Parading Evil Through Gaza

Anthony Bialy
4 min read6 days ago


Free Palestine got costly. Cheering for upon seeing murdered infants they captured shows just who Gaza residents are, which surprises liberal American observers who told enthusiastic spectators they weren’t to blame. Some people just won’t listen. Behavior too diabolical for Marvel movie supervillains is a documentary.

Calling everyone a Hitler enthusiast except for those who copy his behavior might just possibly be seen as a reflection of misplaced priorities. Screeching alleged resistance officers claim they’re opposed to Germany at its worst while blaming the only Jewish country for being attacked. Those who call Elon Musk a Nazi for waving awkwardly and reducing superfluous taxpayer spending don’t seem particularly concerned about showcasing slaughtered Jewish babies.

Much remains backward. But at least noticing it is headed forward. Like the notions that chosen pronouns are a true reflection of oneself and America is fundamentally racist, treating Gazans as innocent victims of Israeli attacks who aren’t represented accurately by Hamas is daftness that finally faded as truth won out.

It turns out the people who elected Hamas had representative democracy all along. People in power doing one’s bidding comes with a downside if a majority of voters form a soulless baby-killing bloc. Anyone who says a rampaging terror crew doesn’t represent its constituency should wait for cheering to subside.

Tell anti-Semites there’s genocide in Gaza. Let them think they’re vindicated for exactly one second. The bad guys have been the same all along. It’s just that the most oblivious have refused to accept the most obvious truth until it marched past.

Columbia students demand to take the day off. Skipping classes to honor their heroes is why they went to college. American leftists treat Hamas like their special malevolent pet. Thinking any commie terror movement is charming in its fight against oppression is nothing new. This century’s Viet Cong are evil, but at least they fight for same.

Despising the only Middle Eastern country that hosts pride parades instead of massacred baby ones is not the best way to flaunt tolerance. Going about one’s business in Israel is unacceptable to those who leave nobody alone.

Ghouls cheering for corpses make it clear they have no interest in siding with virtue. Supporters and participants in unspeakable heinousness have announced they don’t want support for their ostensible goal. Gaza will gain support for statehood when they un-execute hostages they never took.

Oh, right: this started with an attack on a music festival. Fiends probably shouldn’t attack citizens of a righteous nation enjoying their lives if they don’t want to be hunted by the virtuously well-armed. I also suggest not sneak attacking harbors if you prefer not getting nuked. There’s no need to repeat what happens to those who never learn history. I blame underfunding Gaza schools.

The only thing worse than ignorance is learning the wrong thing. Anti-Semites will go back as far as they can to find some way to blame their primary enemy. The usual preeners who think they speak for the downtrodden maintain that incitement began before October 7 with Israel’s systematic oppression, which is a funny way of defining ceaseless attacks against it.

Consistency can be overrated. The same awful idiots who declare America asked for September 11 make excuses for the most vile acts against life itself by the self-professed religion of peace.

Jealousy can make the inflicted vicious. One religion possess one sliver of sand in the Middle Eastern desert, and the exception in unacceptable to rather intolerant neighbors. A juvenile impulse is familiar to everyone with a bratty sibling who never gives a particular item a thought until your parents give you one. Then, there is no justice until they receive the same. Wanting something solely because Jews have it combines the most basic impulses with the oldest prejudice.

The unaccomplished blame those who make them look even more relatively woeful. The area’s sole outpost where one can exercise natural rights makes everyone else look bad by thriving while surrounded by what set designers seek when they’re trying to recreate the Third World.

God’s chosen people didn’t need filthy oil money, either. The most important factor in non-tacky success is basic respect. Decent nations leave others alone. By contrast, the innately envious figure everyone who’s succeeded ripped off many who are poor. Taxing earners into submission is the same twisted impulse behind excusing criminality while shrugging off trauma inflicted on their victims. Both miserable notions are at play in contempt for Israel.

A present conflict offers a straightforward timeless example of the difference between the decent and wicked. A clear a distinction as possible remains insufficient for sophisticated contemporary moralizers who conjure any excuse possible for diabolical behavior. The barbarians try their hardest to emphasize the distinction. Professional malefactors have only destruction against those who built civilization out of nothing. The easiest moral test has been failed. The Gaza Parade Committee is prepared to flaunt their victims’ corpses again if it helps.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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