Promises Emptied

Anthony Bialy
4 min readDec 20, 2021


The difference between being a millionaire and saying you have a million dollars has become indistinct. For liberals, it’s the same thing. Reality naturally disagrees, but the way things are hasn’t stopped them from believing any of the other hilarious things they do. In this particular bout with existence, Treasury printers working overtime have not quite created prosperity. Operating them at peak capacity was supposed to create good Washington jobs that make everyone else rich, too.

Those handing out money should know the source. But alleged fans of the environment plunder resources without ever replenishing them. Looters of the productive are clear-cutting forests that would’ve been maintained by those who know you must plant more trees to stay in business. Wait until alleged friends of the Earth learn that free markets encourage efficiency.

It’s not that contemporary government fans demand it be implemented Iron Curtain-style: it’s that they can’t think of any examples where they don’t think it should intimately infringe on every decision. Calling them commies should be taken as compliment. Asking just how they disagree with government promising to take away unemployment and fear provokes the same confused looks after inquiring where the government’s money comes from.

America’s bitchiest critics can’t quite articulate what they love about a place they won’t stop condemning. Ungrateful citizens sure love the notion that a promise from a government that never figured out how to deliver the mail will deliver on making everyone healthy. All it takes is saying it. A politician’s claims must be true by law. Otherwise, government would be violating its own commands, and who isn’t going to obey?

Nothing ever works out. It’s more than merely melodrama from angst-plagued humans venting on Facebook. Those craving to be dominating think it’s going to be the very politicians who screwed everything up in the first place saving us from life’s challenges. Dragging everyone down is especially appalling considering their useless maneuvering sunk us in the first place. Switchblade aficionados offer to drive us to urgent care for stitches.

For people who profess a deep allegiance to science, unofficial federal agents sure loathe evidence. Liberals who are allergic to evidence presume their proclamations become reality, as otherwise they’d be ignorant dolts.

Communal health care, envy-based finances, and treating the law-abiding as criminals while acting as if actual criminals are misunderstood all exacerbate the very problems that are supposedly being solved. Examples of federal spending doing anything but wasting what individuals earned remain pending. Drain to fill.

At least the latest failing schemes distract from each other. Worrying about attacks on the innocent after handing Afghanistan back to the BFFs of terrorists offers a break from wondering if supermarket shelves feel useless while not holding up products. Your inspirational president knows you can only ponder one horror at a time.

All this money sure doesn’t seem to be buying much stuff. It’s not quite exciting to see if we’ll be paying 83 dollars for a gallon of milk by the time the Biden presidency is done inflicting all this prosperity on us. Massive inflation will make dairy farmers rich. Didn’t you learn anything from the fantastically escalating minimum wage?

The next bout of virus restrictions will be the ones stopping the spread. Mocking the two-week claim is back to being in vogue after going on for so long that people make fun of the jokes themselves. A graph of the laugh quantity would be easier to grasp for politicians than ones noting what they’re enforcing is working and also isn’t, which is why they have to keep going even though you’re totally free.

Most people don’t know they have it until tested, which just makes the virus more insidious. Imagine living with something that’ll totally kill you and living your whole long life never knowing. The lack of frights coming to fruition sure is a bummer for those trying to make life a haunted house. It’s already hard enough either admitting they aren’t stopping anything but the economy or conceding they enjoy bossing people around.

Enjoy just another case where they temporary emergency powers sure seem permanent. Other than exacerbating while extending, they’ve stopped the raging virus. Life hasn’t been preserved in any sense.

Intervening during a contagious emergency was supposed to be government at its purest. It was, all right. It turns out pesky checks or balances were in place to save politicians from inflicting even more agony. Elected messiahs just need to manipulated enough voters who think participating in their decisions once was sufficient.

Those who crave having their rights taken for their alleged safety have betrayed humanity and would certainly cheat on partners. Object at any wedding and over cocktails discussing relationships. The worst part is how much those begging to be controlled suck at sarcasm.

Mocking those who want freedoms while acting as if your county’s doltish executive knows just when to halt the virus by forcing you to breathe through cloth again are sick in every way. The next secluded seating at a sporting event will finally keep them healthy.



Anthony Bialy
Anthony Bialy

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