Pointing Fingers for Prosperity
We should have broken up by now. The abusive relationship between hasslers and the hassled should end in divorce, but the former use the force of law to keep anyone from walking away. It’s very romantic.
Blaming others for their failures is the skill liberals developed instead of learning how to create prosperity. The notion that handing out allegedly free money instead of actually creating something would spur universal joy is so fatuous that only Joe Biden could make it. Professional finger-pointers didn’t precisely give themselves much material to work with, although you don’t have to feel sorry for them.
Pass along consequences to feel responsible. Friends of our delicate environment drop glowing toxic waste on your lawn then complaining how you dispose of it. You’re violating regulations, claim those who generated something to violate. The haunting greenish glow serves as a distraction.
Americans who are poor in every sense spend their woeful days spent determining how to deal with onerous agonies inflicted upon them by a White House that thinks it knows how everything works and makes nothing work. The only worse outcome is getting blamed for how they reply to the assault. Victim-shaming makes the violation even more shameful.
The executive party adores kvetching about circumstances unless they personally inflict them. The same enabling lunatics who have an excuse for every criminal don’t accept excuses for agony caused by their policies which they laughably label progressive.
Creating abhorrent conditions which can be exploited with a rights narrowing is almost a neat trick. Victims should know who harmed them. Sob stories about not being able to pay back student loans ignore the true tales about what made tuition more costly than plutonium in the first place. The craftiest burglars seduce you into duplicating house keys.
It’s the host’s fault for wanting the parasite to drain a bit less. Sellers possess the audacity to end up with a little more than expenses. Demonizing conglomerates coping with unhinged mandates happens to conform with their ideology. The increasingly conspiratorial-minded might suspect they’re ruining life just so they can impose daft solutions. But that would mean they’re capable of planning something. Habitual debtors are just borrowing from any loan sharks who haven’t heard of their aversion to repaying.
Liberals become conservatives when they see liberalism’s results. Inflation must be the Walton’s family fault. Conglomerates trying to outpace the worthlessness of currency must have caused money to be worthless in the first place. Pretending to not know where the cycle starts keeps it going until everything stops.
Perverse incentives are one way to create understanding of markets. Confiscating choices to replace them with a sole lousy one has resulted in just as much bliss as everyone not employed by this White House anticipated. If you loathe Ayn Rand, don’t turn her novels into history books.
Life uncannily turned miserable the moment the incumbent started getting his way. Reality must heed his tantrums by law. It must be mean Republicans who want to make the poor president look bad by planting policies that would cause trauma during his second year. People can’t afford products that are unavailable wonder which blessing to count. Where did all the baby food go?
Biden’s worst offense is making Donald Trump look competent. A caretaker who was unable to manipulate the system despite proclaiming he’s the best at everything relies on comparison to failure to compensate for his own meager accomplishments. Biden has been a huge help to the lunatic brainless superficially patriotic cultish MAGA fringe. The conspiratorial might think these crude dolts are out to help each other.
Trump’s greatest strength is not being as strong as he claims. An outsider moaned about the inside he never learned about being big bullies. Meanwhile, Biden spent his adult life learning how to manipulate the system. Unfortunately, he remembers a little bit.
Using the resources our dear planet provides creates disaster to those who prefer purity through inefficiency. Draining the Keystone Pipeline did the opposite of saving the Earth. The environment remains unchanged. Meanwhile, Americans are idling while Russian tanks remain rolling. Everything is moving smoothly otherwise.
Class warfare maneuvers let poverty win. Drafted soldiers are always the ones who suffer in battle. Those who initiated conflict remain safe from the hellish fray. Life is surely going well if “inflict” is the best word for describing implementation of ideas. Please stop trying to help.
The party that enforces jealousy as policy isn’t going to do anything foolish like notice how much harm they cause, much less admit failure while repenting for ever doubting that Americans could create their own success. The perpetually resentful instead compensate with louder kvetching. The decibel level distracts from what their dear compassionate notions caused. Culprits call the tip line to narc on those who suffered from their crimes. They still expect the reward.