Ilhan Omar (D, Somalia-1)
One person said something. As a hint, it’s the same one who said some people did something. Staying vague in Ilhan Omar’s honor is for her benefit, as the details of an appalling speech even for her where she declares “The US government will do what we want, nothing else. They must follow our orders. That is how we safeguard the interest of Somalia” do not precisely help make the case that she’s on our team. Her own words merely seem to sound like an outrageous description. The only bigger Somalia fan than Omar is Eric Cartman. And even he came to realize piracy’s downsides.
I wish good luck to Omar’s apologists who claimed her shrugging away September 11 was out of context. Unlike her real declaration of allegiance to a primitive villainy hive, I don’t mean that. The same obtuse defenders of horrific sentiments have a new project since they can’t admit a Democrat hates America any more than they can acknowledge inflation means money is worth less.
The NFL has 31 American franchises plus the Vikings in Somalia. Roger Goodell’s dream of an international league has been achieved. New Mogadishu’s congresswoman embodies Minnesota not nice. By sheer chance, an active foe of her adopted country represents a city torched in the name of racial justice. Everyone’s equally miserable now.
If Omar is going to betray America, it should be for someplace better than Somalia. You don’t have to remain loyal to the place you left, which is supposed to be the whole point. Foreign agents should enjoy a rewarding character arc by realizing the new locale is better than the homeland.
The worst Minnesota politician since Jesse Ventura got to flee a country the Third World is relieved exists because it makes them look functional by comparison. With Jerry Springer gone to the eternal talk show, it’s tougher to find examples of life at its worst to make everyone else feel better about their own relatively mild dysfunctions.
Holding such preposterous ideals that nobody accepts they’re real isn’t the worst Democratic strategy. A conservative would be called a deranged xenophobic Islamophobe for claiming Omar said what she actually did. Those paranoid right-wingers outrageously maintain she’s working on Somalia’s behalf. Meanwhile, she announced it. Nothing makes her sound like a terror fan like the transcript. Lunacy is classified as accurately describing what liberals believe. Worst of all, it’s labeled as such by them.
A failed decent human also sucks as a spy. The bad American and person is engaged in outright infiltration. Admitting such is not clever, but neither is she. Exploiting legal protections in the nation she loathes is the closest the Squad member gets to canny.
The bigger problem than Omar’s unhinged contempt is how many apparently share it. There are a disturbing number of voters who know she’s on Somalia’s side and keep electing her. There’s nobody to blame when voters decide who represents them.
Omar offers sad proof that Democrats will vote for anyone of the same party. An orphanage arsonist could get a blue-colored piece of the pie chart for claiming to be pro-choice. The wholesale subverter in question serves the interests of a more specific and unnerving bloc. Apparently, enough fellow Somali immigrants didn’t want to really escape, either. Minnesotans in name only still haven’t realized you can vote for someone of a different background who thinks the warlord mentality is not one to lug to a new home.
Aspiring Americans are supposed to move here for all that opportunity jazz. But Omar doesn’t respect the Statue of Liberty poem or anything else. Exploiting a republic’s liberties comes naturally to those acting like they’re living in the deepest of hellholes. The Somali saboteur’s commitment to make everywhere as miserable is the only option aside from spreading improvement, and free markets just increase icky prosperity and comfort.
Like with carnage inflicted on Omar’s personal Christmas of September 11, there’s no repairing what’s happened. It will always have been shameful that a backer of America’s most despicable adversaries served in its Congress. She’s even worse than typical Democrats. Sure, the person who cheered during rather inappropriate parts of Black Hawk Down believes success is an exploitative sin to be punished, but her desire to lesson America’s stature is relatively unabashed. Her biggest sin to Democrats is honesty. You’re not supposed to tell anyone you want socialized medicine and the power to silence misgenderers, either.
As for the genuinely naïve, Kumbaya liberals should join Johnny Ramone conservatives in condemnation of an assailant sympathizer who discredits their belief that people all over the world are as tolerantly cool as they are. Those who profess that Muslims are not terror-supporting medieval enemies of civilization should despise her for pushing terrible stereotypes. There’s still a chance to be the first good Islamic woman elected to Congress. Rashida Tlaib certainly doesn’t count.
Fulfilling the description of treason is the first helpful thing Omar has ever done. Her repulsive pledge is inadvertently helpful, and I’ll never deploy the courtesy of thanking her.
Eject Omar like she thinks bouncers won’t. The congressional hijacker is daring those who are nobler than her to display enough nerve to call her bluff. As with moving to a country she loathes and marrying a sibling, she thinks she can get away with it. In an era where criminals enabled by Democrats grow evermore brazen in committing felonies, standing up to dastardly behavior is as thankless as it is crucial.
Expelling an American opponent from America’s Congress would actually aid her party. The only thing worse for Democrats would be leaving the United Somalian representative in place to continue representing a land that’s both faraway in miles and progress. It’s not regrettable enough that Joe Biden and AOC serve as their spokespeople. Sharing an ideology with such kindly intellectual heavyweights provides all needed evidence.
Adherents of a rather silly philosophy could change their views, but that seems like a giant hassle. It’s much easer to keep calling everyone who correctly notices there’s a traitor in the legislature racist. We’re just trying to help. Telling Ilhan Omar to go back to where she came from isn’t intolerant: it’s for her comfort.