not decided by presidents but by fellow Democrats also uncannily sparked miserable mayhem. The only people treated like criminals are those who defend against them. You’ll be shocked to learn mugging is trendy. American cities resemble Batman movies without a superhero swooping in. Tim Walz wore a cape while letting Minneapolis burn.
Age was only one excuse. Biden failed to grasp lots of things. An ancient president adhered to awful ideas even older than him. The advantage of being born during World War II means nothing without accumulating wisdom over eight decades. Cursed Americans didn’t even get someone who’s deteriorated synapses led to him being too confused to hassle us.
The Democratic platform had a rough term. Its human embodiment checked out about two weeks after taking the oath. But the algorithm that served as the de facto commander-in-chief functioned properly to impede the nation’s progress and dreams. The futuristic White House employed AI minus the I. Whoever was really president didn’t have much to do. The party’s beliefs are as predictable as they are dreadful.
Biden’s greatest gift is being despicable. You don’t have to feel bad about noticing just how lousy he made our lives. He’s horrific at his job, but at least he’s a jerk. Your least favorite president spent his sole term removing sympathy like it’s a retailer. Nasty irritability was his gift to us, as we wouldn’t accept his attempts to mandate prosperity.
The toxic waste slide ends in a wood chipper. Anyone remotely familiar with Democratic notions knew imposing them was going to hurt. The predictability of it all served as the worst part even if it allowed ample time to get in crash positions.
Ruin on every level showed a fierce commitment to thoroughness. The Democratic refusal to accept diabolical conglomerates might be getting rich off offering products customers want so much that they’re willing to trade cash for them led to widespread unavailability. Loafers who stubbornly think government is wealth’s source made everyone else as unproductive. Moocher Biden created equality.
Every presidency offers a lesson. The more regrettable ones revolve around not wanting to endure similar ones. Congratulate ourselves for overcoming Joe Biden’s reign of error. We might even be able to afford a moderately-priced ale to celebrate. I can’t believe we got through it. Electing someone in order to feel relieved when he flees the office with his pockets full of commemorative pens still feels unnecessary. There are more productive ways to challenge ourselves.
The best part of the Biden presidency is how he’s no longer president. A collectively lousy span which presented endless hardships was nice except for the things. Our worst relationship showed we possess character that our partner lacked. However bad conditions are about to get, the one benefit will be not dating that deadbeat anymore.