Measured Cussing

Anthony Bialy
4 min readAug 1, 2024


Learning to not shriek would be appreciated by everyone else at the supermarket. The lack of excessive cursing if they’re out of those cheese curds you like is part of becoming an adult. Remaining calm is important beyond while encountering spiders. Slightly less creepy creatures don’t deserve an emotional response, either. Donald Trump might seem worthy of an outburst. But reacting as he wants has been his only source of victory.

A golden black hole doesn’t just feed off misery. Trump is a a Star Trek foe whose shields become stronger with every absorbed phaser blast. But the lesson is to respond to ridiculous nastiness with measured sighing. A professional pouter’s useful lesson is naturally inadvertent.

The self-parody of a smirking ’80s movie villain business jerk really is a unique threat. But his skittish opponents exaggerate the threat in the same sense their bête noire overstates the size of his currency pile. A ranter with nothing to rant about might be a lunkheaded charlatan and not a white supremacist fascist just like how a tantrum by proxy in the Capitol may not be an insurrection.

Democrats wonder why nobody heeds their harangues when someone sane comes along. The brief glorious fantasy where Ron DeSantis put the cult in their place was pre-empted by liberals intent on demonizing the levelheaded governor whose state keeps gaining electoral votes despite allegedly serving as a book-burning Mickey Mouse-puncher.

Stop calling nice people the worst monsters in existence’s history. It itself is not nice. Mitt Romney is cordial to the point of being inoffensive. A current senator is personally as bland as his views. But daring to think federal spending should perhaps not increase at its present rate will lead to being called a cancer-spreading enemy of humanity by those who have hyperbole as their brand instead of useful products.

Sanctimonious liberals couldn’t accept the other side simply prefers a different approach. The alternative is actually based in the Constitution and results, I may add. Foes of creating prosperity without expecting an executive order to make it happen are open-minded when it comes to anyone who agrees with everything they believe. See, they’re the only tolerant ones, so they don’t have to tolerate you.

Figuring how to cope with Trump is a perpetual issue that should’ve been ditched decades ago. Permanent suckers had at least eight years to learn how full of it their idol is if they’re obsessed with politics and about half a century if they’re familiar with carnival barkers trying to pass themselves off as entrepreneurial titans.

Like any elderly brat, Trump doesn’t care about the nature of attention as long as he’s getting it. Lickspittles still think he’s a burly embodiment of truth-telling as he tells them whatever they want to hear. Meanwhile, the feeble brute’s sworn enemies flail with horror just like he likes. The best bipartisan plan is to shrug at the freak show.

Planning’s never worked out before. One would think their unhinged overreaction was a plot to get Republicans to nominate the only person alive who could lose to whichever burgeoning inflation specialist will serve as Joe Biden’s proxy. But the results of an ideology based on shoving demonstrate they’re incapable of thinking out the steps they’ve already taken, much less ones ahead. Printing money didn’t make everyone wealthy, which means we obviously need to print more.

Never paying attention to the lessons of fables is part of a pattern. Liberals maintain ignorance regarding the classics. The Nonbinary Child Who Cried Wolf would teach them to stop treating normal times as emergencies. Now, a sheep-devourer comes along and nobody’s listening to their alarmed flailing.

Anything’s possible except less debt. Republicans could possibly nominate a decent human at some point in the distant future. I may be a crazy dreamer, but I’d like to believe even the bitchiest lackeys will tire of following a genuine phony off a cliff. The opposition will be right back to calling the person possessed by Hitler’s ghost if it does. The figurative sensible human will be notorious for possessing the nerve to obey the Constitution. There’s not even a command to buy insurance in the alleged governing document.

Freaking about every foe as a demon is the key to righteousness. The knowledge that the other side is led by human Satan is the closest the proudly godless come to believing in good and evil. Politics is their only religion, which makes separation of church and state either tricky or simple in a streamlined way. Claiming the apocalypse is imminent makes them just like any other doomsday cult and nearly as accurate.

Remain calm. Just kidding. Constantly remaining at DEFCON-1 Red Alert shows you care about how grave the situation is. If you think whoever the most prominent present Republican is won’t destroy the republic, there’s no way to demonstrate seriousness.

The only thing worse than being governed by emotions is when they’re stupid. A thorough lack of control is inherent to the ideology from tenets to reactions. Leveling heads would lead to them no longer being liberals.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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