Missing Inaction

Anthony Bialy
3 min readJan 15, 2024


Learning how swell everything used to be is yet another aggravation inflicted by goons ruining the present. Woeful times are are a victory for nostalgia, as it’s not just distance from present agonies that make us miss everything before.

Noticing what’s avoided is tough to measure. The most reliable method for vacuum awareness is trying something else to see how it sucks infinitely more. Joe Biden is doing swell if showing why people like him shouldn’t be elected counts.

Our advanced times allow for ensuring correlation and causation aren’t linked, as when liberals determine Earth didn’t crash into the Sun because Washington threw enough money into it. Brave adventurers could’ve prevented the Moon from creating werewolves if greedy Republicans weren’t so determined to do Big Lunar’s bidding.

Ingratitude leads to lessons. Ruing how conditions were actually okay is the price of bitching about them. Respecting elders is uncool amongst contemporary whippersnappers who use the products of free markets to condemn them. History started this morning.

The surest method for valuing proper limitations is to take away functioning things, which is also the worst way. Learning from experience is the agony brought by adherents to dodging responsibility. A White House that cares about inflicting lessons is making life challenging so we appreciate little moments.

Not treating crime like it’s illegal seems to encourage more of it. Fans of surprises are learning about incentives, whether by punishing those striving to attempt something useful or winking at those who use their trousers as shopping cart substitutes. Going the wrong way on two different issues inevitably intersects when exasperated useful people get fed up with creating items to be stolen.

Perfectly inverting life leads to screwy circumstances. Why aren’t you surprised? Do good to be treated badly. Superhero movies contain life lessons if you need an excuse to waste more free time indulging in comic book fantasies. Cops are slimed as villains while anyone behaving is hassled mercilessly. Meanwhile, shoplifting is the only thriving industry. Stores and people are getting cleaned out, which somehow followed the decriminalization of every offense. Don’t carry copper wire on your person unless you want it ripped out.

Blaming crime on victims rendered poor sounds like a sympathetic excuse until you realize the sob story connoisseurs caused that, too. A world where people get the chance to make enough that they don’t feel like thieving is accompanied by kissing your goods goodbye. Materialism is bad for your soul.

Bidenomics is a slur. This president inspires cussing. Wholesale federal meddling can only be exacerbated by having someone like this president oversee devastation.

Creating the worst of both worlds is one way to avoid confusion about ambivalence. Appreciating a time when nothing was promised is the rueful result of comforting and useless assurances. Ensuring high wages by not guaranteeing them sounds like a lot of work.

Imposed promises bring unforeseen consequences, which was obvious to everyone but imposers. A wait for an apology will take as long as it does for Social Security to be worthwhile. It’s your fault for investing money involuntarily so poorly. Alleged assistance has made jobs scarce and groceries unobtainable. May you come across good look affording what you can’t find, anyway.

Progress is not inevitable as long as humans are involved. In particular, irrational liberal humans prevent cockiness by setting back the simplest advancements. This futuristic era features superstition used as protection against pandemics, racial pandering as the path to equality, and indulging delusions about ignoring personal genitalia as tolerance’s apex. The faction dedicated to bulldozing anything constructed by the Constitution’s hatefully icky authors is lamentably bound to start experimenting by removing society’s norms.

Trashing established systems shows why we miss them. Liberals insist upon proving conservatives right. The spirit of bipartisanship extends to discrediting personal doctrine. Protections from fraud, battery, and foreign barbarians are all we want from government and all we don’t get. Please accept promises of super-speedy trains from an administration that can’t master 19th-century technology.

Life is so cushy that some complain about what made it that way, which is on page one of the Commie Handbook. The lite version actually contains slightly more calories, as liberalism means slightly less empty supermarket shelves than in the Soviet Union. Exaggerations become tougher every day of this presidency.

Reality’s indifference hurts feelings. Mean conservatives insist upon earning money and punishments for felonies. Government’s sole role is preventing violations, not providing joy. Trying to perfect live via executive order is nothing more than enabling mooching, whether by obtainers of useless degrees, professional stealers, or the president’s grifting stimulant-consuming progeny. The heartless days of yore where grizzled citizens had to pay for what they used sure seem gentle.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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