Look into the Dystopia
Only thieves are thriving. Who could be surprised? You might be unsurprised. Point and laugh at people who never learn what already happened, which is a not very secret code for Democrats. Noticing patterns takes the fun out of life. It’s better to keep trying what does the same.
At least money is worthless. There may be a slight economic crisis when the item used to obtain everything else would be more valuable if converted to newspaper. And you haven’t bought one of those this century.
Proving that people aren’t happier without stuff is yet another outcome letdown. Possessors can’t buy much, which is a reminder to value spiritual things over goods. Consider the aspiration to attain more than possessions a helpful reminder from a government that tries to replace religion.
Keeping people from pursuing greed takes the form of giving them funds seized from others. Now, that’s selfless. We’re told it’s exploitative to expect compensation in exchange for performing tasks so useful that others will pay for them. If you want a job outpacing inflation, consider selflessly becoming a politician. The noblest take from the successful in order to spread around, or at least vote for them.
Electing grifting income shifters is the closest thing to a job Democrats create. You have to work once or twice per year to sponge off the productive for the rest of the days. I’m sure hard workers being exploited won’t dwindle, as that would mean consequences exist.
Printing too much leads to inflation. This lesson is brought to you by a moderately sharp 12-year-old. Contrast the figurative bright brat with a real moron of a geezer. Joe Biden’s solution to all our problems was to have too much of a good thing. If ice cream cake is delicious, it should be served at every meal.
If you’re not going to know something, make ignorance thorough. Liberals possess so little understanding of economics that they fail to grasp how supply and demand applies to money itself. You don’t have to appreciate the thoroughness of their commitment.
Anyone who likes having stuff should be aware of just who produces what. It’s presently nobody and nothing, respectfully. Stuff comes from government, unless you’re addicted to greed. Ghastly corporations probably expect money in return. Stop being selfish and give me what I want without cost.
Mean Republicans won’t cough up for welcome mats. Erasing the border means anyone who wants strolls in. Visitors don’t have to do anything like work, which would be rude to expect. The American dream is having someone hand you everything you desire. The perverse version is only available to non-Americans.
Engineers of decline are busy mocking those irony-free fools who think that working hard might lead to progress. Now, you know why liberals don’t create anything. Running for elections is a matter of survival if you wonder why they act like nothing matters but politics.
The most notorious reward for doing nothing has made the globe even more dangerous. Giving American taxpayer money to Iran led to an attack on Israel. But they promised to spend their chore payment on school supplies.
Resentment borne of idleness is such a common Democratic outcome that they may be doing it on purpose. Their reign is successful as long as tearing down success counts.
Reducing demand for guns by eliminating acquisition of stuff has not yet paid off. But that’s just because every Democratic initiative takes longer than however much they’ve already gotten to successfully implement. Dissemblers of civilization enabled by law enforcement’s withdrawal are still stealing anything not bolted down and will take those things once they swipe tools.
This latest regrettable term is the least shocking failure since Barack Obama. Individual screwups contribute to widespread horrors. The daily exhaustion of what overreach overlords are going to attempt is how they wear you down. Making subjects too weary to resist is maybe not the best indicator of inspiration. Don’t miss the big picture, presuming it hasn’t been nicked.
Asking why people keep falling for this is a question I wish weren’t timeless. An active resistance to noticing trends motivates your visionary leaders who are not even aware patterns exist. They’re too focused on boasting regarding claims that never happen in the true spirit of their ideology.
Watching the world crumble isn’t fun when you live in the stadium. We can’t observe in a forlorn yet detached matter when barbarians are bashing our doors. Government invades our finances while telling us very helpfully what common activities are prohibited as of this morning. Shoplifters are crossing paths with illegal immigrants. They should nod to each other in acknowledgment of who’s got it good.