From A to A

Anthony Bialy
4 min readJul 12, 2021


Sanctimony comes right to your door. A year of relying on Amazon has shown how dreadful the ether bookseller has become. Distrust goes beyond natural contempt brought by marriage-style familiarity. A heartless amalgamation is unnerving for how invasive it strives to be. Your sole source of sustaining goods treats Rollerball as a documentary. You shouldn’t buy DVDs of dystopian warning for their site only in part because you’d be contributing toward making dull paranoid fantasies true.

Wishing it could be avoided is a sure sign a company pleases customers. Virtue signaling is what they sell best. Take commercials which may as well be funded by the Human Rights Campaign. My personal favorite Amazon sales pitch for something other than products is the one featuring the interracial lesbian couple impressed by the site’s low prices, as it convinced me such pairs of bathroom-sharers not only exist but are to be celebrated. It turns out tolerance is good. Focusing on purchasing is hard while trying to figure out how the two ended up with mixed-race children. Amazon apparently refuses to sell titles teaching actual biology.

Social media shows how Amazon hates the power they use as much as they love every kind of wedding. Every smarmy tweet churned out by their smug underlings putting their sociology degrees to fine use pimps social justice lunacy that stands in opposition to their outfit’s existence. AOC generates less stridency.

How much value is created? Workers might disagree with their bosses. Calling to pay their people more as they try to pay them as little as possible is Amazon at its best, which is its worst. Just make sure the sum is more than any intended competitor. Salaries smaller outfits can’t absorb are the ideal legal minimum the warehouse aficionado endorses by sheer coincidence.

Amazon’s creepy drive toward galaxy domination embodies how being pro-business differs entirely from being, well, pro-business. People can think that one employer features crummy working conditions without wanting the Berlin Wall to be rebuilt by union workers. Amazon should churn out another set of ads with utterly happy workers totally not smiling preposterously only because their family is being held at gunpoint, as that’ll convince the public that their detergent delivery monstrosity is kind.

Humanity is controlled by the lamest single entity imaginable. Censoring speech that runs counter to the open principles of a purported bookseller is a nice tough. The government don’t need to violate the First Amendment when a quasi-oligarch can decline to sell any title it deems hateful. You’re not permitted to acquire literature featuring accurate biology endorsed by think tanks to Hoxha’s right.

Insecurity is common among those who control others to compensate. Anyone confident should want their awful hateful foes to keep publishing and thus embarrassing themselves. It’s sure sign of open debate when they deem tomes so harmful that they cannot be sold.

Those looking for options wait for Amazon’s eternal hold on retail to end in a few weeks. Aspiring monopolies inevitably grow fat and lazy idling while parking free. Those who’ve struggled to obtain everything that can be sold forget to innovate like they did on their way up. Life becomes static for everyone who tries to corner a market. Woolworth’s thought it’d be selling everything for a couple cents forever, too.

Wanting companies to make as much as possible is frustrating when they call to be taxed for the privilege. Preening isn’t convincing when paired with utter hypocrisy. Evading endorsed policies isn’t quite honorable. We’re trying to advocate for them to sell everything, and they reply by demanding laws intended to ruin foes. When they’re this manipulative, the market certainly isn’t free.

Amazon displays a principled commitment to any issue that is good for peddling. Take how the retail Godzilla will stop drug testing because they believe deeply in human liberty. Oh, and they’d also happen to be able to deliver your jazz cigarettes. One would also think an online seller would find online taxes objectionable. But anything to discourage shopping at smaller outlets serves their public good.

There’s no requirement to buy what’s being sold. One can just dislike a company even if it’s engaged in robust trade. Subway attempts to call whatever it manufactured in bunker labs meat, and it doesn’t mean you must suffer through lunch there. Conservatives who loathe diving to humanity’s depths during Walmart outings get the principle.

Warping public policy to advance their own interests doesn’t sound very fair. It’s fine to advocate with ulterior motives. One should just make sure to be aware of them and don’t give into them. Raising taxes because Amazon pretends to be selfless advocates of communal good is the opposite of capitalism in case anyone thought having a seller involved automatically meant we were in a libertarian situation.

Business dominance just happened to coincide with a semi-eternal lockdown if you spent a year in solitary confinement pondering conspiracies. It’s uncanny how wrapping homes in plastic helped the smiley arrow logo outfit. Framing themselves as saviors delivering critical goods is part of their messianic narrative. You can buy the old Bible from their site if for nostalgia. Keeping patients sick so they can keep saving with medicinal deliveries is particularly appalling when the cure is jigsaw puzzles.

Just bring my slippers by tomorrow. Contemporary peddlers show how important they are by telling their lunkheaded customers how they’re not progressive enough. You thought you could get away with only buying goods?

A lecture from a heartlessly calculating conglomerate is sure to improve morality. Amazon has everything, if you can find it. But sifting through pages of shady affiliates and imprecise results. It’s too bad the purported retailer is so focused on presenting self-righteousness, as they might really have something if they could put it on shelves.

Poring through crummy searches might even inspire consumers to pay the dang shipping elsewhere. It’s officially a weird world when patronizing the mall is the best way to support small mom and pop shops. The monolith blocking out other options makes the spending decision easier.

