Our Father, Who Art in D.C.
A demented take leads to logical conclusions in their illogical way. Take how government fixing life means needing to elect saviors. Those holding temporary positions must be the ones fate has chosen to dispense blessings. An indifferent structure leads to invasive abuse if enough suckers vote in a special way.
Praising empty shelves as a statement against materialism is a popular hobby amongst those who weren’t just looking for any alternate to the previous incumbent. As a reminder they’d like to forget, there were genuine Joe Biden fans who either thought against every bit of evidence he’d succeed. At least, they were tired of their money being valuable. His cultish side’s creepy infatuation with hoary statists led to backing a cool grandpa who was going to create prosperous peace. Except for the things, things are super.
Politicians who promise to plan everything sure struggle to make anything swell. Appreciate inflation of war and fear just to make your worthless currency not feel so isolated. Consistency is the worst virtue for elected fiends.
We’re blessed with an inspirational underling who will lead us into a joyous future until she talks. Kamala Harris is the vice president, in case you had put her out of mind like Democrats hope. She’s doing super as long as she’s not expected to talk sensibly. Win a debate by ceding time to her. It’s of course racist and sexist to notice someone selected for her race and sex is at best incoherent. The Supreme Court is closer to ruling that observation is unconstitutional.
Democrats filled with hope would be adorable if they weren’t inflicting their dreamy nonsense on everyone else. There’s a reason they don’t try running companies by getting promoted instead of imposing orders on them, and their inherent ineptness naturally means the country suffers instead of just one company.
Forget thinking if your own path thanks to bumbling schemers who want to hassle you in broad visionary terms and also on irksomely specific issues. Bumbling hayseed Jimmy Carter, oily seducer Bill Clinton, and prototypical bullplop salesman Barack Obama are seeing their legacy continue. Career politicians never peddle anything customers actually want.
Trusting humans instead of systems is inevitably foolish when same humans want to warp said systems. State intervention means pushing the USS USA well past its design parameters. An ideological commitment to believing government makes life better is as harmful a notion as it is a practice. The only way to make this curious delusion more unpalatable is to adulate the messianic simpletons in question.
Very substantive political junkies are deeply committed to the image. In a perversely helpful way, two wasted years provided an easy way for dupes to self-identify. Nervous infiltrators want to keep thinking masks kept us safe just like they demand government fritters what you earned on whatever they call infrastructure.
Checking results would damage faith, which is how these sort of morons with these sort of moronic guarantees remain electable. There’s all the difference between who can win and whether or not it’s a swell notion.
Sadly, we can no longer claim it’s one side that’s one-sided. Republicans better be moving past the Trump cult unless they like being the other party that invests its faith in a wholly flawed savior. One of the endless regrettable portions of the dedication to worshiping the phoniest strongman was contaminating conservatism with the notion that its goals could be advanced by a single bossy branch.
The technical Republican’s endless array of shady tumbling companies were run as poorly as the government while he was executive. Now, we cope with the shameful legacy of semi-bipartisan dedication to believing respective side’s prophets are capable of fixing everything with diktats. Faux muscularity distracts from the actual lack of chin-ups.
Decent people should get exemptions. They possess them naturally by what we used to call rights. America needs a leader who notes that Russia sucks as much as muggers. The next president should ideally be only focused on bothering others through international relations, including international parties with whom we want no relations. Protecting against genuine infringements allows us to figure out the rest.
Trust is the true test of authority. The temptation to bully should be resisted by the noble. Kids who were shaving in junior high can choose to either use results of quick growth spurts to harass those who haven’t hit their voice changes yet or protect them from goons who do exactly that. The pandemic was a chance to avoid telling those who were scared they needed to undergo solitary confinement. Stress on mental health that didn’t protect physical health was the sadly natural result of the urge to intervene.
Don’t even trust those who trust you. Anyone who wants your vote is to be treated as suspicious. One who recognizes limitations should still be kept on probation. Be endlessly suspicious of any leader who claims to reluctantly use as little power as possible. The truly wise and decent candidate will understand the Solomonic test. Stop cutting our incomes in half.