Less Is… Less

Anthony Bialy
4 min readFeb 3, 2022


Why does Congress want us to go broke? Our awful cheapskate leaders never pass enough bills to make life affordable. Intergender wrestling partners Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema tag-team to prevent life from becoming reasonable. You’d think politicians who care about us would vote for cheap products. Wait: I totally meant inexpensive. Make economics obey a law.

Starving people broke in many ways are noticing present intervention levels have made everything costly, which means Soviet-bare shelves are actually a relief. And nobody has currency, anyway. Jobs are mythical like affordable meat.

Those who thought we’d get more fell for a con that bilked the skeptical, too. We really are all in this together. Prosperity doesn’t come into existence by promising higher salaries or lower prices. That simple reality is explained once again to no effect. Negotiating is hard work, and the job hasn’t even started yet. Were you aware you are not compensated for determining how much you’ll be compensated?

True higher wages come by offering more value. By contrast, minimum wage hikes mean getting more without doing more. That deal sounds awesome except for how many never get hired in the first place. But who hates an endless weekend? Nobody can afford food that’s not stocked, anyway.

But you get more, except for how you get less. This economics business creates a chain reaction. Meddlers are right in a horrifying way that’s the opposite of how they think. Inadvertent correctness is the most telling. Diverting more water from a river doesn’t account for the source drying out. Government’s biggest fans pretend to care about the environment, too.

Free anything rips off someone. Another party providing you a service has the nerve to expect something in return. The 13th Amendment kind-of implies you can’t force someone to provide you with labor. Office-holding simpletons trying to sucker voters into indirect bribery attempt to circumvent yet another constitutional limit with enticements about what you’d buy if student debt were cancelled. It’s the same answer for you’d do with a bank heist’s proceeds. Ask who you robbed how they’re not spending what’s rightfully theirs. Don’t be lured into a short career as a getaway driver.

At least the ghastly idea causes tremendous harm. The win is thorough. It’s not just wrong to seize things you’d like because paying gets so expensive: onerous taxes deplete the economy, which is the sort of irony preferred by those who inadvertently inflict pain upon those they claim to aid. We’re begging you to stop helping us.

Money is created by the government, as long as you’re very literal. The actual funding comes from someone else if we must be technical. I hate to break up the unlimited free cash pile party. But we may just be better off by trying to get prices as reasonable as possible by not meddling with simple competition for price and quality. Communal spenders pretend we’re in this together as they steal from all.

Satan thinks Treasury checks come with too many conditions. Those who didn’t even realize they were selling souls either think bribes come without consequence or are glad to rip off someone else. Some rich bastards who totally wouldn’t have spent cash on salaries are bound to keep running companies in order to have their compensation seized. Sure, the practical effects are ironically deleterious. But at least expecting those who’ve earned more to pay for your things is morally rotten.

The politics of voting oneself more riches are unbearably childish. Thinking more comes without consequences is a kindergarten mentality minus the sense of simple wonder that’s supposed to inspire adults to live simply.

Concluding that a law can somehow lower prices might get you laughed out of smarter first-grade classrooms. Washington replacing your parents makes for ghastly family reunions. Speaking of school behavior, learning to negotiate through trading lunch items is a skill that eluded our most educated, who instead just decided to get extra Lunchables by wanting them to appear in the backpack. Washington exceeded the grocery budget by 30 freaking trillion dollars all so we can eat Malt-O-Meal three meals per day. I can tell they’re Marshmallow Mateys even if you put them in a Lucky Charms box.

Those affected may react accordingly. Can responding be made unlawful? Government is viewed as a genie that defies our understanding of reality. But math and incentives cannot be made to vanish even aside from the ironic granted punishment where you end up with a solid gold head or something.

The difference is many children grow up and learn. A frightening example gets even scarier if you don’t learn from it. Despite current political wisdom about voting away sorrow, enduring pain is part of adulthood. Attempting to evade it exacerbates it. Perpetual juveniles never grow from life’s challenges. Worst of all, grown brats force everyone else to endure perpetual immaturity. Letting a majority of idiots rule is such a childish notion.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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