Lawbreaking Government
Are you uninterested in obeying the law? Don’t worry: neither is the government. Making up rules is the favorite hobby of the ultimately unwieldy entity that’s tasked itself with controlling all the stuff. Existence’s referees are coincidentally and conveniently not subject to irksome rules that are as absolute as they are capricious. They must be divine if they can be two things at once.
Full commitment isn’t a virtue for those doing something regrettable. Unhinged Democrats don’t just provide mild opposition but stand as anti-activity. If you want to do something, you’re not allowed. The only exceptions are for shoplifting, crossing the border into a country where you’re not a citizen, and winning the presidency so you can help your crackhead kid grift.
Wholesale interdiction means they don’t hide it anymore. Liberals used to pretend to be into simply adding guidelines. Of course, even telling others what to do a little is an unneeded bother, especially when it’s the sort of people liberals are doing the telling. But supply chain breaks reflect a war on commerce that’s way more effective than that one went in Afghanistan. Pondering whether they adhered to wholesale lunacy all along or just evolved is a fascinating academic debate. The overbearing yet anarchic result in actuality is the same.
Accomplices don’t want the police to take it easy: they want cops to take off. Nobody has to obey any laws unless they’re law-abiding. A perfectly screwed-up take on compliance, safety, and rights has led to precisely the sort of bleak dystopia anticipated.
Predictability didn’t lead to comfort. Victims of both street and governmental thievery are punished with constant legal hassles, mandates, and taxes. It’s their fault for trying to rake in cash without waiting for Treasury checks.
Fighting crime fighting has not reduced crime. The result somehow surprises some. Democrats who conveniently want to be the only ones allowed to make decisions haven’t quite figured out how to inflict their edicts, what with their rather incongruous contempt for cops. But I’m sure they’ll come up with a way to enforce laws minus law enforcement. These are people who made money worthless, so anything’s possible to such wizards.
A government that does whatever it wants doesn’t stop fellow crooks from doing as they please. The precedent inspires reprobates who aren’t in office. Ensuring compliance with an endless series of commands has gone beyond a little lax. A full withdrawal from preventing traditional crimes coincides with hassling everyone attempting to comply with arbitrary governmental incursions. Forces march past each other.
Viewers can only conclude present ruling regimes are in favor of felonies, as there’s no other honest way to look at empty shelves and streets full of random assaults in Blue State cities and conclude they think felonies are swell. Of course, Democrats also claim spending more money because it’s losing value means the economy’s humming, so maybe they’re just confused again.
Opposing the existence of police forces is one of those secrets liberals couldn’t help blurt out. It’s like how admitting fondness for Hamas just became easier than maintaining the veneer that they only opposed Israel because they’re allegedly colonial occupiers. Having laws was oppressive in general and specifically racist. Now, societal breakdown harms everyone, which means we’ve finally reached their goal of equality.
Democrats crave more than a little bit of supervision from messianic dolts who’ve never made a dollar without winning an election. Actively opposing trade is the only thing they sell. A constant series of regulations are meant to restrain far more than trade. Baffled despots never figured out if taxes are to feed government or punish those who thrive without it. All governmental parasites know is they need to seize more using bullying that makes doing so less likely.
Endless control means countless chances for violations. That’s the biggest loophole of all. Getting harassed is for your benefit, and you could be more thankful about that. Obtuse snots think proles wouldn’t be able to figure out how to unlock their phones without federal assistance. In practice, the feds assist nobody.
Destroying what they benefit from shows true gratitude. Life becomes so cushy until Democrats get their way that they have time to cultivate grievances. Most teens grow out of their contempt for what makes them comfortable, often when they have to start providing it for themselves. By contrast, staying surly is politically appealing for perpetual brats.
Enemies of the basics show the value of everything they’re against by dismantling them. They sure are nice to make the case against themselves. The only way liberals help is by showing why liberalism screws up everything. Calling what’s working the problem is precisely why everyone’s been grumpy all decade.
Massive overregulation constitutes true lawlessness. Treating people negotiating with each other as an exploitative Wild West shootout is even sillier contrasted with the ceaseless series of bureaucratic diktats with a similarly unending list of exemptions. Impossibly helpful politicians make up rules to either compensate for their previous failures or just because they simply don’t feel like following the awful things they enact. True criminality takes the form of changing rules.