Loud About Hush Money

Anthony Bialy
4 min readMay 6, 2024


Taking is the Democratic form of profiting. There’s no other way to run a business, at least that legalized grifters can imagines. They’re not mean like your bosses, other than how they do the same by law. The only important employment is their own, and let’s classify their workdays as unproductive. Politicians must only endure a performance evaluation every couple years. They expect you to keep them in office because it’s more fun than working. Revelry will continue as long as bucks keep flowing. The party’s finally nearing its conclusion.

The pushy party can afford to be so generous because of a generous benefactor. If you want to maximize contributions, make them compulsory. Thanks to withholding, most donors don’t even realize how generous they are.

Bribes for votes are shameless in blatancy, which is another sign market incentives work. Coercion really helps those who need to keep others on their side without making a convincing case or being able to create anything worth trading.

Limp government goons inadvertently illustrate their foes are right while showing why they’re so wrong. Every Democrat is a corrupt sheriff with a councilman in his pocket. Entice voters with profits seized from those who back candidates calling for workers to keep what they earn. The self-proclaimed selfless get away with it because they can, which also helpfully illustrates how they implement their very caring philosophy.

Hypocrisy is just the start. Elected autocrats see themselves as fighters of corruption as they embody it, which is surely the only time they’re full of it. Expanding power to the point where they can negate it with a nod is also coincidentally the reason they’re so eager to make crime legal, aside from serving as an indirect perk to their constituency.

Those who can’t create a solid image rely on projection. Democrats habitually act in the same shameful way they accuse private entities of conducting themselves, with the difference being you can’t choose a different government without a decent amount of hassle. Knowing you can’t shop elsewhere is part of the privilege of constructing a loving administration that has control over every life aspect.

It’s best to use bills yoinked from others, as your own is so expensive. Buying support with cash seized from the successful is the primary way of leveling society. The presumption that everyone should have the same works with ice cream, so why change kindergarten thinking? The ideal amount is more than whatever you have now.

Wealth transfers are necessary if all funds have been assigned. You unfairly claim salaries reflect value created, but that cruelly leads to some people having more than others. True motivators have to convince voters that they’re useless. Breaking down self-esteem is how Democrats inspire. Someone stole from you so proficiently that you didn’t even notice. No, they don’t mean the government.

Student loans are seen as anything but. College is a time for learning that words don’t mean anything, which is one sort of lesson to retain. The expectation of entitlement may not be the healthiest major. There’s no point in arguing with people who think you’re selfish for not wanting to give what you’ve earned to those who haven’t.

Outrage at the expectation that they should pay for things defines liberalism. Take the costliness of allegedly free tuition. Panhandling graduates got amazing training, at least according to them. It should be easy to pay off what’s borrowed with 120 credits of solid training.

Pretending not paying for something will help the economy is the ultimate case of not seeing both sides. The practical implications of closed-mindedness lead to dismissing prosperity via, say, exchanging goods and services for dollars. Alleged beneficiaries save so much by not paying for groceries, which can be spent to stimulate an economy where many things are unaffordable for mysterious reasons. Shoplifting must be making life permanently prosperous.

Walking around money ensures getting out the vote. Claim to help the poor to make winking less obvious. Inflation is the only downside for the ripoff artists and upside for those outraged. Currency has gone from worth less to worthless.

Trying to befriend those who hate them is a sick habit of the psychologically gullible. They simply must convince everyone they’re cool. Iran took their lunch money and got them to beg to come over for dinner. Enabling villainy is just one more reason to not pay ransoms. The inability to see obvious consequences is inherent to their ideology. Anyone who saw what comes next wouldn’t be a liberal.

Trying to get global supervillains to behave with perks is a rather obvious test which the White House fails. It took an invasion of Israel to show how Iran spends their allowance on terror rockets, which the executive branch naturally still doesn’t grasp. Joe Biden’s flunkies are more than willing to accept excuses about how lunatic mullahs can’t spend what they have yet to receive. Meanwhile, the world’s substitute teachers put America nearly $35 freaking trillion in debt.

A time-honored tradition features no honor. Redistribution constitutes politics at its oldest and by no coincidence worst. An entire outlook based on taking from one party and giving it to others is framed as the epitome of high-minded decency, which is true aside from how its theft that demotivates all involved.

Class warfare builds society. Motivating their base coincidentally conforms with claiming they’re trying to help. It’s an unfinished sentence, as they want to help stay in office.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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