Passive President
Whoever’s causing people to be sad about so many kinds of brokenness really hates Joe Biden. The phantom jerk holds a personal grudge against our dear president. Hurting this pitiful executive’s feelings is particularly cruel when he’s trying to save us from being glad we can’t afford to buy things because they’d be stolen, anyway.
Everything just happened to fall apart in January 2021. Life turned chaotic at the most random moment. Biden didn’t ask for this burden aside from running for and winning the presidency. Next, you’ll flaunt enough nerve to claim he did a bunch of dumb things to make life suck.
Thorough disorder occurs by pure chance. Rough times are uncannily happening during an administration that thinks it should run every last life aspect. Take how airlines suddenly can’t make airliners work. Did you ever suddenly forget how to button a shirt? Maybe those who own a bunch of jets started thinking about something they did routinely and didn’t realize how they had been doing it.
I find it difficult to believe professional plane outfits suddenly forgot how to move humans through the sky. Those foolish enough to attempt to engage in transit endure coincidental stasis while every conglomerate that sticks to the land struggles with conditions, too.
It’s not like the clouds are suddenly filled with green slime that halts forward movement. Feeling grounded overlaps with a transportation secretary doing for the skies what he did for everything underneath them in South Bend. Pete Buttigieg’s favorite hobby of blaming businesses coping with his incompetence makes him the prototypical White House staffer.
Sellers are suddenly deep into gouging. It sure is baffling that they didn’t profiteer under the previous greedy Republican administration. One skilled in conspiratorial theorizing might note it would’ve been easy to get away with greedy margins back in those awful times when buyers checked which outlets offered the best products at the most agreeable prices.
Corporations waiting to gouge until a president they loathe took office shows just how ideological they are. Gas stations apparently have a personal grudge against Biden. Class warfare nature enthusiasts living in civilization enjoy the hobby of assailing them under normal conditions. When prices mysteriously skyrocket following an inauguration, it must be caused by conglomerates loathing a new guy who won’t let greed fester.
Explaining why profits are going to seem high during an era of high costs and higher inflation goes ignored by class warfare warriors. Instead of bickering about the present percentage, perhaps let fuel peddlers acquire some of the fuel underfoot so it’s too cheap to matter. I’m sure limiting supply doesn’t increase prices as illustrated by a graph you see on the first day of high school economics.
A very helpful media framing endless crises as problems for a sorry president to face has to pretend they have to turn away subscribers. Gas prices apparently randomly spike. Meanwhile, a minuscule reduction was brought to you by your loving president. Also, the mob says you can pay slightly less protection money, so your adulation better seem enthusiastic.
Everything is swell and compassionate. Oh, and baby food disappeared. Starving infants would be too manipulative as a script for those predicting how traumatic this term would unfold. The starving infant aisle is just the most awful example of empty shelves from those whose contempt for the smallest humans doesn’t end at unfettered abortion.
Shopkeepers once hid empty spaces with dry goods. But the ability to buy delicious items was in the before time. Now, businesses once inefficiently packed with things that hadn’t even been sold now comfortably resemble Soviet supermarkets.
Some Americans are thriving. Unfortunately, it’s only those stealing what few material goods are left. Villains are a natural constituency of a political movement based on falling for every sob story. Biden is particularly skilled at ignoring actual sobbing. He’d struggle to implement his ideology otherwise.
Christmas for those who enjoy inflicting mayhem. Santa watches helplessly as the naughty get everything on their lists. Cities don’t feel particularly jolly. Predators bloom now that they’re free to emerge from the shadows.
Preyers upon the innocent were waiting to commit offenses until they found themselves enabled by politicians who do the same with a quasi-lawful sheen. Booming thievery randomly timed perfectly with a legal and cultural shift to deciding that punishing those for doing nothing more than causing harm is uncool.
Unfortunate Democratic mayors must cope with Democratic policies. The lack of cash bail means way more cash is being stolen. Making those suffering the indignity of being arrested is mean enough. The expectation to leave cash as collateral must violate the Constitution. Paying to no longer be locked up would make poor suspects poor. Do you want to harm the economy? I thought you liked prosperity.
Criminals notice enticements just like decent people. If politicians think that’s sick, they should stop enabling the twisted phenomenon. The biggest disincentive to plundering is that stolen currency isn’t worth much. Fight crime with inflation.
Spare a thought for the overwhelmed guy who must face a rotten economy and international turmoil. The person who handed off this burden should feel great shame.
The incumbent resembles Dante complaining about what’s happening to him instead of realizing how much control he has. Even Kevin Smith could manage to make one half-decent movie, which is more than we can say for the president’s decisions.
An ideology based in communalizing naturally lends itself to concluding bad things just happen. So, that’s why the president avoids blame is policy. The very productive worker can’t figure out how others got rich while dictators decide to boss around other countries, too.
A president who’s dedicated a lifetime of public service to learning nothing about what serves the public concluded those who trade stole it while those who really stole can’t be stopped. Biden has to deal with the Biden presidency. I simply feel awful for the sad bastard who just happened to be in charge when conditions collapsed.