Killer Excuses

Anthony Bialy
4 min readMar 30, 2023


Mourning is tough when Bill of Rights-shredding fetishists are standing on caskets. Gun control ghouls had to climb down quickly. The story of the Nashville atrocity will disappear since the murderer wasn’t on the way to a Ron DeSantis rally. Details once again ruin a perfectly-crafted story.

It’s so transphobic of the transgender murderer to have switched sides. Let us remember the real casualties, namely imaginary sufferers of retaliatory onslaughts that never happen. The community feels threatened about what hasn’t occurred in the inadvertent embodiment of believing feelings trump actuality. Liberals who spent the days after September 11 expressing grief for those murdered in a terror strike against our nation by vainly looking for Muslims attacked as revenge underwent a soft reboot. Fearing a backlash is nothing compared to the real lash.

Anyone genuinely interested in stopping crime is tired of the predictability. A vile enemy of life itself receiving treatment for an emotional disorder is the least surprising update since noticing gun-free zones aren’t free of guns if dastards zone in. Let’s say it together on 3, 2, 1: “If only there had been signs.”

Breaking gun laws is against the law. It’s just like murder. Very dedicated grievers are once again lecturing about the horrors of the all-time hellion rifle we call the AR-15 in lieu of condemnations of a diabolical trigger-puller. Magical bullets fired from sentient monster machines climb stairs then traveling through wormholes.

Such frightening items exist and may be acquired by the wicked, which is the best reason to not make it virtually impossible for the virtuous to acquire them. Even fiends weigh practical matters, as seen by how they choose targets with soft security. So, discourage potential assailants. Showing how to stop future aggressions is the only contribution human trash piles make.

An unknown enemy is the trickiest to defeat. The Second Amendment’s aspiring editors make the case against themselves by spewing patent nonsense about how they pretend firearms work. Gun foes hate the devices so much that they refuse to learn about them.

The typically irrational legitimately make illegitimate blame. Highlighting how the barbarity occurred in a Nashville Christian school while winking is how our helpfully unbiased media lets you know how much they think you should care. Liberals shamelessly cite laws against mutilating perplexed children as a mitigating factor just after children were killed. They sure don’t seem bothered that damning the NRA lets a mass murderer off the hook. You’d think they might be upset the perpetrator didn’t obey their talking points.

To be fair, those who act like they’re the only ones who want to keep children safe. Fervent opponents of bearing arms are concerned to the extent that the deceased can be used to further political goals. Both they and their policies are surely rational if they campaign using dead kids. No, it’s not abortion. The rate of guns used in murders will never match 100 percent.

Caring more about pronouns than victims reflects our very sane and caring modern age. Is misgendering the murderer hateful? Or is using preferred pronouns transphobic since it implies the villain represents others from the group? You may note none of such focus prevents future strikes against schools.

You would think the killer was the aggrieved party if you’ve come across profiles from self-righteously twisted activists who’ve infiltrated newsrooms. Delicate debates about how to address the mass killer created a real-world problem with ignoring basic reality, namely identifying a suspect while indulging in delusions about same. Fretting about respecting what a human demon wished to be called sums up 2023 perfectly in its way.

It’s not just befuddlement over what gender the fiend really was. A patent unwillingness to diagnose people struggling with dysmorphia shows the harm caused by valuing self-esteem over science. Lumping everyone together is unnecessary while noting what’s happening to individuals. The spike in assaults since normalizing disorders is not to denigrate all those with psychological issues but rather focus on assistance. Preventing those enduring internal turbulence from reaching out causes harm all around.

Seeing transphobia framed as the worst consequence of murders should be shocking. Then again, noticing an aggressively bumbling communist tyranny inflicted a pandemic led to being branded racist. Anyone who cares about fighting mental illness would offer counseling instead of coddling. Implements are claimed to be as at fault as your devotion to biology. Liberals don’t know who to accuse. We should have spent less time policing drag shows and more time monitoring things like, oh, threats to a Catholic school by a wholly unbalanced malefactor.

Democrats finally found a crime they oppose, and the transgender perpetrator ruined it. The narrative is collateral damage. Every single conservative would have been denounced if a Christian murdered a transgender person. It turns out the reverse is also true. The sense of confusion is consistent depending on the side.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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