Negotiating Terms
Joe Biden remains the lieutenant. Ask him to spell it for amusement during these inflationary times. Crime’s up unlike the value of money, which seems backward. Blame his younger mentor for guiding him on implementing awful lunacy that causes enough damage to make the conspiratorial wonder if it’s intentional.
Part-time president Barack Obama remains a full-time aggravation. He isn’t just physically guiding his marionette. The very fair media would like you to believe the incumbent is capable of standing on his own just like he is proficient at reasoning. But his last supervisor helps him with both.
Obama’s fourth term would be an ode to FDR. A soft reboot is a hard prospect. Running your life as a complimentary courtesy offered by the most compassionate of parties. Democrats claiming they have new ideas hope you’re not into history any more than you are researching what happens when the Treasury prints too much cash.
Sticking with Biden even as the tumbleweeds take over in his skill is part of Obama’s sincere commitment to maintaining power. That’s just the start of selflessness for a former/quasi-current president who tirelessly wants to keep making your life difficult.
Feeling hassled is surely in your best interest. Why would one particular style of politician confiscate your autonomy otherwise? The thought being bossed around for 16 dreadful years by the worst possible bosses should make anyone quit. The best case against government is made by its lustiest endorsers. There’s a reason those who can only profit off holding office want to remove your right to dissent.
It’s so progressive to allow a man of color to really be in charge. The scheme could use a more convincing frontman. Biden was a nastily confused dolt before the Bicentennial. He thought America needed fixing then, too. Obama is as bad at choosing puppets as he is at policies.
When rules aren’t to your liking, circumvent them. It’s almost clever. There have been far too many terms dedicated to incinerating the shredded Constitution. This White House is only efficient at installing a most inefficient regime.
The Obama Party violates America’s rulebook, but at least they ruin the country. Lamenting harm is not just a conceptual matter, although their ideas could’ve been implemented by a flying saucer piloted by aliens who aren’t equipped with morality. Every liberal scheme is based in thinking they can spend better than those who earned it. The first example of it actually happening will be so refreshing.
The last Democrat only seems relaxed. Each infuriatingly inane post balancing lame false equivalence with calls for hideous overreach that were discredited by experience throughout last century spurs a twitchy flashback. The Berlin Wall fell in order for fans of the state to yearn for the East.
Everything headed downhill when people chose Facebook over MySpace. That could be coincidental, unlike how trying times followed investing faith in the most obvious phony humankind has ever produced.
Professional dupes who remain unwilling to admit to getting suckered insist on still pretending that everything would be swell if we only allowed the mellifluous speaker to unite us. Trusting conmen is now the semipermanent political trend. Thinking that style makes the difference is typical amongst vying cults. Members of the one into angry catharsis loathe those who prefer brain-dead cynicism risibly presented as hope.
The downside of Obama’s legacy is doing awful things as a byproduct of being a dreadful moron. Seducing dupes into signing over everything is shameless but won’t end until victims tire of getting ripped off. Unlike timeshare salesmen, you can’t leave once you got your golf clubs.
Try meth for a healthier alternative to getting hooked on entitlements. Spending untold trillions for worse outcomes is working superbly otherwise. Fretting there’s not enough funding is a common excuse for inevitable failure just like never asking who provides it.
There might be fewer addicts if the dealer didn’t get his way. Getting high on their own product is the worst mistake. Democrats in office possess precisely zero chance of them ever turning to productive careers. Who’d hire them? Influence is the most useless product to sell yet remains in vogue thanks to the very market crashers who peddle it.
A previous president hovering over the present one only sounds like a lunatic conspiracy. It’s like arming Mexican drug lords in order to pimp a gun control agenda or letting terrorists murder an ambassador because sending help for him would’ve served as an admission that their policy failed.
Biden was, is, and always will be Obama’s bitch. As for a fictional drug dealer who pretended to be a good community citizen, Gus Fring was way more interesting.
Exploiting misery is their brand. Democrats need as much inventory as possible. Dedicated parasites not about to manufacture anything people want, so they’ll focus on a financial meltdown caused by federal meddling that they of course blame on corporate greed. CEOs discovered inflation just after Biden got his way. Businesses are obviously deliberately making people poor so nobody can’t buy anything just like Biden’s lackeys claim.
Like sucks like Obama’s still president because he sort-of is. Cheap dates aren’t getting seduced as easily. Biden is uncharismatic version of the same toxic ideology that he believed as Obama’s Igor. Now, he’s as animated as the monster. That’s enough of the remakes.