Indecent Weakness
You’d think those who want politics in everything would know how specifics work. For one, advocates should be able to discern between goodness and hegemony. But thinking swell intentions solve anything leaves everything busted. The conflict between those too monstrous to stop hassling others and too soft to intervene has left humanity as the losers.
Raw strength is an indifferent quality. Results and ethics have everything to do with how it’s wielded. The method preferred by bullies requires neither consideration nor concern for the soul’s ultimate destination. The righteous must stick to a push-ups regimen in order to dissuade cafeteria jerks.
Power without justness and justness without power both lead to tyranny. Countries with no interest in conquering others spend treasure on arsenals they hope not to use for the same reason citizens have the right to arm themselves. Discouraging fiends is easy when you have your own barrels to point.
Audacity is not to be praised on its own. Research whether those acting with uncommon confidence are defending borders or ignoring them. The refusal to verify which explains why Vladimir Putin doing as he wishes.
Noting ignoring autonomy makes the invader formidable is not an endorsement any more than a retweet is. You don’t have to put the disclaimer in your bio. Those unable to determine why the two don’t necessarily overlap may as well shriek upon noting Rommel won a few battles. Lunkheaded airplane armrest sizer Putin only has brute force at his disposal like he’s commander of an Imperial Star Destroyer, and the distinction between strategic brains and brute force is yet another lost in our very subtle world.
Having no rules seems awesome. In reality, it’s less awesome to learn why there are rules. Rueful comeuppance is part of growing up. Those seduced by the childish fantasy of nobody enforcing a bedtime wonder why they’re constantly exhausted. The world is full of goons who feel entitled to take toys belonging to nice children. With innate consciences in short supply, property respect is the task falling to adults on the planet who are willing to be what kids ironically think of as the bad guy.
There’s a world of difference between admiring KGB thug twerp Putin and noting he does whatever he can get away with in a world where immoral aggression goes unchecked. Those conflating the two while railing against anyone who notices Russia disrespects property lines are actually admitting to how they see the world. Inadvertent declarations are the only times many people are honest.
The sect of Americans who plague themselves with their own commitment to worshiping authority in a moral vacuum are confused by principles in action. We’re still coping with the remnants of the Trump faction who proved what vigorous alpha males they are by worshiping an authority-hungry beast who didn’t win at all costs. It’s no wonder their very virile kingpin can’t manage to avoid ambivalence about a villain too cartoonish for Marvel movies.
Let’s at least ascertain lessons from an entire presidency composed of the inability to distinguish between authority and how to not be a horse’s ass while applying it. Otherwise, we suffered for no reason. One of these years, the professional boaster will convince others he dominated in business even though the practical result amounted to a couple hideous skyscrapers clad in black glass and identified by a rather unpalatable name in tacky gold. Wait until you see how much pink marble is in the lobby.
Conflating strength with rectitude was bad enough. Faking owning the former merely makes the toxicity more annoying. Not coincidentally, Trump also places winning above what’s being won, which continues to make his loss extra amusing.
The only bad part was who beat him. Joe Biden offers neither the willingness for boldness nor the conviction to do something worthwhile. But at least he doesn’t possess any sense. It’s apparently asking too much to get one president who’s willing to address how Russia sucks.
Suckering those begging for it takes the fun out of the grift. The adorable presumption that everyone is decent explains the worldview of those allowing cartoonish demons to rampage. This seems like a good time to remember Biden was vice president while Barack Obama decided bribing Iran with funds plundered from American taxpayers would keep maniacal mullahs from dreaming of nuking Tel Aviv.
By astounding coincidence, international attempted placaters are the same ones whose ideology leads them to presume those arrested domestically are society’s victims. Ending cash bail has shown who the real threat is. Nobody ought to be surprised even if they’re not presently being stabbed. Meanwhile, the only villains unofficial advocates of repeat offenders can find are cops.
Our globe’s villains attempt to be amoral and muscular, although Ukraine’s stubborn resistance exposes the latter’s flaccidness in Putin’s doughy case. Storming into private territory isn’t clever any more than it is honorable. It’s too bad Russia hasn’t spent as much time developing a market economy as they have trying to convince exhausted neighbors that they should unlock their doors.
Biden is both dissolute and enfeebled. He offers the best of both worlds aside from that. The doddering evader is doing something to discourage wickedness after barbarians advance again as long as pouting counts. Meanwhile, your American business is guaranteed to get harassed. There’s surely plenty to cover insane taxes thanks to Treasury checks falling from the sky. The best hope for world peace is destabilizing Russia by letting Biden commandeer their economy. War inflation is dragging down the whole globe.