Mortgaged Economy

Anthony Bialy
4 min readAug 22, 2024


You have to respect Democratic dedication. Wait: no you don’t. Permanent remedial students adhere to the worst ideas possible in an illustration of commitment’s downside. The slowest learners don’t even mean to help with a bad example to avoid.

Doing more of what’s wrong will surely help if we believe strongly enough. Some diabolical capitalists must not be mustering sufficient faith, which is why printing more money isn’t making everyone wealthier.

Giving you money to buy a house sounds great. They’re expensive, after all, what with the walls and plumbing. Prices are especially high recently for mysterious cursed reasons. It’s much better to not pay, which is where Kamala Harris swoops in to save the economy and sanity with a coupon for $25,000 off a house. The money is free because it’s from the government. Why do houses suddenly cost $25,000 more?

Deciding how much something should cost is only okay when the government imposes. Punishing businesses for the crime of being too good at it is the very fair approach Democrats use to encourage progress. The Berlin Wall just wasn’t high enough.

Ranting against decadent success is the America-haters’ version of the American way. Taking the free in markets the wrong way may not be sufficient deterrent against selling something customers want so badly that they’ll trade money. That gets expensive. But it’s nothing compared to government declaring you can take what you wish. Trade is voluntary, which enrages coercion fans as much as gun ownership. Buy a firearm to really enrage the White House.

An item on a shelf may cost a different amount tomorrow. This whole supply and demand scheme leads to uncertainty. Aspiring president Harris needs you to put her in charge so she can enact price controls, which work great except for how they don’t control prices. But at least she’d get to tell you what to do, and you’ve certainly noticed how much smarter she is than you.

Timing is everything. It’s astounding how corporations discovered greed as soon as liberals got their way. Demonizing their victims in that charming Democratic style is their way of avoiding blame, which also explains why they’re sympathetic to muggers and not those relieved of property.

This is not the federal landlord’s first attempt to create homeless paired with vacancy. That may not be their stated goal, but it is the result. Things didn’t turn out too bad aside from melting down the global economy. Oh, and fewer people had homes, but anything can look bad if you check it.

Defying reality is for the imaginative. But the world’s not reacting positively to fantastical Democratic claptrap. Subprime mortgages were the inspirational attempt to let people who couldn’t afford houses try to buy them. We shouldn’t have even rented the notion. Trying more of what caused awfulness will surely expand the square footage.

These should be pleasing times, what with the kindly government buying us whatever we’d like. Yet acting like our grandparents hasn’t helped the case for replacing families.

Evading cruel prices was supposed to enrich life without money. The ability to live without spending somehow didn’t allow us to finally focus on our boutique pottery business instead of some boring job with a desk that leads to sales. Attempting to evade life’s expenses is sadly predictable. The White House has pulled off the reverse miracle of turning money into something that buys nothing.

It takes a visionary to come up with something so simple. Joe Biden wonders why nobody ever thought of free money when he’s not working on shoelace and bathrobe knots. Yet his genius wealth plan buys less and less. We’re not enduring a genie’s curse, as Democratic presidents are unable to grant wishes despite their claims. I’m starting to suspect they don’t dwell in lamps, either.

It’s tough for Trump devotees to indulge in their propensity for announcing everyone other than them sucks when they believe in slightly different sucky things. Republicans head forward and back to the ’30s with their embrace of tariffs. The same conglomerates Democrats hate for dealing with their policies will merely pass along Trump’s charge to the consumer. They’re tricky with the loophole.

Ban raising prices next to be bipartisan in defiance of gouging. Either way, take comfort in knowing we’re going to end up with a president who will do everything possible to raise prices.

The willful ignorance required to pretend government gets us good deals on anything seems like personal contests to test the limits of daftness. Wondering how long before we hit rock bottom offers the only surprise. Even Argentina decided they wanted to stop being silly, and the fact we aspire to one day have as strong an economy as one of South America’s most historically silly enclaves apparently hasn’t created enough shame.

A lack of empathy defines those who boast of caring. It’s possible to understand how free markets work without running a business just like Brian Wilson could capture surfing’s spirit despite trying the tricky sport one time. By contrast, Democrats got into politics precisely because they’re unable to profit by creating value.

Kamala is running against the current president. Her campaign against whichever big meanie made cookies an unobtainable luxury makes zero sense considering her present job, but neither does anything else she claims. Running to reverse the deleterious policies of this criminally stupid White House doesn’t work unless she was a saboteur the whole time, and her destructiveness is inadvertent.

Never learning is crucial to those who know everything. Just ask them. Their habit of ruining everything in the same way every time just means we’re due for a different outcome. Boring life leads to the same thing every time. Failing to learn patterns would mean they didn’t know best how to run your life, and that can’t be right.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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