Kamala Needs Your Vote, Eventually

Anthony Bialy
4 min readJul 29, 2024


Vote as you’re told for democracy. Enduring a Kamala Harris presidency is off to an appropriate start. The party deeply committed to countering fascism is full of surprises. They appointed their choice by removing that very thing.

Kamala tells the inspirational story of someone who didn’t even need to get a vote to become a finalist. The 25th Amendment comes with an asterisk, but at least it’s not the only part of the Constitution Democrats violate.

It’ll be racist and sexist to not vote for the vice president selected based on race and sex. Kamala used multiple definitions of the latter. Accessing power through a reciprocal trade will be billed as judgmentally icky close-mindedness. There was no sleeping to the top: who slept?

Kamala’s hagiography will make the media’s treatment of Obama look like how they portrayed Mitt Romney. The eternally fair press will have to try even harder to make her seem like a kindly savior factoring how she herself contributes precisely no persuasion abilities. Democratic policy is based in forcing you to buy a timeshare. The charisma it takes to sucker marks is a recessive gene for her.

Liberalism’s embodiment thinks she’s being complimented. An ideology that spreads misery and poverty as it claims to respectively create love and wealth would be funnier if we weren’t enduring it. The ethos remains amazing in the minds of adherents, who are far more dedicated to a faith that never pays off than the religious people at which they scoff. That reality part is the sole problem. Just like how printing money made everyone poor, Kamala is an inspirational visionary until she speaks.

Identity politics are especially appalling for someone without one. Substituting superficial qualities for an appealing personality is how to flaunt progress. Harris is trying to take her status as the prototypical DEI politician to the next level. Someone else will still have the opportunity to be the first good female minority president, so it’s nice of her to selflessly leave that opportunity.

It beats Trump if she beats Trump. Republicans would finally have to nominate a competent adult following such a shameful adult. Dreamers might even hope things could get fixed. Not wanting to binge a repulsive series we already hate watched is trying to justify what would be a slightly more obnoxious version of the Biden presidency. An obviously awful opportunity with zero changes from the wretched notions of her ostensible boss means doubling the rottenness that’s already happened. The only equally nauseating notion is the doing the same with an intermission.

It takes childish delusion to think one of these parties nominating an adult one of these elections. The legal right to vote as a result of being born at least 18 years ago doesn’t affect the poetic sense of maturity.

Republicans can finally learn not to attach themselves to a mouthy showman who spends like he’s still a Democrat. The same professional shyster who repulsed voters so much that they chose the present technical incumbent over him keeps the election competitive, and nobody wants some boring predictable race.

Anyone who thinks a quintessential dunce shouldn’t get promoted will hate politics. Democrats hate corporations because they presume they’re run the same way. Their quite taxing philosophy is most valuable for learning a lesson about why idolizing a preposterously warped perception of an inspiring savior who’ll usher in a new era of communal bliss might make life tougher. My historical research indicated Bill Clinton may have been a bit insincere about all that hope jazz, too.

If we’re replacing candidates, text Ron DeSantis. Kamala’s greatest strength is not being Trump. An era of politicians infiltrating life features the last humans you’d want doing so. This would’ve been the best time to not bring back a mouthy conman who sure wallows in misery or someone whose shtick is based on his wholesale success. The slightest bit of positivity would bury a mere landslide. Instead, try your hardest to enjoy another election where two energy vampires drain the joy out of life and the country.

Elections keep providing examples of why to minimize them, which voters keep disregarding. You’re right to feel tired of placing faith in preserving the nation on the willingness of Supreme Court justices who both have read and respect the Constitution. Pondering the steps that got us to this rather untenable point might just be worthwhile.

It’s the obligation of liberals to not think ahead. We try to get them to envision about what happens next, but they worry that foresight would alter who they are. Why bother to plot when you can scheme? Just force through the latest daft plot to seize money and rights before proclaiming nobody has to pay. That’s why everyone’s rich.

The charming refusal to realize there will be a tomorrow is how they ended up with the most dreadful contender today. The emblematically empty-headed present competitor replaced the nasty geezer who screwed up the nation after the loudmouth who was the less worse option triumphed against the shrill schemer who followed up the all-star charlatan. There’s your brief recent political history.

Anyone enjoying this environment is bound to be excited by a potential Kamala term. Decent humans by contrast should start considering what curse led us here. Voting like this led to a pending nomination coronation for the least worthy queen. Kamala’s so awesome that there’s no need to confirm it with some runoff.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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