No Secret About Poor Service
Kimberly Cheatle’s résumé has been assassinated. She leaves on a gentle slope. The Secret Service director directed neither. Announcing her resignation after whoever tweets for Joe Biden finally revealed the alleged boss is bailing at term’s end shows dedication to both a stubborn defiance of competence and unwillingness to respect responsibility. Ungrateful taxpayers don’t even credit her for the dumbest of luck.
The cunning strategy of keeping Donald Trump safe by having him turn his head at precisely the right moment shows how to do an assignment well. We didn’t need the scariest close call there could be, but it’s there as a reflection of the atmosphere of utter incompetence created by a president who was a putzing doofus even before he had to learn his name every morning.
It’s always a bad sign when we learn the name of an agency’s head. Democrats scold us for not praising the selflessly awesome servants who enable joy and productivity. The only thing lacking is a good reason. Democrats who define ruling as broadly as possible screw up every legitimate role along with those they seize. Feeble bullies want to run your lives even though they can’t preserve them. Pete Buttigieg adores Cheatle for making him look less inept by comparison.
You’re in luck if you desire examples of why public idlers can’t protect anyone from anything. Those looking for capability will feel frustrated. Firing should’ve come an instant after the bullet flew past. But this isn’t Costco. The lack of accountability following the definition of failure illustrates why everyone either admits to hating government or pretends it’s looking out for all of us while fuming at the opposite occurring.
The one agency that everyone admired has sunk to being as oafish as the rest, so at least we enjoy consistency. Sniper interdiction sure seems like it falls under constitutional jurisdiction. Oh so fearless architects of society can’t even shield the executive branch.
Liberals claim the state should be involved in everything outside its domain. Meanwhile, it can’t achieve what’s within it. An unmanageable entity that shrugs while those vying to be its head of state are forced to duck is surely proficient at educating whippersnappers and healing the sick.
Nostalgia is acceptable when present life sucks. Even those posted to insulate politicians from harm were better during the Reagan era. Agents exposed themselves to shots to guard a body. The soft reboot is never as impressive. The erstwhile paladin of competitors will have to get a job at her cousin’s cleaners.
Trump’s raised fist replaced the most avatars. But the agent hiding behind the person she was supposed to cover is the emblematic image of the fiends’s attempt even if tweeters don’t want to use it as their social media identity. Two kinds of dastards simultaneously plied their respective crafts.
Facts were another casualty. Journalists who didn’t seem particularly concerned about a wounded finalist for the top office naturally treated the unqualified coward like the victim. You are such a sexist for pointing out the female agents and director screwed up their sole duty.
I’m not saying women are unable to thwart murder plots against campaigners. But these particular women sure couldn’t. It turns out all those cruel right-wing conspiracy junkies got details right. The eternally helpful press will act like they endorsed the truth all along instead of branding those who noticed it as duplicitous misogynists.
Changing the definition of what’s real is part of the career description for contemporary reporters. Respectability for what they do vanished just as it has for the bumbling Secret Service agents they shroud from consequences.
Sentinels of objectivity got in plenty of lying practice while defending a diminished White House dweller who’s always been infected with mendaciousness. Like claiming Barack Obama didn’t lead Biden off the stage before then proclaiming the incumbent is unfit to double his time in power, the acceptance of actuality just took a couple days.
What’s next: the Secret Service enlists a female for the sake of it? Oh: the parody came true. The prototypical DEI appointment set back diversity, equity, and inclusion. If you want to halt the assertion that hiring based on superficial characteristics has become the standard, stop hiring applicants who can’t shelter a potential president. Now, vote for her opponent unless you want to be labeled prejudiced against her race and gender.
Cheatle was the Pepsi of directors. The serving of empty energy fittingly served as the unpalatable Coca-Cola substitute’s security director. No, it’s not okay. She can return to ensuring sodie pop cans don’t get shot. I’m sure she can get her gig back: it’s not like her blundering almost got a candidate killed any more than there are quotes that haunt her like “I thrive on chaos.”
Mean Republicans cheering employment loss are always moaning about having to perform tasks. Cruel capitalists think an occupation is for creating value instead of an entitlement in order to earn a living wage. Results during shifts are predictable.
Usually, a federal stooge having to seek a position in a productive field merely offers economic benefit. But saving confiscated cash with the loss of a useless worker is merely the start. Cheatle was still overseeing the survival of Trump and the incumbent after a nefarious twerp with a grudge and ladder nearly rewrote the timeline on her quasi-watch.
If you’re unable to notice a high place would be an appealing perch for an aspiring murderer of the prominent individual you’re supposed to keep alive, this may not be the department for you. The embodiment of terrible work not only avoided getting fired the night of her greatest shame but left on her own terms in a summary of Washington that’s a bit too perfect. She’s convenient to point at for those who think the federal labor pool is exponentially too deep and filled with people who can’t swim. But I’d rather have contenders be safe.