No Work Done and Name Added
Credit for what others do is necessary for the useless. Glory hogs who do nothing glorious are not about to start performing. Pilfering anything of value is baked into the Democratic platform in general and Joe Biden’s synapses in particular. The suspiciously communal side is committed to condemning individual rights, responsibilities, and accomplishments.
Mooching off what productive people have done is for good reason in a sick way. Every single presently worthwhile occurrence comes in spite of White House saboteurs. They can’t even screw up properly.
Unelected justices deciding what’s acceptable is a democracy-punching outrage if they call to limit federal power. A slight Supreme Court majority has been branded reactionary ideologues, by which they mean people who read and obey the Constitution.
The judiciary is not typically tasked with addressing the economy, but a majority of them are some of the few federal employees willing to perform useful tasks that aren’t in their job descriptions. Elena Kagan doesn’t count.
The rejection of aspiring student loan deadbeats to endure the indignity of compensating those who provided them with a service doubled as a financial boon to the nation. Getting paid back helps lenders who cruelly didn’t treat it as a gift.
Keeping money from becoming even more worthless is as close to a boost as we’ll presently get, so be thankful for unseen blessings. Enjoy a sudden stimulus from the same foresight experts who thought printing money would get us rich.
The money is as big a deal as the mentality. Adding freeloading would have damaged the shards of an already shattered economy. Biden will stay true to form and not give responsibility-confirming justices recognition. Their branch saved his.
The practical consequences of avoiding quasi-legal screwing over of creditors would have been almost as toxic as the mentality that there’s no need to pay incurred charges. Neglecting to think out both sides of an equation fails to defeat math. The process’s thorough indifference to manipulation further infuriates political science majors.
Democrats naturally didn’t ponder the consequence they wouldn’t like, which is one way of trying to make them disappear. The economy cratering like it’s my college bar after graduation doesn’t change that erstwhile attendees still owe the adjacent campus for utilities and professor salaries.
Giving back borrowed money reflects responsibility. Squaring tuition tabs helps the economy on top of how it’s legally and morally owed. Supreme Court justices who voted that bills are not to be disregarded bailed out a president who tried to do so the cheap way. Buying votes gets expensive even when you’re using money seized from others.
Biden says we can have ice cream for dinner. The Federal Reserve announces we’ll be having broccoli for awhile. The president notes how healthy we’re getting. Throttling down inflation is what adults do after brats get their way. Giving out money was supposed to provide us with so much wealth that we’d stop spending an hour copying and pasting invalid coupon codes. Instead, hoping to save 10 percent would even out the surcharge imposed by a frenzied Treasury.
Liberals think citizens flee based on climate change. They’re right, as long as changing to a climate of not being harassed for earning counts. This migration pattern indicates a desire to stop being hassled for the crime of being American humans. Taxing and regulating us for our benefit does everything but actually do that.
Biden’s fantasy civil war sequel enemies are the only jurisdictions keeping his hopes alive. Red States make the entire nation look less woeful under an undermining president. Thank rebel localities who don’t try taxing their way to prosperity for about 110 percent of the jobs created during the Biden shantytown era.
Results don’t apply nationally, but statistics do. Removing barriers in spite of who’s running the next level is the selfless gift of true patriots who care about the nation despite who regrettably won the top office.
Anything welcome in Biden’s America happens as he toils to thwart it. The clumsy goon is even terrible at stomping out opposition even with full access to the resources of the federal government. An ideology the incumbent loathes thrives in pockets despite his dedication to crushing prosperity.
It’s not about who gets commended, even though he should at least be polite about who’s helping him in the face of his contempt. Thriving governors don’t expect praise. Results are the sole important thing, which stands in contrast with liberals who make a show out of ultimately doing nothing useful.
Trying their hardest to drag down the nation and everyone in it might seem a bit counterproductive. But Democrats claim to be super into helping. The precise opposite won’t stop them. As for actual assistance, mild victories in skirmishes during a war on achievement will have to sustain morale. Biden’s successful at fighting success. If you’d like to pursue things most people would think of as good, you’ll have to wait at least a year.
Creating good news for a useless president to swipe like it’s earned money remains the right thing to do. The sort of people who can create prosperity even with Biden as executive are also ones who won’t stop because it’ll be misappropriated.
Helping the appalling oaf in the equivalent federal office appear competent is what grownups are willing to do in a world that features children in their 80s. Expect Biden to hat-tip Republicans who help him as soon as printing money starts making us rich.
Triumph during outright efforts to destroy it is at least a victory for the human spirit. It’d be nice to not get such opportunities as exceptions. Biden should at least learn to be appreciative. A lifetime politician and political failure’s only chance for re-election relies on Republicans countering his daft machinations. Begging for their help while ripping off acclaim is how a man who believes we’re all in this together shares.