Inept Intent

Anthony Bialy
4 min readJun 23, 2022

Maybe they’re this bad on purpose. Are the expert architects of our existence trying to screw up? Asking if Joe Biden is out to make life worse sums up the particularly joyous conditions he’s spurred. It’s surely a good sign when wondering if this agony is being inflicted intentionally is the most popular question asked by those suffering from his help. Realizing how worthless money at jobs nobody holds to not buy unavailable products distracts from how much of the globe is occupied by the Legion of Doom.

There’s good news if you’re into rampaging. Now’s the time to invade the neighbor of your choice if the only thing holding back your imperialistic dreams was consequences. America’s only presently dynamic during a retreat that’s largely yet certainly not entirely literal.

Decisions that please villains a should dissuade any White House but don’t for the particularly stubborn present tenant. The leader of the free world is a hoary moron who committed himself to believing what doesn’t work decades ago. His innately younger staffers don’t share the same excuse, even if it’s only calcifying with age.

International chaos better not be but might be the goal. Weakening America to the point where citizens beg to become subjects would’ve seemed too insane for the end of the AM spectrum two years ago. Now, the accurate description of present policy only sounds crazy if you haven’t heard the president try to finish a sentence.

Beg them to stop trying to assist. They are attempting, right? The adorable notion that this White House legitimately thought hassling us would create prosperity only seems implausible if you haven’t dealt with results of them thinking. Acting cool hasn’t impressed the delinquent lunch table as much as hoped.

If they don’t want to make maniacal ranting about what’s going terrible sound plausible, stop screwing up that badly. The most plausible explanation involves acting like such inept oafs that accurate descriptions seem outlandish. Being this bad at being head of state seems like it’s not accidental. Maybe Biden plotted this out when he was semi-coherent enough to plagiarize.

Felonies in their cities should be terrible for mayors. Instead, the only victims are subway passengers and those with wallets. The refusal to vote for anyone but the handout party creates a monopoly businesses wish they could maintain.

Being robbed of rights is only the start. Gun control may take what’s yours both in a figurative and real sense, but at least you’ll face far more danger. Noticing how there sure seem to be a high quantity of robberies in areas allegedly kept safe by banning implements won’t stop ironic gunfire.

See: there just weren’t enough restrictions on your constitutional and human right to self-defense. Blue State politicians helpfully drop more barriers in your path where you’ll need to justify shooting back. Laws for the law-abiding conveniently involve confiscating your right to self-defense against the very government that proves the very reason it’s necessary. Liberals don’t understand how they make the point for those they’re debating. Needing to provide a reason to do something is a sure sign you live in a free domain.

I hope government ruining health care is part of the plan, because it’s tough to imagine not screwing up this badly with intent. Hit a broken bone with a bigger hammer to set it.

Malpractice is bound to heal one of these days. Single-payer is the not-very-secret goal of those who are new to Earth and thus think government makes anything cheaper while increasing quality. A wholesale takeover is framed as necessary because forced insurance just made us sicker.

We may as well skip the public option but won’t, as wholly compassionate liberals will undoubtedly go through the show to pretend that the equivalent of a government-run Target only failed because customers were allowed to shop elsewhere.

Making conspiracies plausible is the incumbent’s gift to clarity. The latest bit of plausible lunacy involves wondering if the Biden White House acts so outrageously so that critics accurately noting what’s happening sound like raving maniacs. The theory is discredited by realizing such diabolical planning presumes anyone working for this administration is capable of planning ahead.

An administration trying to make everyone rich by printing money is surely incapable of any plot that goes past dinnertime. Their only skill is going so far that responses are necessarily drastic. Naturally, it’s inadvertent.

But nothing makes one seem unhinged like believing Biden is helping. Even zealots with the most glazed eyes can’t possibly think their daft notions bring prosperity.

Democrats are not quite capable of manipulating our world beyond promising free stuff to voters. Economics and coercion prevent their outlandish dreams from taking root. Forget actual plotting to create tranquil prosperity: Biden’s not even able to convince anyone he’s attempting to assist.

A president who didn’t have the excuse of hoary diminishment when he announced his commitment to ideology decades ago either fervently dedicated to falling for preposterous guarantees that defy reality, human nature, and mathematics or are just encouraging breakdowns in order to seize more autonomy. Incompetence constitutes the best case. It’s no wonder arrogant twits are so suspicious of the successful people they seek to control.

